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Armand Assante joaca in film, teatru si televiziune din 1970; s-a nascut la New York studiind Academia Americana de Arta Dramatica. In 1974 si-a facut debutul cu filmul The Lords of Flatbush, alaturi de Sylvester Stallone. Mai tarziu, Stallone il va lua pe Assante pentru un rol in Paradise Alley in 1978, dupa care Assante a continuat sa apara in filme de diferite genuri: I, the Jury (1992), Private Benjamin (1980), Judge Dredd (1995), A Deadly Business (1986), Hands of a Stranger (1987), The Marrying...
mai multArmand Assante joaca in film, teatru si televiziune din 1970; s-a nascut la New York studiind Academia Americana de Arta Dramatica. In 1974 si-a facut debutul cu filmul The Lords of Flatbush, alaturi de Sylvester Stallone. Mai tarziu, Stallone il va lua pe Assante pentru un rol in Paradise Alley in 1978, dupa care Assante a continuat sa apara in filme de diferite genuri: I, the Jury (1992), Private Benjamin (1980), Judge Dredd (1995), A Deadly Business (1986), Hands of a Stranger (1987), The Marrying Man (1991), The Mambo Kings (1992) si Striptease (1996), Two for the money (2005), Funny Money (2006), American Gangster (2007), California Dremin' (nesfarsit), film regizat de romanul Cristian Nemescu. In viitorul apropiat va aparea in urmatoarele filme: Killer by Nature, Minkow, The Return of Joe Rich, Goat, A fine step, Carpet boy, A Horse Tale.
În privința vieții private, Armand Assante a fost căsătorit cu actrița Karen McArn, din 1982 până în 1994. Au doi copii: Alessandra Assante și Anya Assante. Părinții actorului se numesc Armand Anthony Assante și Katherine Healy.
- A Day Like a Week (2023) - Stan Truman
- Don Q (2023)
- Mister Mayfair / Domnul Mayfair (2021)
- Force et Honneur / Force et Honneur (2021) - Jack White
- The Match / The Match (2021) - Commander
- The Book of Leah / The Book of Leah (2019) - Adam Siegel
- General / General (2019) - Andreas
- Lazarat / The Brave (2019) - Frank Pedulla
- Once Upon a Time in New York City (2019) - Ben Sherman
- Zombie Bride / Zombie Bride (2018) - Mike
- The Family Business / The Family Business (2018) - Sal Dash
- Con Man / Marele escroc (2018) - Jack Saxon
- The Temptation of Charles / The Temptation of Charles (2018) - Charles
- Darc (2018) - Lafique
- The P.I.M.P. / The P.I.M.P. (2018) - Armando
- Oldfellas (2018) - Mussels
- The Neighborhood / The Neighborhood (2017) - Tucci
- The Whole World at Our Feet (2017) - Mussa
- Power of Silence / Power of Silence (2017) - Narrator
- The Wanderers: The Quest of The Demon Hunter / Vânătorul de spirite (2017) - Louis Trailer
- The Deuce (2017) Trailer
- Lost Cat Corona (2017) - Jimmy Pipes
- You Can't Have It (2017) - The Man
- Joe's War (2017) - Doctor Galante
- The Whole World at Our Feet / (2017) - Mussa
- First Law / (2017)
- The Red Maple Leaf / The Red Maple Leaf (2016) - Joseph Cortez
- Wasn't Afraid to Die (2016) - Paul, English Arms Dealer
- Acre Beyond the Rye (2016) - Mitch
- Four Kings (2016) - Jack Wolf (2 episodes, 2016)
- 120/80: Stressed to Kill (2016) - Paul Jordan
- Leaves of the Tree (2016) - Joe Buffa
- Blowtorch (2016) - Canarsie
- Escort Service / (2016) - Cookie
- Carpet Boy (2016) - Ron Adam
- The Elephant Ride (2016) - John Goldman
- Sicilian Vampire / Vampirul sicilian (2015) - Vince
- Kids vs Monsters (2015) - Damian
- Angel of Death (2015) - Oscar
- Blind Pass (2015) - Richard James Trailer
- Paradi$e (2015) - Brad
- Charlie Mantle (2014) - Inspector Bennett
- In Between Engagements / (2014) - Alonzo
- Reverse Side 2: Hunting the Phantom / (2014) - Charles Ingrim
- Montevideo, Bog te video: Prica druga / (2014) - Hotchkins
- A Fine Step / Fandango (2014)
- Assumed Memories / (2013) - Aaron Banfield
- Jeans Generation / (2013) - Heydar Aliyev
- Once Upon a Time in Brooklyn (2013) - Joseph Baldano Sr.
- The Night Never Sleeps / (2012) - Inspector Romanelli
- Jesse / (2011) - Dominick
- A Horse Tale / (2011)
- The Return of Joe Rich (2011) - Uncle Dom Trailer
- Carpet Boy / (2010) - Ron Adams
- Magic Man (2010) - Taper
- Shadows in Paradise / Misiune în Paradis (2010) - căpitanul John 'Ghost' Santos Trailer
- Killer by Nature (2010) - Eugene Branch
- Smile /II (2009) - Tollinger
- The Steam Experiment / Experiment la cald (2009) - Detectiv Mancini Trailer
- The Bleeding (2009) - Jake Plummer
- Darc (2009) - Jesky
- Chicago Overcoat / Reglare de conturi (2009) - Stefano D'Agnostino
- Breaking Point (2009) - Marty Berlin Trailer
- The Lost / Victimele (2009) - Kevin
- La linea / Cartelul (2008) - Padre Antonio Trailer
- Shark Swarm / Teritoriul rechinilor (2008) - Hamilton Lux
- The Man Who Came Back (2008) - Amos Trailer
- Casanova's Last Stand (2007) - Sebastian Marr
- American Gangster / Gangster american (2007) - Dominic Cattano Trailer
- When Nietzsche Wept / Plânsul lui Nietzsche (2007) - Nietzsche
- October Road (2007) - Gabriel Diaz (2 episodes, 2008)
- Children of Wax / Copii de sacrificiu (2007) - Kemal
- Mexican Sunrise / Răsărit de soare în Mexic (2007) - Salvidar
- California Dreamin' (nesfârșit) (2007) - căpitanul Doug Jones Trailer
- Soul's Midnight (2006) - Simon
- Dead Lenny / Ma scuzati, sunt banii mei! (2006) - Tony Thick
- Surveillance / Sub supraveghere (2006) - Harley
- Funny Money / Servieta cu bucluc (2006) - Genero Trailer
- The Commuters (2005) - Donald
- Confessions of a Pit Fighter (2005) - Argento
- Ennemis publics (2005)
- Two for the Money / Viața ca un pariu (2005) - Novian Trailer
- The Third Wish / Cea de-a treia dorință (2005) - Benefactor
- Zerkalnie voyni: Otrazhenie pervoye (2005) - York
- Dot. Kill / Asasin digital (2005) - Charlie Daines
- Evergreen / Destine inlantuite (2004) - Joseph Friedman
- Tough Luck / Ghinion (2003) - Ike
- NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service / NCIS: Anchetă militară (2003) - La Grenouille Trailer
- Citizen Verdict / Verdictul cetățenilor (2003) - Sam Patterson
- Consequence / Consecinte (2003) - Sam Tyler / Max Tyler / Sam Burns
- Partners in Action / Partenerii (2002) - Jack Cunningham
- Push, Nevada (2002)
- Federal Protection / Protectie federala (2002) - Frank Carbone / Howard Akers
- Last Run / Ultima cursă (2001) - Frank Banner
- One Eyed King / Regele orb (2001) - Holly
- After the Storm / După furtună (2001) - Jean-Pierre
- On the Beach / Ultimul tarm (2000) - Dwight Towers
- Looking for an Echo / Nostalgii (2000) - Vince Pirelli
- The Road to El Dorado / Drumul spre El Dorado (2000) - Tzekel-Kan (voce)
- The Hunley / Primul submarin (1999) - Lt. George Dixon
- The Odyssey / Odiseea (1997) - Odysseus
- Striptease (1996) - Al Garcia Trailer
- Gotti (1996) - John Gotti
- Kidnapped / David Balfour (1995) - Alan Breck Stewart
- Judge Dredd / Judecatorul (1995) - Rico Trailer
- Trial by Jury / Verdict sub amenințare (1994) - Rusty Pirone
- Blind Justice / Justiție oarbă (1994) - Canaan
- ER / Spitalul de Urgenţă (1994) - Richard Elliot (4 episodes, 2006)
- Fatal Instinct / Instinct fatal (1993) - Ned Ravine
- The Mambo Kings / Regii mamboului (1992) - Cesar Castillo
- Hoffa (1992) - Carol D'Allesandro
- 1492 - Conquest of Paradise / 1492 - Cucerirea Paradisului (1992) - Sanchez
- Eternity / Eternitate (1992) - Romi / Sean
- The Marrying Man / Femeia visurilor mele (1991) - Bugsy Siegel
- Fever (1991) - Ray
- Q & A / Investigatie periculoasa (1990) - Bobby Texador
- Passion and Paradise (1989) - Alfred De Marigny
- Animal Behavior (1989) - Mark Mathias
- The Penitent / Pacatosul (1988) - Juan Mateo
- Jack the Ripper / Jack Spintecatorul (1988) - Richard Mansfield
- Hands of a Stranger / Mainile unui strain (1987) - Joe Hearn
- Napoleon and Josephine: A Love Story / Napoleon si Josephine (1987) - Napoleon Bonaparte
- Stranger in My Bed (1987) - Hal Slater
- A Deadly Business (1986) - Charles Macaluso
- Belizaire the Cajun (1986) - Belizaire Breaux
- Why Me? (1984) - Dr. James Stallings
- Unfaithfully Yours / Sotia ta necredincioasa (1984) - Maxmillian Stein
- Rage of Angels (1983) - Michael Moretti
- Love & Money (1982) - Lorenzo Prado
- I, the Jury (1982) - Mike Hammer
- Sophia Loren: Her Own Story / Sophia Loren: povestea vietii (1980) - Riccardo Scicolone
- Private Benjamin / Benjamin, recrut fără voie (1980) - Henri Alan Tremont
- Little Darlings / În căutarea primei iubiri (1980) - Gary
- Prophecy / Profetia (1979) - John Hawks
- "Mrs. Columbo" (1979) - Freddie Faust (1 episode, 1979)
- Paradise Alley (1978) - Lenny
- Lady of the House (1978) - Ernest de Paulo
- Human Feelings (1978) - Johnny Turner
- The Pirate / Secretele deșertului (1978) - Ahmed
- First Ladies Diaries: Rachel Jackson (1975) - Robards
- The Lord's of Flatbush (1974) - Wedding Guest
- Kojak (1973) - Tom Ryan (1 episode, 1977)
- The Doctors (1963) - Dr. Mike Powers #6 (1975-1977)
Filmografie - producător
- Don Q (2023)
Filmografie - coproducator
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
Filmografie - în dezvoltare
- Murphy's Creek (2009)
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Frank Lloyd Wright's Buffalo (2006)
- Rashi: A Light After the Dark Ages (1999) - The Inkman
Filmografie - producător executiv
- Dot. Kill / Asasin digital (2005)
Filmografie - mulţumiri
- It Was a Wonderful Life (1993)
3 nominalizări Globul de Aur
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listă cu 224 actori, creată de Vegetarian pe 12 Noiembrie 2011
listă cu 100 actori, creată de zumzooma pe 8 Decembrie 2012
Despre Armand Assante
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Armand Assante, vânător de fantome și vampiri, într-un film românesc independent
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Program cinema
Actori populari
Trailere filme
- Alien: Earth
- Clown in a Cornfield
- Gold & Greed: The Hunt for...
- A Cursed Man
- A Working Man
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Haipeo Naipeu
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
În curând la cinema
- The Colors Within
- The Nutcracker and the Magic Flute
- Hoții de subiecte
- Cocorico
- A Working Man
- Alexandra
- Les trois fantastiques
- Diamant brut
- Caught by the Tides
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- Drop
- Bambi: A Tale of Life in the Woods
- The Proud Princess
- Moon the Panda
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Hitpig!
- Sinners
- Until Dawn
- The Sloth Lane
- TWST - Things We Said Today
- Holy Cow
- The Accountant 2
- Thunderbolts*
- Rosario
- Marea pescuială
- Sirenele: Secretul medalionului
- Shadow Force
- Kaptein Sabeltann og Grevinnen av Gral
Filme noi în SUA
- Kayara
- Starbright
- Michael
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- The Legend of Ochi
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
- 28 Years Later
- M3GAN 2.0
- Naya Legend of the Golden Dolphin
- Jurassic World Rebirth
- Superman
- I Know What You Did Last Summer
- The Fantastic Four: First Steps
Program TV

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Armand Assante
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