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Nascut la 30 noiembrie 1965, Ben Stiller provine dintr-o familie de cunoscuti actori de comedie ai vremii, Jerry Stiller(mai cunoscut la noi in rolul lui Frank Constanza din "Seinfeld") si Anne Meara. Acest fapt l-a apropiat din copilarie de lumea cinematografiei, astfel incat la varsta de 6 ani apare deja in showuri de televiziune impreuna cu parintii lui; mai mult, incepe chiar sa si filmeze inca de la 10 ani, cu o camera de amatori.
Anii studentiei il gasesc interesat de teatru, si dupa ce paraseste Universitatea din Los...
mai multNascut la 30 noiembrie 1965, Ben Stiller provine dintr-o familie de cunoscuti actori de comedie ai vremii, Jerry Stiller(mai cunoscut la noi in rolul lui Frank Constanza din "Seinfeld") si Anne Meara. Acest fapt l-a apropiat din copilarie de lumea cinematografiei, astfel incat la varsta de 6 ani apare deja in showuri de televiziune impreuna cu parintii lui; mai mult, incepe chiar sa si filmeze inca de la 10 ani, cu o camera de amatori.
Anii studentiei il gasesc interesat de teatru, si dupa ce paraseste Universitatea din Los Angeles, California, drumurile il duc catre Broadway unde interpreteaza un mic rol in "The House of blue leaves", ce se dovedeste mai tarziu un succes. Simtul sau critic si ironia debordanta il fac totusi remarcat de catre Lorne Michaels, producatorul show-ului "Saturday Night Live", care il coopteaza in echipa ca si scenarist.
Debutul sau pe marele ecran vine odata cu "Empire of the sun," filmul lansat de Steven Spielberg in 1987. Cum atractia mai mare vine din spatele camerei de filmat, isi petrece anii urmatori in documentare si emisiuni TV, "Back to Brooklyn" fiind difuzata cu real succes pe MTV.
In 1994, Danny de Vito, in calitate de producator, ii acorda credit spre a regiza "Reality Bites", film in care joaca si unul din rolurile principale. De aici, drumul ii este deschis spre o serie lunga de comedii pe care le regizeaza si chiar produce el insusi.
In viata personala, cea mai indelungata relatie a avut-o cu Jeanne Tripplehorn ("Basic Instinct"), dar in 1998 se logodeste cu Christine Taylor("Friends, Zoolander"), cu care se si casatoreste in 2000, avand in prezent 2 copii impreuna.
- Happy Gilmore 2 / Ghinionistul 2 (2025) - Hal L. Trailer
- Nutcrackers (2024) Trailer
- Albert Brooks: Defending My Life / Albert Brooks: Îmi apăr viața (2023) Trailer
- Severance (2022) Trailer
- Locked Down / În izolare (2021) - Guy Trailer
- Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics / Tripat: Aventuri psihedelice (2020) - el însuși Trailer
- Hubie Halloween (2020) - Hal Trailer
- The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling / Jurnalele Zen ale lui Garry Shandling (2018) - el însuși (arhivă) Trailer
- Everybody Has an Andy Dick Story / Everybody Has an Andy Dick Story (2017) - el însuși
- Brad's Status / Statutul lui Brad (2017) - Brad Sloan Trailer
- The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected) / Poveștile familiei Meyerowitz (noi și alese) (2017) - Matthew
- Zoolander: Super Model / Zoolander: Super Model (2016) - Derek Zoolander (voce)
- Zoolander 2 World Tour / Zoolander 2 World Tour (2016) - el însuși
- The First Monday in May / Prima luni din mai (2016) - el însuși
- Haters Back Off! (2016) - Ben Stiller Trailer
- Don't Think Twice (2016) - Ben Stiller
- Zoolander 2 / Zoolander no. 2 (2016) - Derek Trailer
- Big Time in Hollywood, FL (2015) - Jimmy
- Running Wild with Bear Grylls / Celebrități în sălbăticie cu Bear Grylls (2014)
- Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb / O noapte la Muzeu: Secretul Faraonului (2014) - Larry Daley / Laaa Trailer
- While We're Young / Din nou tineri (2014) - Josh Trailer
- Another Period / Din altă epocă (2013) - Charles Ponzi
- The Birthday Boys (2013) - Roger / dl. Turner
- Madly Madagascar / Madagascar: Iubirea (2013)
- He's Way More Famous Than You (2013) - el însuși
- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty / Viața secretă a lui Walter Mitty (2013) - Walter Mitty Trailer
- Burning Love / Dragoste fierbinte (2012) - Joe Rutherford
- The 84th Annual Academy Awards (2012) - el însuși
- Inside Comedy / Lecția de comedie (2012) - el însuși
- The Watch / Extra' pază-n cartier (2012) - Evan Trailer
- Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted / Madagascar 3: Fugăriți prin Europa (2012) - Alex (voce) Trailer
- Close Up (2011) - el însuși
- A Decade of Difference: A Concert Celebrating 10 Years of the William J. Clinton Foundation / (2011) - el însuși
- Unite for Japan (2011) - el însuși
- Eagleheart / Eagleheart (2011) - Silly Sammy
- Workaholics (2011) - Del Jacobson
- Tower Heist / Jaf... la turnul mare (2011) - Josh Kovaks Trailer
- The Trip / Călătoria (2010) - Ben Stiller Trailer
- The Trip / The Trip (2010) - Ben Stiller
- Funny or Die Presents... / Funny or Die prezintă (2010) - Ben (segment "Do You Want to See a Dead Body?")
- The 82nd Annual Academy Awards (2010) - el însuși
- Submarine (2010)
- I'm Still Here (2010) - Ben Stiller Trailer
- Greenberg (2010) - Roger Greenberg Trailer
- Megamind (2010) - Bernard (voce) Trailer
- Little Fockers / O familie de coșmar (2010) - Greg Focker Trailer
- Merry Madagascar (2009) - Alex (voce)
- Streisand: Live in Concert (2009) - el însuși
- Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian / O noapte la muzeu 2 (2009) - Larry Daley Trailer
- The Marc Pease Experience / Povestea lui Marc Pease (2009) - Jon Gribble
- Tropic Thunder: Rain of Madness (2008) - Tugg Speedman
- Tropic Thunder / Furtuna tropicală (2008) - Tugg Speedman Trailer
- Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa / Madagascar 2 (2008) - Alex (voce) Trailer
- Elmo's Christmas Countdown (2007) - Stiller the Elf (voce)
- Phineas and Ferb / Phineas și Ferb (2007) - Khaka Peü Peü
- The Heartbreak Kid / Cât durează o căsnicie (2007) - Eddie Trailer
- Night of Too Many Stars: An Overbooked Event for Autism Education (2006) - el însuși
- Night at the Museum / O noapte la muzeu (2006) - Larry Daley Trailer
- Danny Roane: First Time Director (2006) - Ben Stiller
- School For Scoundrels / Clasa de tăntălăi (2006) - Lonnie Trailer
- Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny / Tenacious D - Pana destinului (2006) Trailer
- Extras / Figuranti (2005) - Ben Stiller
- Madagascar (2005) - Alex (voce) Trailer
- Sledge: The Untold Story (2005)
- What's the Name of That Song (2004)
- Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story / Păzea la minge! (2004) - White Goodman
- Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy / Un știrist legendar (2004) - Arturo Mendes Trailer
- Along Came Polly / Surpriză: vine Polly! (2004) - Reuben Feffer Trailer
- Starsky & Hutch / Starsky și Hutch (2004) - David Starsky Trailer
- Envy / Invidia (2004) - Tim Dingman Trailer
- Meet the Fockers / Doi cuscri de coșmar (2004) - Greg Focker Trailer
- Arrested Development / Situație de criza (2003) - Tony Wonder Trailer
- Pauly Shore Is Dead / Paul Shore este mort (2003) - el însuși
- Duplex (2003) - Alex Rose Trailer
- Nobody Knows Anything! / Nimeni nu știe nimic (2003)
- Prehistoric Planet (2002) - narator
- Legend of the Lost Tribe (2002) - Robbie the Reindeer
- Liberty's Kids: Est. 1776 / Liberty's Kids: Est. 1776 (2002) - Thomas Jefferson
- The 74th Annual Academy Awards (2002) - el însuși
- Orange County (2002) Trailer
- America: A Tribute to Heroes (2001) - el însuși
- Undeclared / Viața traită din plin (2001) - Rex
- The Royal Tenenbaums / Familia Tenenbaum (2001) - Chas Tenenbaum Trailer
- Zoolander / Zoolander Manechinul (2001) - Derek Zoolander Trailer
- 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000) - el însuși
- Twentieth Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years (2000) - el însuși
- Mission: Improbable (2000) - Tom Crooze
- Curb Your Enthusiasm / Larry David, inamicul public nr. 1 (2000) - Ben Stiller Trailer
- Meet the Parents / Un socru de coșmar (2000) - Greg Focker
- Keeping the Faith / Preotul, rabinul și fata (2000) - Jake Schram
- The Independent / Independentul (2000)
- Heat Vision and Jack (1999)
- Hooves of Fire (1999) - Robbie the Reindeer (voce, engleza)
- Freaks and Geeks (1999) - agentul Meara
- Black and White / Albi și negri (1999) - Mark Clear
- The Suburbans / Suburbanii (1999) - Jay Rose
- Mystery Men / Supereroii amatori (1999) - Furious / Roy Trailer
- Behind the Zipper with Magda (1998) - Ted Stroehmann
- Backstreet Boyz (1998) - el însuși
- Family Guy / Familia mea dementă (1998) - Ben Stiller Trailer
- The King of Queens / Trăsniții din Queens (1998) - Jerry
- There's Something About Mary / Mary cea cu vino-ncoa' (1998) - Ted Trailer
- Zero Effect / Detectivul Fantoma (1998) - Steve Arlo
- Permanent Midnight / Povestea lui Jerry (1998) - Jerry Stahl
- Your Friends & Neighbors / Prieteni și vecini (1998) - Jerry
- Derek Zoolander University (1997) - Derek Zoolander
- King of the Hill (1997) - Rich
- Derek Zoolander: Male Model (1996) - Derek Zoolander
- If Lucy Fell / Lucy și Joe (1996) - Bwick Elias
- Happy Gilmore / Ghinionistul (1996) - Hal L.
- Flirting with Disaster / Cochetând cu dezastrul (1996) - Mel Coplin Trailer
- The Cable Guy / Tipu' de la cablu (1996) - Sam Sweet / Stan Sweet Trailer
- NewsRadio (1995) - Vic Trailer
- Mr. Show with Bob and David / Mr. Show with Bob and David (1995) - Jimmy
- Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist / Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist (1995) - Ben Stiller
- Heavy Weights / Categoria grea (1995) - Tony Perkis / Tony Perkis Sr. Trailer
- Reality Bites / Cu picioarele pe pământ (1994) - Michael Grates Trailer
- Friends / Prietenii tăi (1994) Trailer
- Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man / Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man (1994) - Harry Medfly
- Frasier (1993) - Barry
- 2 Stupid Dogs (1993)
- HBO First Look (1992) - el însuși
- The Nutt House (1992)
- The Larry Sanders Show (1992) - Ben Stiller
- The Ben Stiller Show / The Ben Stiller Show (1992) - Ben Stiller
- Highway to Hell (1991)
- Working Trash / Neispravitii (1990) - Freddy
- Stella (1990) - Jim Uptegrove
- That's Adequate (1989) - Chip Lane
- Next of Kin / Pe urmele mafiei (1989) - Lawrence
- Elvis Stories (1989) - Bruce
- The Simpsons / Familia Simpson (1989) - Garth Motherloving
- Fresh Horses / Dragoste fragila (1988) - Tipton
- The Hustler of Money (1987) - Vince
- Shoeshine (1987)
- Hot Pursuit / Frumoasa și insula (1987) - Chris Honeywell
- Empire of the Sun / Imperiul soarelui (1987) - Dainty Trailer
- Miami Vice (1984) - Fast Eddie Felcher
- Kate & Allie (1984) - Peter
- American Playhouse (1982) - Ronnie Shaughnessy
- Saturday Night Live (1975) - Michael Cohen / Derek Zoolander
- Severance (2022) Trailer
- Escape at Dannemora / Evadare din Dannemora (2018) Trailer
- Zoolander 2 / Zoolander no. 2 (2016) Trailer
- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty / Viața secretă a lui Walter Mitty (2013) Trailer
- Help Me Spread Goodness (2011)
- The Station (2009)
- Tropic Thunder / Furtuna tropicală (2008) Trailer
- Untitled Christine Taylor Project (2007)
- Zoolander / Zoolander Manechinul (2001) Trailer
- Heat Vision and Jack (1999)
- The Cable Guy / Tipu' de la cablu (1996) Trailer
- Reality Bites / Cu picioarele pe pământ (1994) Trailer
- The Ben Stiller Show / The Ben Stiller Show (1992)
- Elvis Stories (1989)
- The Hustler of Money (1987)
- Saturday Night Live (1975)
- Super Sad True Love Story / Super Sad True Love Story
Filmografie - producător
- High Desert (2023) Trailer
- Severance (2022) Trailer
- Friendsgiving / Ghici cine mai vine la cină (2020) Trailer
- The Package / Pachetul din dotare (2018) Trailer
- Escape at Dannemora / Evadare din Dannemora (2018) Trailer
- Alex Strangelove (2018) Trailer
- Why Him? / De ce el? (2016) Trailer
- Zoolander 2 / Zoolander no. 2 (2016) Trailer
- Another Period / Din altă epocă (2013)
- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty / Viața secretă a lui Walter Mitty (2013) Trailer
- 30 Minutes or Less / Ai 30 de minute sau bum! (2011) Trailer
- Help Me Spread Goodness (2011)
- The Big Year / Un an de pomina (2011) Trailer
- Submarine (2010)
- The Station (2009)
- The Boys: The Sherman Brothers' Story (2009)
- The Making of 'The Pick of Destiny' (2007)
- Untitled Christine Taylor Project (2007)
- Crooked Lines (2003)
- Zoolander / Zoolander Manechinul (2001) Trailer
- Heat Vision and Jack (1999)
- The Hustler of Money (1987)
Filmografie - scenarist
Filmografie - în dezvoltare
- Johnny Klutz (2014)
- CivilWarLand in Bad Decline (2012)
- Raindrops All Around Me (2012)
- The Return of King Doug (2012)
- In Deep (2012)
- Pets (2011)
- Date School (2011)
- Project A (2010)
- Big Wave (2010)
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Hollywood Renegade (2011) - Himself
- In Search of Ted Demme (2010)
- A Night at the Office (2009) - Himself
- Spike's Guys Choice (2009) - Himself - Presenter
- Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards 2009 (2009) - Himself
- 2009 MTV Movie Awards (2009) - Himself
- The 14th Annual Critics' Choice Awards (2009) - Himself - Winner Best Comedy Movie and Presenter
- 81st Annual Academy Awards (2009) - Himself - Presenter: Best Cinematography
- The Boys: The Sherman Brothers' Story (2009) - Himself
- Night of Too Many Stars: An Overbooked Concert for Autism Education (2008) - Himself
- The Making of Madagascar 2 (2008) - Himself
- Resumen - 56º festival internacional de cine de San Sebastián (2008) - Himself
- 2008 MTV Movie Awards (2008) - Himself
- Historical Threads: The Costumes of 'Night at the Museum' (2007) - Himself / Larry Daley
- Bringing the Museum to Life (2007) - Himself / Larry Daley
- The Making of 'Night at the Museum' (2007) - Himself / Larry Daley
- Bob & Doug McKenzie's Two-Four Anniversary (2007) - Himself
- AFI's 100 Years... 100 Greatest Movies: 10th Anniversary Edition (2007) - Himself
- Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards '07 (2007) - Himself
- The Making of 'The Pick of Destiny' (2007) - Himself
- Concert for Diana (2007) - Himself - Pre-recorded Message
- The 64th Annual Golden Globe Awards (2007) - Himself - Presenter
- A Night at the Museum with McFly (2006) - Himself
- Comedy Central Roast of William Shatner (2006) - Himself/Filmed roaster
- The 78th Annual Academy Awards (2006) - Himself - Presenter: Best Visual Effects
- Awesome; I Fuckin' Shot That! (2006) - Himself
- Todd's Coma (2005) - Himself
- The Enchanted Island of Madagascar (2005) - Himself
- Earth to America (2005) - Himself
- 2005 MTV Movie Awards (2005) - Himself - Winner
- Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards '05 (2005) - Himself
- The Work of Director Mark Romanek (2005) - Himself (segment "Romanekian")
- Bar Mitzvah Bash! (2004) - Himself
- Starsky & Hutch: A Last Look (2004) - Himself / David Starsky
- MTV Special: 'Dodgeball - A True Underdog Story' (2004) - Himself
- 2004 MTV Movie Awards (2004) - Himself
- The 2nd Annual TV Land Awards (2004) - Himself
- The 76th Annual Academy Awards (2004) - Himself - Co-presenter: Best Live Short and Best Animated Short
- Late Night with Conan O'Brien: 10th Anniversary Special (2003) - Himself
- AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Robert De Niro (2003) - Himself
- Tenacious D: The Complete Masterworks (2003) - Passerby (segment "Tribute")
- MTV Video Music Awards 2003 (2003) - Himself
- Playboy: Inside the Playboy Mansion (2002) - Himself
- Playboy Exposed: Playboy Mansion Parties Uncensored (2001) - Himself
- Spotlight on Location: Meet the Parents (2001) - Himself
- Breaking the Silence: The Making of 'Hannibal' (2001) - Himself (L.A. Premiere)
- Come Together: A Night for John Lennon's Words and Music (2001) - Himself
- MTV Video Music Awards 2001 (2001) - Himself - Presenter
- 2001 MTV Movie Awards (2001) - Himself
- The 73rd Annual Academy Awards (2001) - Himself - Presenter: Best Short Film, Live Action & Animated
- Spotlight on Location: Mystery Men (2000) - Himself
- 2000 MTV Movie Awards (2000) - Himself/'Tom Crooze'
- MTV Video Music Awards 2000 (2000) - Himself
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Laughs: America's Funniest Movies (2000) - Himself
- Comedy Central Presents: The N.Y. Friars Club Roast of Jerry Stiller (1999) - Himself
- The 56th Annual Golden Globe Awards (1999) - Himself
- MTV Uncensored (1999) - Himself
- To Life! America Celebrates Israel's 50th (1998)
- MTV Video Music Awards 1998 (1998) - Himself - Host
- AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movies (1998) - Himself
- 1996 MTV Movie Awards (1996) - Himself - Co-host
- Star Trek: 30 Years and Beyond (1996) - Himself
- Tom Arnold: The Naked Truth 3 (1993) - Himself
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
Filmografie - mulţumiri
- Escape from the Fire (2007)
- Crooked Lines (2003)
- Cugini (2001)
Filmografie - scriitor
- Derek Zoolander University (1997)
- Derek Zoolander: Male Model (1996)
- Elvis Stories (1989)
- The Hustler of Money (1987)
listă cu 65 actori, creată de IonutzP18 pe 10 Decembrie 2013
listă cu 50 actori, creată de casalo2010 pe 28 August 2012
listă cu 62 actori, creată de beebee_cta pe 1 Aprilie 2012
Despre Ben Stiller
Cinemagia recomandă 3 filme de duminică
10 actori care au jucat în filme alături de copiii lor
Avalanşă de ecranizări după noi povestiri de Stephen King
„Aloha“, filmul în care Emma Stone nu avea ce căuta: Cum a ajuns o comedie romantică subiect de controverse rasiste
Escape at Dannemora, o altfel de evadare
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Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Actori populari
Trailere filme
- Alien: Earth
- Clown in a Cornfield
- Gold & Greed: The Hunt for...
- A Cursed Man
- A Working Man
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Haipeo Naipeu
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
În curând la cinema
- The Colors Within
- The Nutcracker and the Magic Flute
- Hoții de subiecte
- Cocorico
- A Working Man
- Alexandra
- Les trois fantastiques
- Diamant brut
- Caught by the Tides
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- Drop
- Bambi: A Tale of Life in the Woods
- The Proud Princess
- Moon the Panda
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Hitpig!
- Sinners
- Until Dawn
- The Sloth Lane
- TWST - Things We Said Today
- Holy Cow
- The Accountant 2
- Thunderbolts*
- Rosario
- Marea pescuială
- Sirenele: Secretul medalionului
- Shadow Force
- Kaptein Sabeltann og Grevinnen av Gral
Filme noi în SUA
- Kayara
- Starbright
- Michael
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- The Legend of Ochi
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
- 28 Years Later
- M3GAN 2.0
- Naya Legend of the Golden Dolphin
- Jurassic World Rebirth
- Superman
- I Know What You Did Last Summer
- The Fantastic Four: First Steps
Program TV

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Ben Stiller
Părerea ta
Spune-ţi părereaMeserie grea
foarte amuzant!
ben stiller
in seria fockers a jucat foarte bine :)
Comedianti sunt Chris Rock,Eddie Murphy si chiar Jim Carrey.
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