Poze (27)
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Bruce Davison s-a născut în Philadelphia, ca fiu al lui Clair Davison, un arhitect și muzician și Marian (născută Holman) Davison, o secretară. Părinții lui Bruce au divorțat când el avea doar trei ani.
A jucat numeroase roluri, de la personaje shakespeariene, la cele contemporane, fiind specializat însă în personaje sensibile, impresionabile, idealistice.
Si-a încercat aptitudinile regizorale cu filmul "Off...
mai multBruce Davison s-a născut în Philadelphia, ca fiu al lui Clair Davison, un arhitect și muzician și Marian (născută Holman) Davison, o secretară. Părinții lui Bruce au divorțat când el avea doar trei ani.
A jucat numeroase roluri, de la personaje shakespeariene, la cele contemporane, fiind specializat însă în personaje sensibile, impresionabile, idealistice.
Si-a încercat aptitudinile regizorale cu filmul "Off Season", film în care i-a distribuit pe Hume Cronyn, Sherilyn Fenn și Rory Culkin. Când nu joacã, Bruce este implicat în asociații de ajutorare a copiilor maltratați si a celor bolnavi de SIDA.
A studiat la N.Y.U.'s School of the Arts.
- The X-Gene Project - Philip Harding
- Game of Power (2025) - Attorney Ballard Wright
- Suitable Flesh (2023) Trailer
- 1923 (2022) - Arthur Trailer
- Bosch: Legacy (2022) Trailer
- The Lincoln Lawyer / Avocatul din limuzină (2022) Trailer
- The Manor / Conacul (2021) - Roland Trailer
- The Sonata / The Sonata (2020) - Sir Victor
- Deep Focus / Deep Focus (2020) - Father Oren
- Creepshow (2019) - Avery Whitlock Trailer
- The Great Race / The Great Race (2019) - Governor Bone
- Itsy Bitsy / Itsy Bitsy (2019) - Walter
- Hunting Season / Hunting Season (2019) - James' Father
- Choke Hold / Choke Hold (2019) - Benjamin Green
- Defrost: The Virtual Series / Defrost: The Virtual Series (2019) - Michael Garrison
- Rock Paper Dead (2019) - Detective Dechert
- Intensive Care (2019) - John (rumored)
- Christmas at the Plaza / Crăciunul la Plaza (2019)
- Providence / Providence (2018) - Bishop Gallagher
- A Fairy's Game / A Fairy's Game (2018) - Spindly (voice)
- Insidious: The Last Key / Insidious: Ultima cheie (2018) - Christian Rainier Trailer
- Abnormal Attraction (2018) - Dr. Stanley Cole
- Yamasong: March of the Hollows (2018) - P'Torr The Exile
- Tell Me Your Name (2018) - Reverend Michael
- Corbin Nash (2018) - Jack Trailer
- Love Locks / Dragoste la Paris (2017) Trailer
- Last Rampage / Last Rampage (2017) - Cooper
- Any Bullet Will Do (2017) - Jonathan Carrington
- 9/11 / Nine Eleven (2017) - Monohan
- The Slider (2017) - inspectorul Wiesel
- The Secret of Casa Matusita / (2017) - Victor
- Love Kills / Love Kills (2016) - Max
- Bender (2016) - Mayor Prentiss
- Designated Survivor / Președinte de rezervă (2016) Trailer
- Hero with a Thousand Faces / Hero with a Thousand Faces (2016) - Narrator
- Star Trek: Captain Pike (2016) - Captain Robert April
- The Strange Cowboy (2016) - Sheriff Ryan Kane
- The Curse of Sleeping Beauty / Blestemul frumoasei adormite (2016) - Richard
- Charlie's Gift / Charlie's Gift (2016) - Derrick
- The Last Tycoon (2016) - Cornelius Riddle Trailer
- Tao of Surfing (2016) - Mr. Pearson
- Displacement (2016) - Prof. Peter Deckard
- Get a Job (2016) - Lawrence Wilheimer Trailer
- Raging Bull II (2016) - D.A. Bonomi
- The Leisure Class / Clasa bogată (2015) - Edward
- Fishes 'n Loaves: Heaven Sent (2015) - Ezekiel
- Black Beauty (2015) - Grandpa
- Sequestered / Restricţionaţi (2014) - (2014) (12 episodes, 2014)
- 108 Stitches (2014) - Coach Scott Deshields
- 37 (2014) - Psychic
- Those Who Kill (2014) - Howard Burgess Trailer
- Persecuted (2014) - Donald Harrison
- A Schizophrenic Love Story / (2014) - Dr. Bob
- Words and Pictures / Cuvinte şi imagini (2013) - Walt Trailer
- Clean Me / (2013) - Todd Baxter
- Saving Lincoln / Salvându-l pe Lincoln (2013) - William H. Seward Trailer
- Barlowe Mann / (2013) - Oliver Henry - adult
- Last Resort / Ultimul atac (2012) - Arthur Shepard Trailer
- Brother White (2012) - Howard
- Stealing Roses (2012) - dl. Lowell
- The Millionaire Tour / Cursa milionarului (2012) - The Roman
- Bigfoot (2012) - Sheriff Walt Henderson Trailer
- Return of the Killer Shrews / (2012) - Jerry Farrell
- Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 (2012)
- The Lords of Salem (2012) - Francis Matthias Trailer
- Earth's Final Hours / Ultimele ore ale Terrei (2012) - Rothman Trailer
- 3 Holiday Tails / Trei codițe de Crăciun (2011) - Rod Wright
- Unforgettable / Memorie perfectă (2011) Trailer
- God Don't Make the Laws / (2011) - Bud Kelly
- Munger Road / (2011) - Chief Kirkhoven
- Coffin / (2010) - Garrison
- Titanic II (2010) - James Maine Trailer
- Arctic Blast / Furtună de gheață (2010) - Walter Winslaw Trailer
- Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths / Liga dreptății: Criză pe cele două Pământuri (2010) - Slade Wilson
- Camp Hope / Tabăra iadului (2010) - Fr. Phineas McAllister
- A Golden Christmas / Miracol de Crăciun (2009) - Rod
- Megafault / Mega - ruptură (2009) - Dr. Mark Rhodes
- Christmas Angel (2009) - Nick Anderson
- Passengers (2009) - Roger
- Knight Rider (2008) - Charles Graiman
- The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice / Bibliotecarul 3: Dracula și Pocalul blestemat (2008) - Profesorul Lazlo Trailer
- La linea / Cartelul (2008) - Anthony Trailer
- The Cleaner / Vieti curate (2008) - Quentin O'Hurley (1 episode, 2008)
- Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles / Terminatorul: Războiul continuă (2008) - Dr. Peter Silberman (1 episode, 2008)
- Breach / Breșă de securitate (2007) - John O'Neill Trailer
- Special Ops: Delta Force (2006) - General Preston Rossdale
- The Dead Girl / Fata moartă (2006) - Leah's Father
- Untitled Brad Copeland Project (2006)
- Ghost Whisperer / Mesaje de dincolo (2005) - Josh Bedford (1 episode, 2009) Trailer
- Close to Home / Viața sub presiune (2005) - Doug Hellman
- The Closer / Aproape de adevăr (2005) - Russell Clark (1 episode, 2009)
- The Triangle / Misiune in Triunghiul Bermudelor (2005) - Stan Lathem
- Criminal Minds / Minți criminale (2005) - Father Davison (1 episode, 2009)
- 8 MM 2 - Eight Millimeter 2 / 8 MM 2 - Opt Milimetri 2 (2005) - Ambasadorul Harrington
- Numb3rs / Numerele (2005) - Robert Oliver (1 episode, 2005)
- Touched / Simțuri (2005) - Robert Davis
- Confession / Secrete mortale (2005) - Father Thomas Parker
- Hate Crime (2005) - Pastor Boyd
- Law & Order: Trial by Jury / Lege si ordine: in fata juratilor (2005) - Peter Betts (1 episode, 2005)
- Going Shopping / Dependenți de cumpărături (2005) - Adam
- On the Couch (2004) - Daddy
- Lost / LOST: Naufragiații (2004) - Dr. Brooks (1 episode, 2006)
- Jack & Bobby / Jack si Bobby (2004) - Judge Ryan Byrne (1 episode, 2005)
- Battlestar Galactica (2004) - Dr. Michael Robert (1 episode, 2007) Trailer
- The Clinic / Veterinarul (2004) - Martin Landrum
- Evergreen / Destine inlantuite (2004) - Frank
- The L Word (2004) - Leonard Kroll (3 episodes, 2007)
- Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital / Spitalul bantuit (2004) - Dr. Stegman
- Rules of the Game (2003) - Detective Sgt. Baker
- Runaway Jury / Juriul (2003) - Durwood Cable Trailer
- Out of the Ashes / Din cenusa (2003) - Peter Schuman
- X2 / X-Men 2 (2003) - senatorul Kelly Trailer
- Manfast (2003) - Rupert Iris
- Without a Trace / Dispăruți fără urmă (2002) - Paul Cartwright (1 episode, 2002)
- Too Young to Be a Dad / O decizie de familie (2002) - Dan Freeman
- CSI: Miami (2002) - Dane Daniels (1 episode, 2006)
- L.A. Law: The Movie / Lege si Ordine (2002) - Lawrence Diebenkorn
- Dahmer (2002) - Lionel Dahmer
- High Crimes / Crimă de înaltă trădare (2002) - Generalul William Marks
- Project Greenlight / Proiectul Greenlight (2001)
- Off Season / Mos Craciun in vacanta (2001) - Dr. Zimmer
- On the Edge (2001) - (segment "The Other Side")
- Crazy/Beautiful / Nebuni și frumoși (2001) - Tom Oakley
- Enterprise / Star Trek: Enterprise (2001) - Menos Trailer
- Summer Catch / Pasiuni trecătoare (2001) - Rand Parrish Trailer
- The King Is Alive / Regele traieste (2000) - Ray
- X-Men (2000) - Senatorul Robert Kelly Trailer
- Law & Order: Special Victims Unit / Lege si ordine: Brigada specială (1999) - Dr. Graham Mandell (1 episode, 2002)
- Locked in Silence / Condamnat la tacere (1999) - Jim
- A Memory in My Heart / Amintiri dureroase (1999) - Chase
- Vendetta (1999) - Thomas Semmes
- At First Sight / Atingerea dragostei (1999) - Dr. Charles Aaron
- Little Girl Fly Away / Poeta (1998) - Frank
- Paulie (1998) - Dr. Reingold
- Apt Pupil / Influență nefastă (1998) - Richard Bowden
- Color of Justice / Culoarea justitiei (1997) - Frank Gainer
- Lovelife / Legaturi sentimentale (1997) - Bruce
- The Practice / Cabinet de avocatură (1997) - Scott Wallace
- The Hunger / Foamea (1997) - New Lighthouse Keeper (1 episode, 1998)
- Hidden in America (1996) - Dr. Michael Millerton
- Grace of My Heart / Arta sacrificiului (1996) - John Murray
- The Crucible / Vrajitoarele din Salem (1996) - Pastorul Parris Trailer
- After Jimmy / Fara Jimmy (1996) - Ward Stapp
- It's My Party / E petrecerea mea (1996) - Rodney Bingham
- Widow's Kiss / Sărutul văduvei (1996) - Justin Sager
- Present Tense, Past Perfect (1995)
- The Skateboard Kid II / Micul skater (1995) - Burt Squires
- Homage (1995) - Joseph Smith
- Far from Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog / Aventura prieteniei (1995)
- Down, Out & Dangerous (1995) - Brad Harrington
- The Cure / În căutarea leacului (1995) - Dr. Stevens
- The Baby-Sitters Club / Clubul guvernantelor (1995) - Watson Brewer
- Star Trek: Voyager (1995) Trailer
- The Outer Limits / La Limita Imposibilului (1995) - Dr. 'Mac' McEnerney (1 episode, 1995)
- JAG / Justiție militară (1995) - Dr. Morris Sperling (1 episode, 2004) Trailer
- Cybill (1995) - Mark Davis (1 episode, 1995)
- Someone Else's Child (1994) - Nick Callahan
- Touched by an Angel / Atingerea ingerilor (1994) - Jacob 'Jake' Weiss (1 episode, 1998)
- Chicago Hope (1994) - Dr. Burt Peters (2 episodes, 1999-2000)
- Six Degrees of Separation / Șase diferențe fundamentale (1993) - Larkin
- Short Cuts / Povești întretăiate (1993) - Howard Finnigan
- A Mother's Revenge (1993) - Bill Sanders
- An Ambush of Ghosts (1993) - Bill Betts
- Live! From Death Row (1992) - Laurence Dvorak
- Desperate Choices: To Save My Child / Alegerea lui Solomon (1992) - Richard Robbins
- Steel and Lace / Inimă de oțel (1991) - Albert Morton
- Harry and the Hendersons / Uriasul Harry (1991) - George Henderson
- Stolen: One Husband / Il vreau inapoi (1990) - Doctor Peter Foley
- Longtime Companion / Partener de viață (1989) - David
- Seinfeld (1989)
- Lady in the Corner (1989) - Bill Guthrie
- Poor Little Rich Girl: The Barbara Hutton Story (1987) - Jimmy Donahue
- The Misfit Brigade / Frontul terorii (1987) - Porta
- thirtysomething (1987) - Congressman Mainway (1 episode, 1990)
- The Ladies Club (1986) - Richard Harrison
- "Designing Women" (1986) - Reverend Eugene 'Gene' Chapman (1 episode, 1990)
- Spies Like Us / Spioni ca noi (1985) - Ruby
- Amazing Stories / Călătorie în timp (1985) - Richard (1 episode, 1986)
- Lies (1985) - Stuart Russell
- Crimes of Passion / Intre zi si noapte (1984) - Donny Hopper
- Murder, She Wrote / Verdict crimă (1984) - David Carroll (1 episode, 1987)
- Hunter (1984) - Capt. Wyler (3 episodes, 1985-1989)
- The Taming of the Shrew (1983) - Tranio
- Tales from the Darkside / Tales from the Darkside (1983)
- Ghost Dancing (1983) - Calvin Oberst
- Hotel (1983) - Anthony Mortlake (1 episode, 1985)
- The Astronauts (1982) - Technical Officer David Ackroyd
- Tomorrow's Child (1982) - Cliff Bender
- Kiss My Grits (1982) - Dolin T. Pike
- The Wave (1981) - Ben Ross
- Incident at Crestridge (1981) - Clint Larsen
- High Risk (1981) - Dan
- The Lathe of Heaven (1980) - George Orr
- Mind Over Murder (1979) - Jason
- The Gathering, Part II (1979) - George
- Summer of My German Soldier (1978) - Anton Reiker
- Deadman's Curve (1978) - Dean Torrence
- Brass Target / Conspiratia (1978) - Col. Robert Dawson
- French Quarter (1978) - Kid Ross/Inspector Sordik
- Short Eyes (1977) - Clark Davis
- The Gathering (1977) - George Pelham
- "Lou Grant" (1977) - Andrew Raines (2 episodes, 1979)
- Mother, Jugs & Speed (1976) - Leroy
- Grand Jury (1976) - Bobby Allen
- The Last Survivors (1975) - Michael Larsen
- Ma and Pa (1974)
- Mame (1974) - The Older Patrick
- Police Woman (1974) - Binns (1 episode, 1976)
- Cops (1973) - Detective Dennis Till
- Peege (1973) - Greg
- The Affair (1973) - Jamie Patterson
- Ulzana's Raid / Ulzana atacă (1972) - Lt. Harry Garnett DeBuin
- The Jerusalem File (1972) - David Armonstrong
- The Waltons (1971) - Bob Hill (1 episode, 1975)
- Willard (1971) - Willard Stiles
- Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me (1971) - Fitzgore
- The Strawberry Statement / Protestul (1970) - Simon
- Last Summer / Vara trecută (1969) - Dan
- Medical Center (1969) - Mickey Peters (1 episode, 1970)
- Marcus Welby, M.D. (1969)
- Love, American Style (1969) - (segment "Love and the Secret Spouse") (1 episode, 1973)
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- X-Men: Evolution of a Trilogy (2006)
- The Horror Show (1979)
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Rat People: Friends and Foes (2003) - Narrated by
- The Uncanny Suspects (2003) - Himself
- X-Men Production Scrapbook (2003) - Himself
- Luck, Trust & Ketchup: Robert Altman in Carver Country (1993) - Himself
- In a New Light: A Call to Action in the War Against AIDS (1992) - Himself - Co-host
- The 63rd Annual Academy Awards (1991) - Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Supporting Role
O nominalizare Oscar, un premiu Globul de Aur, un premiu Venetia
Toate premiile »
A colaborat cu
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- Film noir
- Horror
- Istoric
- Mister
- Muzică
- Muzical
- Război
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- Scurt metraj
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Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Actori populari
Trailere filme
- Going Places
- Fear Street: Prom Queen
- The Parenting
- Kayara
- A Working Man
- Control Freak
- The Ballad of Wallis Island
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
- Armand
- A New Kind of Wilderness
- Emma and the Death's Head
- Mentorii
- The Day the Earth Blew Up: A...
- Big Trip 3: Race Around the World
- Reinas
În curând la cinema
- Mickey 17
- Vermiglio
- Le larbin
- Cleaner
- School of Magical Animals 2
- The Monkey
- Flow
- Julie zwijgt
- William Tell
- Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste III: ...și Noroc
- Black Bag
- Dogs at the Opera
- Grand Tour
- Suspended Time
- Véletlenül írtam egy könyvet
- Queer
- Monsieur Aznavour
- Novocaine
- Snow White
- The Colors Within
- The Nutcracker and the Magic Flute
- Hoții de subiecte
- Cocorico
- A Working Man
- Les trois fantastiques
- Diamant brut
- Caught by the Tides
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
Filme noi în SUA
- Sinners
- The Alto Knights
- Starbright
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- The Accountant 2
- Until Dawn
- The Legend of Ochi
- Thunderbolts*
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
- 28 Years Later
- M3GAN 2.0
- Naya Legend of the Golden Dolphin
- Jurassic World Rebirth
Program TV

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Bruce Davison
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