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Old 12 Sep 2003, 17:04   #1
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Star Wars FANatics Unite!

Nimeni nu discuta nimca pe aici despre Star Wars ... cum este posibil asa ceva .. am auzit ca este un forum romanesc deosebit si reusit si totusi intru si nu gasesc nici macar un subiect desspre Star Wars :cry:

2 be continued :
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Old 12 Sep 2003, 17:08   #2
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Familia Skywalker se intoarce!

Star Wars Episode 7 - The Fallen Hero (adica darth Vader)

Forty years have passed since the events depicted in Return of the Jedi, where the nefarious Emperor Palpatine met his doom. During the decades since the Battle of Endor, the New Republic slowly swallowed up the remnants of the Empire. However, new enemies have emerged from a rogue group of Dark Jedi and from a powerful alien species located in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. Han Solo and Lando Calrissien are now in their seventies while Leia Organa Solo, Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade-Skywalker are in their sixties. Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade-Skywalker have long since married and have a son named Jhon.

The Cloud City of Bespin has been converted into one of the many Jedi training facilities located all throughout the galaxy. Numbering in the thousands, the Jedi Order is fast approaching its Old Republic zenith. Bespin is now the home to both Jedi Masters, Knights and Apprentices.

During routine Jedi training on Bespin, hundreds of Dark Jedi invade wearing jet packs, which send them like a swarm dropping into the upper reaches of the cloud city. These Dark Jedi are seeking to re-establish the legacy of Darth Vader and, hence, they wear a more-advanced-looking version of Darth Vader's black helmet and body armor in honor of their fallen hero.

As the Dark Jedi attack Bespin, their sleek battle satellites hover above the floating city and rain down turbolaser fire on the city. The Jedi are taken by complete surprise. However, the Dark Jedi seek not to conquer Bespin, but to capture some of the Jedi's prized holocrons, which hold vast quantities of information about the ancient ways and customs of the Jedi. As hundreds of lightsabre battles erupt between the Jedi and their dark counterparts, some of the Dark Jedi use concussion grenades to cause damage to Bespin's superstructure.

A few of the holocrons are captured by the Dark Jedi. With their mission now complete, the Dark Jedi retreat from the Cloud City and fly away from the city using their jet packs which they wear on their backs. The Dark Jedi fly into the nearby clouds and disappear. The roar of engines can be heard as the Dark Jedi escape in their customized Tie Ragers, which were hidden in the clouds.

The members of the Jedi Council, currently only seven are present on Coruscant, quickly gather themselves in the new Jedi Temple. Under Luke Skywalker's guidance, the legendary 12-member Jedi Council on Coruscant was re-established. Both Luke and Leia are current members of the Council. However, neither is present on Coruscant to hear Jhon's report (Jhon is the son of Luke and Mara) of the Dark Jedi's attack on Bespin. Jhon's report to the Council ends with the news that Bespin has been left in near ruins as a result of the assault. Jhon reports that the Dark Jedi have stolen some of their sacred holocrons. The Council senses that a new war may soon erupt.

Meanwhile, Luke and Mara are many light years from both Coruscant and Bespin and are unaware of the attack on Bespin. Luke and Mara, with their Jedi entourage, are in the Bendu crossways securing badly needed supplies for the various Jedi training facilities. Upon returning to their Jedi starship, Luke and Mara learn from C-3PO and R2-D2 that the Dark Jedi have stolen some of the holocrons from a damaged Bespin. After learning of this shocking news, Luke and Mara hyperspace to Bespin in their starship.

During their journey to Bespin, Mara contacts Leia concerning the attack on Bespin. Leia tells Mara that she has already learned of the attack and will be returning to the Jedi Tower on Coruscant as soon as possible. Han and Leia are knee deep in negotiations on the outskirts of New Republic territory. Leia is negotiating with the Raverons, a dangerous alien species that lives in the Unknown Regions, concerning one of Lando's mining facilities which is located just outside of Raveron territory.

At the Republic Senate, Lana - Han and Leia's eldest granddaughter - is a member of the Senate. The Senate is in hot debate on how to handle the Dark Jedi debacle at Bespin. Some senators want to get involved while others seek to ignore that matter and want to let the Jedi handle their own problems.

Meanwhile, the leader of the Dark Jedi is elated to learn that some of the holocrons have successfully been taken from the Jedi. The leader is currently at the Dark Jedi's cloning facility, which is located on an artificial comet hurtling through space. The leader is using this facility to make clones of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. The Dark Jedi plan to fulfill Darth Vader's prophecy that he and Luke should rule the galaxy as father and son and bring peace and order to the galaxy. The Dark Jedi are using Imperial DNA samples of Vader to produce a clone of the Dark Lord of the Sith and are using DNA samples from Luke's severed hand to produce a clone of the venerable Jedi Master. Skywalker's severed hand is currently owned by one of the chief Dark Jedi named, Spiden.

The leader of the Dark Jedi is angered when he learns that the information contained on the holocrons has been encrypted. They must now find someone who can decrypt the safeguard that protects the invaluable information located within the holocrons.

Meanwhile, Spiden hatches a plan to leak the Dark Jedi's efforts to clone Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker to agents working within both the New Republic and the Raveron. Spiden hopes the leader of the Dark Jedi will be destroyed by either forces from the New Republic or the Raverons so that he can become the new leader of the Dark Jedi. Spiden leaks this information to both sides. Both the New Republic and the Raveron plan to intercept the Dark Jedi comet, which is hurtling through space near the Sluivan system.

Also, Spiden contacts Luke Skywalker and asks the great Jedi Master to meet with him on the planet of Sluivan. In a volcanic cavern on Sluivan, Spiden tells Luke that Spiden has something that Luke might want to have back. Spiden places Luke's hand, which is stored in a small preservation chamber, in the middle of the cavern between the two. Spiden tells Luke of the Dark Jedi's plans to clone Vader and Luke. Luke is horrified upon hearing this news. Further, Spiden offers to give back Luke's hand in exchange for a duel. It becomes clear to Luke that only the winner of this duel will be able to keep the hand. This is the only way Luke has a chance to become fully human again without any bionic implants.

Luke tells Spiden that Luke is only half the man he use to be in his prime. Spiden replies to Luke that he has no problems with striking down an old man like Luke because Spiden's own fallen hero, Darth Vader, had no problem striking down the aged Obi-Wan Kenobi on the death star. Spiden draws his lightsabres; one in each of his hands as is Spiden's fighting style. While Luke may be many years older than Spiden, Luke was still many times more powerful in the ways of the Force than Spiden. Luke is so powerful that he no longer has to rely on weapons for protection. With a quick throw of his hand, Luke uses the Force to send Spiden plummeting over a cliff located at the edge of the cavern. Luke picks up the small chamber containing his hand and leaves the cavern. Luke plans to head back to Coruscant.

All members of the Jedi Council are now present on Coruscant and their inner sanctum, which contains the members, is beamed vis a vis a 3D holographic image onto the Senate chamber floor. The leaders of the Senate tell the Jedi Council that they must unite their forces in order to destroy the comet which contains the Dark Jedi's cloning facilities. The New Republic/Jedi launch their forces to intercept the Dark Jedi comet.

Both the New Republic/Jedi and the Raverons are in pursuit of the Dark Jedi's comet. Sensors tell the Dark Jedi that they are being pursued by two hostile forces. Immediately, the leader of the Dark Jedi senses that the New Republic/Jedi seek to destroy the comet while the Raverons are planning to capture the comet and use the cloning technology against the New Republic.

Knowing that the Dark Jedi will be defeated, the leader of the Dark Jedi orders that the comet's heading be changed so that it will crash into one of the Sluivan moons in 15 minutes. The leader tells his Dark Jedi to place the growing clones of Vader and Luke into the escape cruiser. The leader plans to have the attacking New Republic/Jedi and Raveron forces destroyed when the comet smashes into a small moon. Starships from both sides attach themselves to the side of the comet and burrow their way inside the comet. Strike forces from the New Republic/Jedi and the Raverons invade the comet and battle each other. Each side is trying to make their way to the heart of the cloning complex. The Dark Jedi escape in their cruiser with the growing clones. When the New Republic/Jedi learn of the comet's collision course with the moon, they retreat to their cruisers and flee the area. The Raverons try to change the comet's trajectory, but fail to make the changes in time to avoid the moon. The comet, the moon and the Raverons are obliterated in the collision.

While the Dark Jedi cloning facility has been destroyed, the New Republic and Jedi are unaware that the Dark Jedi succeeded in preserving the growing clones of Vader and Luke, which will be utilized in the Dark Jedi's grand scheme to conquer the galaxy . . .

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Old 12 Sep 2003, 17:09   #3
Spirit of the System
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LOL! Filmele bune din seria star wars au cam apus cu primele trei! Poate ultimul sa-mi schimbe parerea. Oare un nou topic ca celel lotr si matrix...
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Old 12 Sep 2003, 17:28   #4
The White Rider
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Star Wars Episode 3

Aloo ai cam intarziat cu sumarul asta ... il am de acum un an de zile ...
Dk tot eshti asha tare cum te crezi vreau poze din Episode 3 ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 12 Sep 2003, 21:20   #5
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ia zi mai... ai vazut cum arata anakin skywalker in episodul 3? daca nu, du-te la killermovies.com.
n-au prea tinut cont de parerea fanilor. la un homing beacon care l-am primit era un sondaj legat de freza lui, iar pe primul loc iesise stilul 'tomahawk'.
la naiba, nu trebuiau sa-l aduca pe chewbacca. ce cauta monstrul ala?
abia astept sa-l vad pe vader.

May the Force be with you!!!
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Old 13 Sep 2003, 22:16   #6
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Ce ai ma cu Chewie ? Mie mi-a placut foarte mult. De abea astept sa-l vad + stiai faza cu droizii : "Cum se face ca C-3PO si R2-D2 nu-si amintesc de personajele din episoadele 4,5,6?"

Raspuns foarte usor din partea lui Lucas - "memoria le-a fost stearsa"

the power of this station is insignificant to the power of the FORCE
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Old 14 Sep 2003, 11:25   #7
El Chewbaccabra
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E dragutz episodul 7. Din pacate vine in contradictie cu cartile lui Timothy Zann si cu majoritatea liniei temporale din Expanded Universe.

Daca o sa se faca vreodata un episod 7, desi ma indoiesc, cred ca se vor folosi ideile lui Zann. El este maestrul cand vine vorba de continuarea povestii.
Imi spui te rog de unde ai gasit scenariul asta?
Si da, sunt complet de acord ca trebuie sa vb mai mult de STAR WARS!
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 14 Sep 2003, 14:52   #8
The White Rider
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Uite aici potzi sa gaseshti mai multe chestii ...



Apropo site-ul de la Star Wars.com s-a schimbat ... cred k ne pregateste ptr intrarea in Episode 3 - aproape de 4,5,6 cu shiu kam lasa de dorit ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 17 Sep 2003, 23:44   #9
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au aparut primele poze din episodul 3. e un prim-plan cu anakin. ce ziceti?
le gasiti la www.comingsoon.net
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Old 18 Sep 2003, 14:40   #10
El Chewbaccabra
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Oh my god. They turned Darth Vader into a hippie!


Dar sa stiti ca este o asemanare destul de evidenta.
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 18 Sep 2003, 16:02   #11
The White Rider
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Oh my GOD! The killed "Kenny" (Vader)
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 19 Sep 2003, 00:32   #12
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Poza asta am vazut-o si eu si cred ca este chiar reusita ... Lucas asta stie el ce face! N-o sa ne dezamageasca
Vara 2005 - e departe rau de tot da stiu ca o sa merite asteptarea si mai stiu ca trilogia LOTR se incheie in iarna asta da la mine cu Star Wars mai edestul!
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Old 22 Sep 2003, 16:53   #13
The White Rider
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aici itzi dau dreptate ... o sa ies la pensie pana knd o sa vina Star Wars ... Episode 3 ... kre nici macar nu shtim cum se numeshte ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 25 Sep 2003, 15:27   #14
The White Rider
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Haidetzi sa haidem ... chiar asha mah! nimeni nu este cat de cat interesat de Star Wars ...

haidetzi sa lansam un topic sa vedem kre mai e faza ...

Care este cel mai bun film STAR WARS de pana akuma ?

Let's Talk! :wink:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 25 Sep 2003, 16:09   #15
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empire strikes back. asta cred ca-i cel mai bun.
nici atacul clonelor n-a fost rau, in ciuda criticilor unora. si-acum cred ca nu exista film cu efecte digitale mai bune ca 'amenintarea fantomei' si 'aotc'
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Old 26 Sep 2003, 14:04   #16
El Chewbaccabra
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ESB e de departe cel mai bun, insa... in viata mea n-am plans la un film cu am plans la ROTJ. DE FIECARE DATA CAND IL VAD PE VADER CUM MOARE MA BUFNESTE PLANSUL!
Insa am si probleme cu el. Cand ii spune Obi Wan lui Lukeca "from a certain point of view" de fapt i-a spus adevarul in leg cu tatal lui si dup-aia Luke are privirea aia de fraier si repeta "from a certain point of view?". He just lied to you about your father, you moron!
Si cand Luke ii spune adevarul lui Leia... Tocmai afli ca taica-tu e cel mai rau om din galaxie, si o sa-l omoare pe frati-tu si... NADA! Total LACK OF EMOTION!
Dar ma rog... doi frati gemeni care se aseamana.
Oricum, ramane filmul meu preferat.
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 26 Sep 2003, 14:12   #17
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Lady_Skar:
ESB e de departe cel mai bun, insa... in viata mea n-am plans la un film cu am plans la ROTJ. DE FIECARE DATA CAND IL VAD PE VADER CUM MOARE MA BUFNESTE PLANSUL!
Insa am si probleme cu el. Cand ii spune Obi Wan lui Lukeca "from a certain point of view" de fapt i-a spus adevarul in leg cu tatal lui si dup-aia Luke are privirea aia de fraier si repeta "from a certain point of view?". He just lied to you about your father, you moron!
Si cand Luke ii spune adevarul lui Leia... Tocmai afli ca taica-tu e cel mai rau om din galaxie, si o sa-l omoare pe frati-tu si... NADA! Total LACK OF EMOTION!
Dar ma rog... doi frati gemeni care se aseamana.
Oricum, ramane filmul meu preferat.

perfecta dreptate... da mi se pare k cel mai tare este shi o sa ramana return of the Jedi ... adik Empire Strikes back ... au lungit-o cam mult la faza cu asteroidu' ... mi se pare excelenta faza cu vader shi Luke de la sfarshit ... mai ales k George Lucas a transpus relatzia lui cu tatal sau in ultima parte... el vroia k Lucas sa fie avocat shi au stat multzi ani suparatzi shi la sfarshit n-a prea apucat sa vb cu el inainte sa moara ... :cry:

that must really suck! don't it ?
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 26 Sep 2003, 14:21   #18
El Chewbaccabra
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Era sa si uit!
Un zvon absolut ingrozitor care sper ca e doar atat, un zvon! Episode IV:
N-am un link dar cica pe siteul ainitcoolnews.com a aparut zvonul asta: ca George Lucas o sa relanseze Star Wars cu urm schimbari:

A New Hope

01. The Imperial March has been added to Darth Vader's first appearance on Princess Leia's ship.
02. When Obi-Wan is talking to Luke about his father Anakin's Theme plays in the background and then it turns into the Imperial March as he talks about Vader.
03. The lightsaber effects have been redone and the frame jumps of lightsabers being turned on has been removed.
04. There's a new scene which has been shot during the filming of Episode III in which the Emperor dissolves the Senate.
05. In the Cantina, the Duros(green aliens guys) have been replaced with Neimoidians and some aliens from the prequels have been added.
06. The bleeding arm on the floor in the Cantina has been replaced with a non-bleeding arm because it's now canon that lightsabers cauterize wounds.
07. The original shooting scene between Han and Greedo has been restored.
08. Jabba the Hutt has been given a makeover and Han no longer steps on his tale.
09. In place of R2 wobbling down the stairs to the Falcon's hangar, a CG R2 navigating the stairs like he does in Attack of the Clones was added.
10. The white boxes around space ships have been removed and new CG shots have been added.
11. The scene of the Falcon being chased by the two Star Destroyers was modified. The Falcon now does spinning moves, avoiding the Star Destroyers' fire.
12. When the Death Star destroys Alderaan there's a new scene of Yoda's reaction to the disturbance in the Force that is created by all those deaths and then it cuts to Obi-Wan reacting to it as well.
13. The Dianoga has gotten a CG makeover and were are now able to see more of the creature.
14. The Death Star's paneling and computers have been slightly altered to show similar displays to those in the prequels.
15. The words "Tractor Beam" with Aurebesh lettering.
16. More stormtroopers have been added to the Death Star.
17. Use Temuera Morrison's voice is being recorded for use with all the stormtroopers.
18. The Obi-Wan/Vader duel has been spruced up. It is much more epic and there is much more movement. A modified version of Duel of the Fates is being considered for the scene.
19. The Death Star plans that are taken from R2 have been updated. When the Rebels are reviewing the Death Star plans they look similar to the plans we see in Attack of the Clones.
20. The Death Star battle is much more epic with more Tie Fighters and more Rebels being blown to bits. We get to see old Naboo starfighters being used by the Rebels.
21. There's a new scene(shot during Episode III) where Darth Vader goes to Coruscant and lands his ship in the same building Count Dooku does at the end of Attack of the Clones. Except now the building is all fixed up and it is now Palpatine's palace. He meets with Palpatine to ask for forgiveness for his failure and inform him of a new potential who is strong in the Force.
22. Chewbacca now gets a medal.

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

01. The taun-tauns are now CG.
02. The battle of Hoth is much more epic. We see the Imperial ships land on Hoth and release AT-ATs. The AT-ATs have been sped up a bit. There's a ground battle between the Rebel soldiers and stormtroopers featuring new ships and vechicles.
03. Temuera Morrison's voice is being recorded for the older Boba Fett and all the stormtroopers.
04. The white boxes around space ships have been removed.
05. The slug monster is CG.
06. Ian McDiarmid has refilmed scenes as the Emperor. The conversations between Vader and Palpatine is now longer and features a few connections to the prequels.
07. Yoda's face is now animated in CG allowing more expression of emotions yet his movements remain the same. Also two deleted scenes featuring Yoda instructing Luke have been restored.
08. A new scene was shot in which the stormtroopers, after they capture Han, Leia and Chewie, bring Vader the box containing C-3PO in pieces. Vader orders the stormtroopers to bring the broken droid to Chewbacca's cell so that he can fix him.
09. The lightsaber effects have been redone in certain parts.
10. Luke's fall from Cloud City has been reshot against bluescreen using a stuntman.

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

01. Jabba the Hutt is now a combination of the puppet and CG.
02. The Rancor is CG and looks disgusting as ever.
03. Yoda is CG. Yoda disappears leaving his clothes behind like Obi-Wan now.
04. The ewoks are now mostly CG and there are a lot more of them.
05. The plan is to insert the love theme Across the Stars when Luke is talking with Leia about their mother.
06. Temuera Morrison's like before is now the voice for Boba Fett and all the stormtroopers.
07. In the battle of Endor there are thousands of Ewoks and they are more vicious than there midgets-in-suits counterparts. More bit the dust now.
08. White boxes around ships removed.
09. The black blotches around Palpatine's face are gone.
10. Some of the lightsaber effects have been redone. The shadows that the lightsabers made on the floor are gone.
11. During Anakin's death scene it starts with a sad rendition of the Imperial March and slowly evolves into Anakin's Theme.
12. Sebastion Shaw who played Anakin when he was unmasked has been replaced with Hayden Christenson in make-up to make him look older. Anakin has much more dialogue. He apologizes for the destruction he caused, he thanks his son for turning him back to the light, he tells his son to rebuild the Jedi and he says he loves him and his sister. Just before he dies he says, "It is finished...".
13. We see more planets celebrating at the end of the movie. We see an aged Jar Jar, who is now the leader of the Gungans, on Naboo celebrating with the people of Naboo and the Gungans. We see an old Watto, who is now unable to fly, sitting in a hover chair cheering on Tatooine. During these scenes Across the Stars plays transitioning to the victory celebration music at the Ewok tree village.
14. Anakin's spirit is now played by Hayden Christenson with make-up to make him look his age. He looks on proudly at his son Luke with the spirit of Padme by his side.
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 26 Sep 2003, 14:22   #19
The White Rider
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Cum ar fi dk s-ar continua Star Wars - Episode 7 - The Fallen geo ... ar putea foarte ushor sa faca asta ptr k personajele in episodu 7 sunt in varsta shi cred k ashtia au cam imbatranit shi s-au odihnit destul ... mai ale luke Skywalker - Mark Hamill

what do you think ? 8)
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 26 Sep 2003, 16:36   #20
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mi-ar placea sa vad toate 3 episoadele relansate, cu cgi la scara la care se foloseste acum, ar fi 'state-of-the-art'. asta-i parerea mea. adica, ar fi extraordinar sa-l revad pe vader, decat pe luke, continuandu-si cariera.
luptele cu sabiile laser ar iesi fantastic cu posibilitatile de-acum.
este si asta o idee, decat sa termine totul odata cu epidoul III.
I'll festoon my bed-chamber with your guts!!!
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