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James Maitland Stewart (n. 20 mai 1908 - d. 2 iulie 1997) a fost un actor american de origine scoțiană . A fost de profesie arhitect, până să descopere actoria. Primele sale roluri au fost în muzicaluri pe Broadway. Prestația sa a atras atenția celor de la MGM, care îi oferă un contract. Astfel, în 1935, James Stewart apare pentru prima dată în distribuția unui film. Colaborările cu Frank Capra îi vor aduce faima (You Can't Take It With You) și prima nominalizare la Oscar (Mr. Smith...
mai multJames Maitland Stewart (n. 20 mai 1908 - d. 2 iulie 1997) a fost un actor american de origine scoțiană . A fost de profesie arhitect, până să descopere actoria. Primele sale roluri au fost în muzicaluri pe Broadway. Prestația sa a atras atenția celor de la MGM, care îi oferă un contract. Astfel, în 1935, James Stewart apare pentru prima dată în distribuția unui film. Colaborările cu Frank Capra îi vor aduce faima (You Can't Take It With You) și prima nominalizare la Oscar (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington). A urmat apoi și primul Oscar câștigat, în 1940, pentru filmul Poveste din Philadelphia.
După decembrie 1941, o dată cu atacul de la Pearl Harbor, SUA intră în război. Jimmy se înrolează în aviația militară americană, până la sfârșitul războiului avansează până la gradul de colonel. Pentru meritele sale din timpul războiului este răsplătit cu mai multe medalii și decorații (Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Croix de Guerre și 7 Battle Stars). Ulterior va fi avansat la gradul de general de brigadă. Va lupta și în războiul din Vietnam.( În 1968 se retrage din armată după 27 de ani)
După al doilea război mondial joacă rolul lui George Bailey în faimosul film It's a Wonderful Life. În anii '50 Jimmy a făcut parte adesea din distribuția western-urilor lui John Ford și Anthony Mann, respectiv din cea a filmelor de suspans ale lui Alfred Hitchcock.
A fost răsplătit și cu câte un Oscar și un Glob de Aur pentru întreaga activitate.
Are o stea pentru film, în partea de est, aria 1700, pe Vine Street.
- My Name Is Alfred Hitchcock / Numele meu este Alfred Hitchcock (2022)
- La naranja prohibida / O portocală interzisă (2021)
- A Night at the Movies: Merry Christmas! / O seară la cinema: un Crăciun fericit (2011) - George Bailey (arhivă)
- I Am (2010)
- A Night at the Movies: The Suspenseful World of Thrillers / O seară la cinema: lumea filmelor de acţiune (2009) - (imagini de arhivă)
- The 70th Annual Academy Awards (1998)
- A Century of Cinema (1994)
- An American Tail: Fievel Goes West / Aventură în Vest (1991) - Wylie
- My Secret Identity (1988)
- North and South, Book II (1986) - Miles Colbert (6 episodes, 1986)
- Right of Way (1983) - Teddy Dwyer
- Sans soleil (1983)
- Afurika monogatari (1980) - Bătrân
- Mr. Krueger's Christmas (1980) - Mr. Krueger
- The Magic of Lassie (1978) - Clovis Mitchell
- The Big Sleep / Somnul de veci (1978) - Generalul Sternwood
- Airport '77 / Aeroport '77 (1977) - Philip Stevens
- The Shootist / Pistolarul (1976) - E.W. Hostleter
- "Hawkins" (1973) - Billy Jim Hawkins (6 episodes, 1973-1974)
- Harvey (1972) - Elwood P. Dowd
- Fools' Parade / Parada Nebunilor (1971) - Mattie Appleyard
- The Jimmy Stewart Show / The Jimmy Stewart Show (1971) - Prof. James K. Howard
- The Cheyenne Social Club (1970) - John O'Hanlan
- Firecreek / Lege si razbunare (1968) - Johnny Cobb
- Bandolero! (1968) - Mace Bishop
- The Rare Breed / Drumul spre Texas (1966) - Sam Burnett
- Shenandoah / Departe de razboi! (1965) - Charlie Anderson
- The Flight of the Phoenix / Pasarea Phoenix (1965) - Frank Towns -capitan de avion
- Dear Brigitte / Draga Brigitte (1965) - Prof. Robert Leaf
- National Geographic Specials (1965)
- Cheyenne Autumn / Toamna Cheyenilor (1964) - Wyatt Earp
- Take Her, She's Mine (1963) - Frank Michaelson/Narrator
- Mr Hobbs Takes a Vacation / Domnul Hobbs pleaca in vacanta (1962) - Roger Hobbs
- The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance / Omul care l-a ucis pe Liberty Valance (1962) - Ransom Stoddard
- How the West Was Won / Cum a fost cucerit vestul (1962) - Linus Rawlings Trailer
- X-15 (1961) - Narator
- Two Road Together / Călăreau împreună (1961) - Guthrie McCabe
- The Mountain Road (1960) - Maj. Baldwin
- The FBI Story / Povestea F.B.I.-ului (1959) - John Michael ('Chip') Hardesty
- Anatomy of a Murder / Anatomia unei crime (1959) - Paul Biegler
- Vertigo / Amețeala (1958) - John 'Scottie' Ferguson Trailer
- Bell Book and Candle / Abracadabra (1958) - Shepherd Henderson
- The Spirit of St. Louis / Sponsorul din St. Loius (1957) - Charles Augustus 'Slim' Lindbergh
- Night Passage / Blocaj în noapte (1957) - Grant McLaine
- The Man Who Knew Too Much / Omul care știa prea multe (1956) - Ben McKenna
- Strategic Air Command (1955) - Lt. Col. Robert 'Dutch' Holland
- The Man From Laramie / Omul din Laramie (1955) - Will Lockhart
- Tomorrow's Drivers (1954) - The Story Teller
- The Far Country / Trecătoarea blestemată (1954) - Jeff Webster
- Rear Window / În spatele ferestrei (1954) - L.B. Jefferies Trailer
- The Glenn Miller Story / Povestea lui Glenn Miller (1954) - Glenn Miller
- Thunder Bay (1953) - Steve Martin
- The Naked Spur / Cursa (1953) - Howard Kemp
- The Greatest Show on Earth / Cel mai mare spectacol (1952) - 'Buttons' A Clown
- Carbine Williams (1952) - Marsh Williams
- Bend of the River / Caravană spre Vest (1952) - Glyn McLyntock
- No Highway (1951) - Theodore Honey
- Winchester 73 (1950) - Lin McAdam
- The Jackpot (1950) - William J. 'Bill' Lawrence
- Harvey (1950) - Elwood P. Dowd
- Broken Arrow (1950) - Tom Jeffords
- The Stratton Story (1949) - Monty Stratton
- Malaya (1949) - John Royer
- You Gotta Stay Happy (1948) - Marvin Payne
- Rope / Funia (1948) - Rupert Cadell
- On Our Merry Way (1948) - Slim
- N.U. (1948) - P.J. 'Jim' McNeal
- Calling Northside 777 / Call Northside 777 (1948) - P.J. McNeal
- Magic Town (1947) - Rip Smith
- American Creed (1946)
- It's a Wonderful Life / O viață minunată (1946) - George Bailey Trailer
- Ziegfeld Girl (1941) - Gilbert Young
- Pot o' Gold / Castigul surpriza (1941) - James Hamilton Haskel
- The Shop Around the Corner / Magazinul de dupa colt (1940) - Alfred Kralik
- The Philadelphia Story / Poveste din Philadelphia (1940) - Mike Connor
- The Mortal Storm / The Mortal Storm (1940) - Martin Breitner
- Mr Smith Goes to Washington / Domnul Smith merge la Washington (1939) - Jefferson Smith
- Made for Each Other / Facuti unul pentru celalalt (1939) - John Horace Mason
- Destry Rides Again / Destry (1939) - Tom Destry jr.
- You Can't Take it With You / Nu o poti lua cu tine dupa moarte (1938) - Tony Kirby
- Vivacious Lady / O doamnă vivace (1938) - Prof. Peter Morgan Jr.
- Of Human Hearts (1938) - Jason Wilkins
- Seventh Heaven (1937) - Chico
- Wife vs Secretary / Sotie contra secretara (1936) - Dave
- The Gorgeous Hussy (1936) - 'Rowdy' Dow
- Born to Dance / Nascuta pentru dans (1936) - Ted Barker
- After the Thin Man (1936) - David Graham
- The Murder Man / In umbra scaunului electric (1935) - Shorty
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- 1939: Hollywood's Greatest Year / 1939: Hollywood's Greatest Year (2009)
- Warner at War (2008)
- President Hollywood (2008)
- Strictly Courtroom (2008)
- How the West Was Lost (2008)
- The 80th Annual Academy Awards (2008)
- Celebrity Debut (2006)
- Premio Donostia a Ben Gazzara (2005)
- Cineastas contra magnates (2005)
- Ziegfeld Girl Intro (2004)
- In the Good Old Summertime Intro (2004)
- Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust (2004)
- Christmas from Hollywood (2003)
- 50 Greatest TV Animals (2003)
- The Award Show Awards Show (2003)
- The True Story of Seabiscuit (2003)
- Screenwriter John Michael Hayes on 'Rear Window' (2001)
- Frank Capra and James Stewart (2001)
- Boom! Hollywood's Greatest Disaster Movies (2000)
- 'Rear Window' Ethics: Remembering and Restoring a Hitchcock Classic (2000)
- The Making of 'The Man Who Knew Too Much' (2000)
- ABC 2000: The Millennium / ABC 2000: The Millennium (1999)
- Sasquatch Odyssey: The Hunt for Bigfoot (1999)
- The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999)
- The Making of 'How the West Was Won' (1998)
- Classified X (1998)
- Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the American Dream (1998)
- Christmas Unwrapped: The History of Christmas (1997)
- Hollywood Commandos (1997)
- Obsessed with Vertigo (1997)
- Off the Menu: The Last Days of Chasen's (1997)
- Escape from It's a Wonderful Life (1996)
- Marlene Dietrich: Shadow and Light (1996)
- Entertaining the Troops (1994)
- Legend to Legend Night: A Celebrity Cavalcade (1993)
- La classe américaine (1993)
- The Carol Burnett Show: A Reunion (1993)
- Oscar's Greatest Moments (1992)
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: 50 Years of Magic (1990)
- The 1940's: Music, Memories & Milestones / The 1940's: Music, Memories & Milestones (1988)
- Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson 22nd Anniversary (1984)
- TV's Funniest Game Show Moments (1984)
- Hollywood Outtakes (1983)
- Margret Dünser, auf der Suche nach den Besonderen (1981)
- Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson 17th Anniversary Special (1979)
- Has Anybody Here Seen Canada? A History of Canadian Movies 1939-1953 / Has Anybody Here Seen Canada? A History of Canadian Movies 1939-1953 (1979)
- America at the Movies (1976)
- Hollywood My Home Town (1965)
- Screen Snapshots: Hollywood, City of Stars (1956)
- Screen Snapshots: Memories in Uniform (1954)
- Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Laugh Parade (1953)
- Screen Snapshots 2856: It Was Only Yesterday (1950)
- Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Party (1948)
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- The First 100 Years: A Celebration of American Movies (1995) - Himself
- John Ford (1993) - Himself
- Glenn Miller: America's Musical Hero (1992) - Himself
- Fonda on Fonda (1992) - Himself
- Yellow Ribbon Party (1991) - Himself
- Frank Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life': A Personal Remembrance (1991) - Himself
- Preminger: Anatomy of a Filmmaker (1991) - Himself
- Night of 100 Stars III (1990) - Himself
- The Making of 'It's a Wonderful Life' (1990) - Himself
- The 61st Annual Academy Awards (1989) - Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Sound & Best Sound Effects Editing
- The Disney-MGM Studios Theme Park Grand Opening (1989) - Himself
- Christmas in Washington (1988) - Himself - Host
- A Beverly Hills Christmas (1987) - Himself - Host
- All-Star Party for Joan Collins (1987) - Himself
- The 13th Annual People's Choice Awards (1987) - Himself
- The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (1987) - Himself
- Happy 100th Birthday, Hollywood (1987) - Himself
- Grace Kelly: The American Princess (1987) - Himself
- James Stewart: A Wonderful Life (1987) - Himself
- George Burns' 90th Birthday Party: A Very Special Special (1986) - Himself
- All-Star Party for Clint Eastwood (1986) - Himself
- The American Film Institute Salute to Billy Wilder (1986) - Himself
- Night of 100 Stars II (1985) - Himself
- The 57th Annual Academy Awards (1985) - Himself - Honorary Award Recipient
- The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (1985) - Himself
- The American Film Institute Salute to Gene Kelly (1985) - Himself
- All-Star Party for Burt Reynolds (1984) - Himself
- All-Star Party for Lucille Ball (1984) - Himself
- Palace of Dreams (1984) - Himself
- Olympic Gala (1984) - Invitat
- George Burns Celebrates 80 Years in Show Business (1983) - Himself
- James Bond: The First 21 Years (1983) - Himself
- The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (1983) - Himself - Honoree
- All-Star Party for Carol Burnett (1982) - Himself
- Night of 100 Stars (1982) - Himself
- The American Film Institute Salute to Frank Capra (1982) - Himself - Host
- All-Star Inaugural Gala (1981) - Himself
- High Hopes: The Capra Years (1981)
- Bob Hope's Overseas Christmas Tours: Around the World with the Troops - 1941-1972 / Bob Hope's Overseas Christmas Tours: Around the World with the Troops - 1941-1972 (1980) - Himself
- The American Film Institute Salute to James Stewart (1980) - Himself - Honoree
- The American Film Institute Salute to Alfred Hitchcock (1979) - Himself
- Dean Martin Celebrity Roast: Jimmy Stewart (1978) - Himself - Roastee
- NBC: The First Fifty Years - A Closer Look, Part Two (1978) - Gazdă
- General Electric's All-Star Anniversary (1978) - Mark Twain
- The American Film Institute Salute to Henry Fonda (1978) - Himself
- The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast: Frank Sinatra (1977) - Himself
- An All-Star Tribute to John Wayne (1976) - Himself
- CBS Salutes Lucy: The First 25 Years (1976) - Himself
- The American Film Institute Presents a Salute to William Wyler (1976) - Himself
- The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast: Bob Hope (1974) - Himself
- Just One More Time (1974) - Himself
- That's Entertainment! (1974) - Himself - Co-host/Narrator/Clip from 'Born to Dance'
- The American Film Institute Salute to John Ford (1973) - Himself
- Directed by John Ford (1971) - Himself
- The American West of John Ford (1971) - Himself - Narrator
- The 24th Annual Tony Awards (1970) - Himself - Presenter
- The 39th Annual Academy Awards (1967) - Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Film Editing
- The 36th Annual Academy Awards (1964) - Himself - Presenter: Cinematography Awards
- The World's Greatest Showman: The Legend of Cecil B. DeMille (1963) - Himself
- The 33rd Annual Academy Awards (1961) - Himself - accepting Honorary Award for Gary Cooper
- Hedda Hopper's Hollywood (1960) - Himself
- The 30th Annual Academy Awards (1958) - Himself - Co-host
- The Heart of Show Business (1957) - Himself, Narrator
- The 25th Annual Academy Awards (1953) - Himself - Co-Presenter: Art Direction-Set Decoration Awards
- 10,000 Kids and a Cop (1948) - Himself - Introductory Narration
- Thunderbolt (1947) - Himself
Filmografie - miscellaneous crew
Filmografie - mulţumiri
- Grace Kelly: The American Princess (1987)
- Directed by John Ford (1971)
Filmografie - Soundtrack
- That's Entertainment! (1974)
- Night Passage / Blocaj în noapte (1957)
Un premiu şi 4 nominalizări Oscar, un premiu şi 2 nominalizări Globul de Aur, 2 nominalizări BAFTA, un premiu Berlin, un premiu Venetia
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Despre James Stewart
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- Caught by the Tides
- A Minecraft Movie
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- Bambi: A Tale of Life in the Woods
- The Proud Princess
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- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Hitpig!
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- The Sloth Lane
- TWST - Things We Said Today
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- Los Muertos
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- The Legend of Ochi
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
- 28 Years Later
- M3GAN 2.0
- Naya Legend of the Golden Dolphin
- Jurassic World Rebirth
- Superman
- I Know What You Did Last Summer
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James Stewart
Părerea ta
Spune-ţi părereaUn actor clasic deosebit
Fara dubiu, unul din cei mai mari !
actor de geniu din generatia sa
Printre cei mai importanti actori din generatie/cu o concurenta de actori de calibru/,Wayne,Dean,Peck,Bronson,Hudson/in filmele gen western,filme de o reala valoare artistica,probabil,cea mai prolifica perioada pentru aceste productii cinematografice.
Are cele mai mute nominalizari la premiile importante acordate in lumea cinematografica intre actorii din generatie,fiind detinator si al premiului Oscar.
James Stewart,unul dintre cei mai mari actori din istorie.
Rear Window
De asemenea: The Glenn Miller Story, Rope, Vertigo, O viață minunată etc, personal nu știu să fi văzut un film slab cu acest actor.
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