Poze (14)
Toate pozele »Biografie
Brian Manion Dennehy s-a nascut la 9 iulie 1938 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA. Fiul lui Hannah si Edward Dennehy, are doi frati Michael si Edward. Familia se muta in Long Island unde Brian urmeaza Chaminade High School in orasul Mineola. Dupa absolvire este inrolat in US Marine Corps servind pana in 1963. In unele aparitii declara ca a luptat in Vietnam, apoi retracteaza acest lucru ca apoi sa revina din nou la aceasta. Se inscrie la Columbia cu o bursa de studii la fotbal si devine membru al fratiei...
mai multBrian Manion Dennehy s-a nascut la 9 iulie 1938 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA. Fiul lui Hannah si Edward Dennehy, are doi frati Michael si Edward. Familia se muta in Long Island unde Brian urmeaza Chaminade High School in orasul Mineola. Dupa absolvire este inrolat in US Marine Corps servind pana in 1963. In unele aparitii declara ca a luptat in Vietnam, apoi retracteaza acest lucru ca apoi sa revina din nou la aceasta. Se inscrie la Columbia cu o bursa de studii la fotbal si devine membru al fratiei Sigma Chi. Urmeaza apoi la Yale artele dramatice. A fost jucator de rugby pentru Old Blue RFC. Are trei copii, Elisabeth si Kathleen, actrite, si Cormac, care in prezent urmeaza Pomfret School.
A fost nominalizat de 6 ori pentru Premiul Emmy ptr filme de televiziune, de 4 ori nominalizat Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or TV Movie.
Si-a mentinut o prezenta puternica in film, teatru si televiziune timp de 3 decade. A castigat de doua ori premiul Tony pentru cel mai bun actor, pentru rolul lui James Tyrone in piesa lui Eugene O’Neill Long Day’s Journey Into Night si pentru rolul lui Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman de Arthur Miller.
Debuteaza ca actor dramatic. Primul lui rol a fost in productia Broadway – Streamers. In film si televiziune are mici roluri in serialele Kojak, Dallas si Dynasty iar din 1977 Dennehy este un actor multifunctional, jucand diferite roluri: un raufacator in western-ul Silverado, un politist corupt in F/X, un criminal in serie (John Wayne Gacy in serialul TV To Catch a Killer), un rigid militar (General Groves in Day One, un film TV) si un politician ezitant in Presumed Innocent.
Unul dintre cele mai bine platite roluri ale sale este cel al arhitectului Stourley Kracklite in filmul lui Peter Greenaway The Belly of an Architect (1987).
Dennehy e cunoscut de publicul din toata lumea pentru interpretarile din filme populare ca Semi-Tough al lui Michael Ritchie, Foul Play a lui Colin Higgins, 10 al lui Blake Edwards, First Blood al lui Ted Kotcheff, Cocoon al lui Ron Howard, F/X al lui Robert Mandel, Presumed Innocent al lui Alan J. Pakula, Tommy Boy al lui Peter Segal si William Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet al lui Baz Luhrmann si nu in ultimul rand zelosul serif din Rambo. Printre alte filme notabile se numara Gorky Park, Never Cry Wolf, Finders Keepers, Silverado, Twice in a Lifetime, Best Seller, The Belly of an Architect (pentru care a fost laudat pentru cel mai bun actor la Festivalul de Film din Chicago), She Hate Me al lui Spike Lee si 10th & Wolf al lui Robert Moresco ce va fi lansat curand. Recent, a dat voce rolului lui ‘Babe Ruth’ in Everyone’s Hero si a fost vocea tatalui lui Remy, ‘Django,’ in filmul de succes Ratatouille.
Actorul a încetat din viață la data de 15.04.2020, din cauze naturale, în casa lui din New Haven, Connecticut, la 81 de ani.
- Driveways / Alei (2019) - Del
- Life Support / Life Support (2019) - Bob Mills
- The Seagull / Pescărușul (2018) - Sorin Trailer
- The League (2018) - Himself
- Tag / TAG: Dă-o mai departe (2018) Trailer
- Christmas Hours / Christmas Hours (2017) - Joe Haggarty
- Hap and Leonard / Hap & Leonard (2016) - Sheriff Valentine Otis (5 episodes, 2017)
- Public Morals (2015) - Joe Patton (7 episodes, 2015) Trailer
- Knight of Cups / Cavalerul de pică (2015) - Joseph Trailer
- The Challenger Disaster (2013) - Rogers Trailer
- Twelfth Night / (2012) - Sir Toby Belch
- The Big Year / Un an de pomina (2011) Trailer
- Alleged / Procesul maimuțelor (2010) - Clarence Darrow
- Mystery Files / Legende şi mistere (2010)
- The Next Three Days / 3 zile de coșmar (2010) - George Brennan Trailer
- Every Day / Viața, asa cum e (2010) - Ernie
- Meet Monica Velour / Ea e Monica Velour (2010) - Pop Pop
- Bunker Hill (2009) - Martin Kelsey
- Cat City / Prețul trădării (2008) - Harold
- Righteous Kill / Crime justificate (2008) - Lieutenant Hingus Trailer
- War Eagle, Arkansas (2007) - Pop
- Marco Polo (2007) - Kublai Khan
- Rules of Engagement / Iubirea bat-o vina (2007) - Roy (1 episode, 2009)
- Welcome to Paradise (2007) - Bobby Brown
- Masters of Science Fiction / Masters of sci-fi (2007) - Bedzyk (1 episode, 2007)
- Ratatouille (2007) - Django (voce) Trailer
- 30 Rock (2006) - Mickey J Trailer
- The Ultimate Gift / Cel mai de preț dar (2006) - Gus
- Everyone's Hero (2006) - Babe Ruth
- 10th & Wolf / Străzi însângerate (2006) - Agent Horvath
- Our Fathers / Credinta si umbre (2005) - Father Dominic Spagnolia
- The Exonerated / Scapati de la moarte (2005) - Gary Gauger
- Assault on Precinct 13 / Asalt asupra secției 13 (2005) - Sgt. Jasper O'Shea
- Category 6: Day of Destruction / Zile de groază (2004) - Andy Goodman
- The 4400 / Cei 4400 (2004) - Mitch Baldwin (1 episode, 2006)
- She Hate Me / Ea mă urăște! (2004) - Chairman Billy Church
- 101 Most Shocking Moments in Entertainment (2003) - (arhivă)
- Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of 'Three's Company' (2003) - Fred Silverman
- The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth About Enron / Enron - Ascensiune și declin (2003) - Mr. Blue
- The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone / O nouă primăvară (2003) - Tom Stone
- A Season on the Brink / Un sezon controversat (2002) - Bobby Knight
- Stolen Summer / Vara furata (2002) - Father Kelly
- Project Greenlight / Proiectul Greenlight (2001)
- Three Blind Mice / Indicii sângeroase - Jocul cu moartea (2001) - Matthew Hope
- Night Visions / Fantasmele noptii (2001) - Camper Ben (1 episode, 2001)
- Summer Catch / Pasiuni trecătoare (2001) - John Schiffner Trailer
- Warden of Red Rock / Temnicerul din Red Rock (2001) - Sheriff Selwyn Church
- Fail Safe / Pericol nuclear (2000) - Gen. Bogan
- Death of a Salesman (2000) - Willy Loman
- Dish Dogs (2000) - Frost
- Law & Order: Special Victims Unit / Lege si ordine: Brigada specială (1999) - Judson Tierney (1 episode, 2007)
- The West Wing / Viața la Casa Albă (1999) - Sen. Rafe Framingham (1 episode, 2005)
- Too Rich: The Secret Life of Doris Duke / Viața secretă a lui Doris Duke (1999) - Louis Bromfield
- Silicon Towers / Corporatia (1999) - Tom Warner
- Sirens (1999) - Lt. Denby
- Out of the Cold / Iubire interzisă (1999) - David Bards
- NetForce (1999) - Lowell Davidson
- Voyage of Terror (1998) - The President
- Thanks of a Grateful Nation / Razboiul din Golf (1998) - Donald Riegle
- Indefensible: The Truth About Edward Brannigan / Adevărul despre Edward Brannigan (1997) - Eddie Brannigan
- Just Shoot Me! / Poza la minut (1997) - Red Finch (4 episodes, 1998-2003)
- Undue Influence / Influenta nefasta (1996) - Paul Madriani
- Romeo + Juliet / Romeo și Julieta (1996) - Ted Montague Trailer
- Jack Reed: Death and Vengeance / Jack Reed: Moarte si razbunare (1996) - Jack Reed
- A Season in Purgatory (1996) - Gerald Bradley
- Jack Reed: A Killer Among Us (1996) - Jack Reed
- Jack Reed: One of Our Own / Jack Reed, un om ca noi toti (1995) - Jack Reed
- Tommy Boy / Un băiat de milioane (1995) - Thomas 'Big Tom' Callahan Jr.
- The Stars Fell on Henrietta / Stele deasupra orasului (1995) - Big Dave McDermot
- Shadow of a Doubt / Umbre de indoiala (1995) - Charlie Sloan
- Leave of Absence / Absenta nemotivata (1994) - Sam
- Jack Reed: A Search for Justice / In cautarea dreptatii (1994) - Jack Reed
- Prophet of Evil: The Ervil LeBaron Story (1993) - Ervil LeBaron
- Murder in the Heartland / Caruselul crimei (1993) - John McArthur
- Jack Reed: Badge of Honor (1993) - Sgt. Jack Reed
- Foreign Affairs (1993) - Chuck Mumpson
- Final Appeal / Recurs final (1993) - Perry Sundquist
- To Catch a Killer / Criminalul din Illinois (1992) - John Wayne Gacy
- Teamster Boss: The Jackie Presser Story (1992) - Jackie Presser
- Gladiator / Box în afara legii (1992) - Jimmy Horn
- The Diamond Fleece / Hotul de diamante (1992) - Outlaw
- Shattered Promises / Promisiuni spulberate (1992) - John Reed
- The Burden of Proof (1992) - Dixon Hartnell
- In Broad Daylight (1991) - Len Rowan
- F/X2 / FX - Efecte speciale II (1991) - Leo McCarthy
- Rising Son (1990) - Gus Robinson
- Pride and Extreme Prejudice (1990) - Bruno Morenz
- Presumed Innocent / Presupus nevinovat (1990) - Raymond Horgan
- The Last of the Finest / Poliţişti de modă veche (1990) - Frank Daly
- A Killing in a Small Town / Dovada de iubire (1990) - Ed Reivers
- Indio (1989) - Whytaker
- Perfect Witness (1989) - James Falcon
- Georg Elser - Einer aus Deutschland (1989) - Wagner
- Day One (1989) - Gen. Leslie Groves
- Return to Snowy River / Intoarcerea la Snowy River (1988) - Harrison
- Das Rattennest / A Father's Revenge (1988) - Paul Hobart
- Miles from Home / Departe de casă (1988) - Frank Roberts senior
- Cocoon: The Return / Cocoon: Întoarcerea (1988)
- The Lion of Africa (1988) - Sam Marsh
- Best Seller (1987) - Dennis Meechum
- The Belly of an Architect / Burta arhitectului (1987) - Stourley Kracklite
- Legal Eagles / Vulturii legii (1986) - Cavanaugh
- The Check Is in the Mail... (1986) - Richard Jackson
- Acceptable Risks / Riscuri asumate (1986) - Don Sheppard
- F/X / Efecte speciale (1986) - Locotenent Leo McCarthy
- Twice in a Lifetime (1985) - Nick
- Silverado (1985) - Sheriff Cobb
- Cocoon (1985) - Walter
- The River Rat (1984) - Doc Cole
- Pigs vs. Freaks (1984) - Sergeant Cheever
- Finders Keepers (1984) - Frizzoli
- Miami Vice (1984) - Reverend Billy Bob Proverb (1 episode, 1987)
- Hunter (1984) - Dr. Bolin (1 episode, 1984)
- Never Cry Wolf / Lupii (1983) - Rosie
- I Take These Men / De bunăvoie și nesilită de nimeni (1983) - Phil Zakarian
- Gorky Park / Parcul Gorki (1983) - William Kirwill
- Blood Feud / Kennedy versus Hoffa (1983) - Edward Grady Partin (Hoffa aide and head of Teamsters Local 5, Baton Rouge
- Split Image / Dubla personalitate (1982) - Kevin Stetson
- First Blood / Rambo (1982) Trailer
- The Girls in Their Summer Dresses and Other Stories by Irwin Shaw (1981) - Grimmet (story 'The Monument')
- Cagney & Lacey (1981) - Michael Magruder (1 episode, 1984)
- Skokie (1981) - Police Chief Arthur Buchanan
- Fly Away Home (1981) - Tim
- Dynasty / Dinastia (1981) - Jake Dunham
- The Seduction of Miss Leona (1980) - Bliss Dawson
- A Rumor of War (1980) - Sgt. Ned Coleman
- Little Miss Marker / Mica domnișoră Gaj (1980) - Herbie
- Silent Victory: The Kitty O'Neil Story (1979) - Mr. O'Neil
- The Jericho Mile (1979) - Dr. D
- Dummy (1979) - Ragoti
- Butch and Sundance: The Early Days (1979) - O.C. Hanks
- 10 (1979) - Donald
- Knots Landing / Vecinii (1979) - James Cargill (1 episode, 1980)
- Big Shamus, Little Shamus / Big Shamus, Little Shamus (1979) - Arnie Sutter (3 episodes, 1979)
- Ruby and Oswald (1978) - George Paulsen
- A Real American Hero (1978) - Buford Pusser
- Foul Play / Joc inselator (1978) - Fergie
- F.I.S.T. (1978) - Frank Vasko
- A Death in Canaan (1978) - Barney Parsons
- Semi-Tough / Falșii duri (1977) - T.J. Lambert
- Looking for Mr. Goodbar (1977) - Surgeon
- Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye (1977) - Longshoreman
- It Happened at Lakewood Manor (1977) - Fire Chief
- "Lou Grant" (1977) - Wilson (1 episode, 1977)
- "The Tony Randall Show" (1976) - Brian Sr. (1 episode, 1978)
- Kojak (1973) - Peter Connor (1 episode, 1977)
- M*A*S*H* / M.A.S.H. (1972) - M.P. Ernie Connors (1 episode, 1977)
- Untitled Ari Gold Project / - Captain Hal Sway (voice)
- Indefensible: The Truth About Edward Brannigan / Adevărul despre Edward Brannigan (1997)
- Jack Reed: Death and Vengeance / Jack Reed: Moarte si razbunare (1996)
- Jack Reed: A Killer Among Us (1996)
- Jack Reed: One of Our Own / Jack Reed, un om ca noi toti (1995)
- Shadow of a Doubt / Umbre de indoiala (1995)
- Jack Reed: A Search for Justice / In cautarea dreptatii (1994)
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Lost Road of the Popes: Via Papale (2009) - Narator
- Love and Valor: The Intimate Civil War Letters (2009) - Narator
- The Immortal Beaver (2008) - Rosie
- 8:Ivy League Football and America (2008) - Narator
- The 61st Annual Tony Awards (2007) - Himself - Presenter
- 'Tommy Boy': Behind the Laughter (2005) - Himself
- Uncle Sam Wants You (2004) - Narator
- Connecticut: Seasons of Light - Cradle of American Impressionism (2003) - Himself
- American Valor (2003) - Narator
- Columbia: A Celebration (2003) - Narator
- The 57th Annual Tony Awards (2003) - Himself - Winner: Best Actor in a Play
- Code Yellow: Hospital at Ground Zero (2002) - Narator
- Founding Brothers (2002) - George Washington
- The 53rd Annual Tony Awards (1999) - Himself - Presenter, Performer & Winner: Best Actor in a Play
- Gunfighters of the West (1998) - Himself - Narrator
- Canceled Lives: Letters from the Inside (1993) - Himself
- Zebras: Patterns in the Grass (1991) - Narator
- The Making of 'Never Cry Wolf' (1983) - Himself
- The Making of 'Gorky Park' (1983) - Himself
- The Making of 'First Blood' (1982) - Himself
Filmografie - mulţumiri
- Drawing First Blood (2002)
Filmografie - producător
Filmografie - scenarist
Filmografie - scriitor
- Jack Reed: A Killer Among Us (1996)
Un premiu Globul de Aur
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listă cu 992 actori, creată de Vegetarian pe 20 Decembrie 2011
Despre Brian Dennehy
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Index filme
Program cinema
Actori populari
Trailere filme
- Alien: Earth
- Clown in a Cornfield
- Gold & Greed: The Hunt for...
- A Cursed Man
- A Working Man
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Haipeo Naipeu
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
În curând la cinema
- The Colors Within
- The Nutcracker and the Magic Flute
- Hoții de subiecte
- Cocorico
- A Working Man
- Alexandra
- Les trois fantastiques
- Diamant brut
- Caught by the Tides
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- Drop
- Bambi: A Tale of Life in the Woods
- The Proud Princess
- Moon the Panda
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Hitpig!
- Sinners
- Until Dawn
- The Sloth Lane
- TWST - Things We Said Today
- Holy Cow
- The Accountant 2
- Thunderbolts*
- Rosario
- Marea pescuială
- Sirenele: Secretul medalionului
- Shadow Force
- Kaptein Sabeltann og Grevinnen av Gral
Filme noi în SUA
- Kayara
- Starbright
- Michael
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- The Legend of Ochi
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
- 28 Years Later
- M3GAN 2.0
- Naya Legend of the Golden Dolphin
- Jurassic World Rebirth
- Superman
- I Know What You Did Last Summer
- The Fantastic Four: First Steps
Program TV

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Brian Dennehy
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