Poze (72)
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Si-a inceput cariera in Anglia, in teatru, la Bristol Old Vic, apoi a debutat la Londra in “Godspell”, cu rolul Sf. Ioan Botezatorul. Cariera sa in West End si Stratford Upon Avon a culminat cu rolul “Richard al II-lea”, pentru The Royal Shakespeare Company. Si-a facut debutul pe Broadway cu productia lui Tom Stoppard “The Real Thing”, unde a jucat alaturi de Glenn Close, rol pentru care a obtinut Premiul Drama League si Premiul Tony pentru "Cel mai bun actor".
Irons a jucat multe roluri pentru televiziune,...
Si-a inceput cariera in Anglia, in teatru, la Bristol Old Vic, apoi a debutat la Londra in “Godspell”, cu rolul Sf. Ioan Botezatorul. Cariera sa in West End si Stratford Upon Avon a culminat cu rolul “Richard al II-lea”, pentru The Royal Shakespeare Company. Si-a facut debutul pe Broadway cu productia lui Tom Stoppard “The Real Thing”, unde a jucat alaturi de Glenn Close, rol pentru care a obtinut Premiul Drama League si Premiul Tony pentru "Cel mai bun actor".
Irons a jucat multe roluri pentru televiziune, cele mai remarcabile fiind in “Love for Lydia” si Christopher Hampton - “Tales from Hollywood.” Rolul sau din “Brideshead Revisited” i-a adus succes si faima mondiala, precum si nominalizari la Premiul Emmy®, Premiul British Academy si Globul de Aur pentru "Cel mai bun actor".
In 1996 a regizat si jucat alaturi de sotia sa, actrita Sinead Cusack, in “Mirad, A Boy from Bosnia,” un film realizat de Channel 4 Television despre refugiati, dupa un scenariu de Ad De Bont. Pe marele ecran a jucat in filme precum Jerzy Skolimowski - “Moonlighting,” Harold Pinter - “Betrayal,” Volker Schlondorff - “Swann in Love” si “The Mission”, cu Robert DeNiro. Irons a jucat alaturi de Meryl Streep in “The French Lieutenant’s Woman” (Iubita locotenentului francez), pentru care a primit Premiul Variety Club pentru "Cel mai bun actor" si o nominalizare la Premiile BAFTA; alaturi de fiul sau Sam a jucat in filmul lui Roald Dahl - “Danny, Champion of the World.” Rolul din filmul lui David Cronenberg “Dead Ringers” i-a adus premiul pentru "Cel mai bun actor" din partea New York Film Critics Circle si un premiu Genie.
Irons a jucat din nou alaturi de Glenn Close in filmul bazat pe rejudecarea lui Claus von Bulow, “Reversal of Fortune.” Pentru acest rol, Irons a primit in 1990 Premiul Oscar si Globul de Aur pentru "Cel mai bun actor". Irons a mai jucat in filme precum: Steven Soderbergh - “Kafka,” David Cronenberg - “M. Butterfly” si Bille August - “The House Of The Spirits”, din nou cu Streep si Close. In 1994, Irons a creat vocea lui Scar pentru productia Disney “The Lion King.”
A urmat filmul de actiune “Die Hard With A Vengeance”, unde a jucat alaturi de Bruce Willis, apoi filmul lui Bernardo Bertolucci “Stealing Beauty”, avand-o ca partenera pe Liv Tyler. Printre cele mai recente filme ale lui Irons se numara: Wayne Wang - “Chinese Box” si “Man In The Iron Mask” (Omul cu masca de fier), unde a jucat alaturi de Gerard Depardieu, Leonardo DiCaprio, si John Malkovich. A primit rolul lui Humbert Humbert in controversatul film al lui Adrian Lyne “Lolita.” Irons a lucrat la patru filme in 2001: “And Now…Ladies and Gentleman”, in regia lui Claude Lelouch, “The Time Machine”, inspirat dupa romanul lui H.G. Wells, “Callas Forever”, in regia lui Franco Zeffirelli si “Last Call”, o productie Showtime Original Picture, in regia lui Henry Bromell, film in care a aparut alaturi de Neve Campbell.
In 2003, Jeremy Irons a debutat in productia Operei din New York City, Stephen Sondheim - “A Little Night Music”, in rolul lui Frederik, in regia lui Scott Ellis. A mai jucat in filmul lui Istan Szabo “Being Julia.” La sfarsitul lui 2004 Irons a jucat rolul lui Antonio in productia lui Michael Radford a piesei lui Shakespeare “Negutatorul din Venetia,” avandu-l ca partener pe Al Pacino.
- The Beekeeper / The Beekeeper: Răzbunare iminentă (2024) - Wallace Westwyld Trailer
- Once Upon a Studio / A fost odata un studio (2023) - Scar (voce) Trailer
- Munich: The Edge of War / Münchenul în fața războiului (2022) - Neville Chamberlain Trailer
- The Pentaverate / Pentaviratul (2022) - narator Trailer
- Broadway: Beyond the Golden Age / Broadway: Beyond the Golden Age (2021) - el însuși
- Napoleon - In the Name of Art / Napoleon - În numele artei (2021) - el însuși - gazdă Trailer
- Zack Snyder's Justice League / Zack Snyder - Liga dreptății (2021) - Alfred Trailer
- House of Gucci / Casa Gucci (2021) - Rodolfo Gucci Trailer
- Love, Weddings & Other Disasters / Iubire, nunți & alte dezastre (2020) - Lawrence Philips Trailer
- Watchmen (2019) - Adrian Veidt Trailer
- An Actor Prepares (2018) - Atticus Trailer
- Red Sparrow / Vrabia roșie (2018) - General Korchnoi Trailer
- Better Start Running (2018) - Garrison Trailer
- Birds Like Us / Birds Like Us (2017) - Kondor (voce)
- Justice League / Liga Dreptății (2017) - Alfred Trailer
- The Sultan and the Saint / The Sultan and the Saint (2016) - narator
- Dawn of the Justice League (2016) - el însuși
- La corrispondenza (2016) - Ed Phoerum
- Race / Cursa (2016) - Avery Brundage Trailer
- Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice / Batman vs. Superman: Zorii dreptății (2016) - Alfred Trailer
- Assassin's Creed / Assassin’s Creed: Codul Asasinului (2016) - Rikkin Trailer
- Their Finest (2016) Trailer
- Metropolis (2015) - el însuși
- The Man Who Knew Infinity / Omul care a cunoscut infinitul (2015) - G.H. Hardy Trailer
- High-Rise (2015) - Royal Trailer
- Big Cat Week (2013) - narator (voce)
- Life on Fire: Wildlife on the Volcano's Edge (2013) - narator
- The Hollow Crown (2013) - Henry IV Trailer
- Night Train to Lisbon / Trenul de noapte spre Lisabona (2013) - Raimund Gregorius Trailer
- Beautiful Creatures / Cronicile Casterilor: A 16-a lună (2013) - Macon Ravenwood Trailer
- The British / The British (2012) - el însuși
- The Words / Hoțul de cuvinte (2012) - bătrânul Trailer
- The Last Lions (2011) - narator (voce)
- Margin Call / Panică pe Wall Street (2011) - John Tuld Trailer
- The Borgias / Familia Borgia (2011) - Rodrigo Borgia Trailer
- The Chronoscope / Cronoscopul (2009) - narator (voce)
- Georgia O'Keeffe (2009) - Alfred Stieglitz
- The Pink Panther 2 / Pantera roz 2 (2009) - Avellaneda Trailer
- The Magic 7 (2009) - Thraxx (voce)
- The Colour of Magic / Culoarea magiei (2008) - Patrician Trailer
- Appaloosa (2008) - Randall Bragg Trailer
- Eye of the Leopard (2006) - narator (voce)
- The Secret Policeman's Ball (2006) - el însuși
- Inland Empire / Imperiul minții (2006) - Kingsley Stewart Trailer
- Eragon (2006) - Brom Trailer
- Elizabeth I / Elisabeta I (2005) - lordul Dudley / conte de Leicester
- Casanova (2005) - Pucci Trailer
- RSC Meets USA: Working Shakespeare (2005) - narator
- Kingdom of Heaven / Regatul Cerului (2005) - Tiberias Trailer
- The Merchant of Venice / Neguțătorul din Veneția (2004) - Antonio Trailer
- Being Julia / Julia (2004) - Michael Gosselyn Trailer
- Mathilde (2004) - colonelul De Petris
- Dame Edna Live at the Palace (2003) - el însuși
- Hititler (2003) - narator
- Freedom: A History of Us / Freedom: A History of Us (2003) - lordul Grey / regele James I / Thomas Paine
- Comic Relief 2003: The Big Hair Do (2003) - Snape
- Last Call / Ultima chemare (2002) - F. Scott Fitzgerald
- And Now... Ladies and Gentlemen... (2002) - Valentin Valentin
- Callas Forever (2002) - Larry Kelly Trailer
- The Time Machine / Mașina Timpului (2002) - Über-Morlock Trailer
- The Making of 'Dungeons and Dragons' (2001) - el însuși
- The Fourth Angel / Al patrulea înger (2001) - Jack Elgin
- Ohio Impromptu (2000)
- Longitude / Longitudine (2000) - Rupert Gould
- Dungeons & Dragons / Răzbunarea dragonilor (2000) - Profion
- Poseidon's Fury: Escape from the Lost City (1999) - Poseidon (voce)
- Faeries (1999) - Shapeshifter (voce)
- Law & Order: Special Victims Unit / Lege si ordine: Brigada specială (1999) - dr. Captain Jackson
- The 70th Annual Academy Awards (1998) - el însuși
- The Man in the Iron Mask / Omul cu masca de fier (1998) - Aramis
- L'aventure humaine (1997)
- Mirad (1997) - Djuka
- Lolita (1997) - Humbert Humbert Trailer
- Chinese Box / Cutia chinezească (1997) - John
- Stealing Beauty / Frumusețe furată (1996) - Alex
- Die Hard: With a Vengeance / Greu de ucis 3 (1995) - Simon Trailer
- The Lion King / Regele Leu (1994) - Scar (voce) Trailer
- M. Butterfly (1993) - René Gallimard Trailer
- The House of the Spirits / Casa spiritelor (1993) - Esteban Trueba
- Waterland (1992) - Tom Crick
- From Time to Time (1992) - H.G. Wells
- Fatale / Pasiune fatala (1992) - dr. Stephen
- Performance (1991) - Odon Von Horvath
- Zebracka opera / Opera cersetorilor (1991) - Vezen
- Kafka (1991) - Kafka
- Reversal of Fortune / Misterul familiei Von Bulow (1990) - Claus von Bulow
- The Dream (1989)
- Danny, the Champion of the World / Danny, campionul lumii (1989) - William Smith
- Australia (1989) - Edouard Pierson
- The Simpsons / Familia Simpson (1989)
- A Chorus of Disapproval / Dezaprobarea (1989) - Guy Jones
- Dead Ringers / Inseparabilii (1988) - Beverly / Elliot
- The Mission / Misiunea (1986) - Gabriel Trailer
- Rabbit Ears: The Steadfast Tin Soldier (1985)
- Un amour de Swann / O iubire a lui Swann (1984) - Charles Swann
- The Wild Duck (1983) - Harold
- The Captain's Doll (1983) - Alexander Hepburn
- Betrayal / Tradare (1983) - Jerry
- Spaceship Earth (1982)
- Moonlighting / Slujba secundară (1982) - Nowak
- Brideshead Revisited / Intoarcere la Brideshead (1981) - Charles Ryder
- The French Lieutenant's Woman / Iubita locotenentului francez (1981) - Charles și Mike Trailer
- Nijinsky (1980) - Mikhail Fokine
- Love for Lydia / Dragoste pentru Lydia (1977) - Alex Sanderson
- Arena (1975)
- Saturday Night Live (1975) - gazdă
- The Pallisers / Familia Palliser (1974) - Frank Tregear
- "Notorious Woman" (1974) - Franz Liszt
- The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes (1971) - nepotul
- Jackanory / Jackanory (1965)
- BBC Play of the Month (1965) - Edward Voysey
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Muse of Fire: A Documentary (2010)
- The Power of the Powerless (2009) - Narator
- Broadway: The Next Generation (2009) - Himself
- Eden at the End of the World (2008) - Narator
- Rufus! Rufus! Rufus! Does Judy! Judy! Judy! (2007) - Himself - Audience Member
- The 64th Annual Golden Globe Awards (2007) - Himself
- Relentless Enemies (2006) - Narator
- The Secret Policeman's Ball: The Ball in the Hall (2006) - Himself
- TV's 50 Greatest Stars (2006) - Himself
- The Path to Redemption (2006) - Himself
- The 58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2006) - Himself
- Sport at Heart (2005) - Himself
- 'Kingdom of Heaven': Interactive Production Grid (2005) - Himself
- Predators at War (2005)
- 3rd Irish Film and Television Awards (2005) - Himself
- 'Merchant of Venice': Shakespeare Through the Lens (2005) - Himself
- Kingdom of Hope: The Making of 'Kingdom of Heaven' (2005) - Himself
- Gelibolu (2005) - Narator
- The 77th Annual Academy Awards (2005) - Himself - Presenter: Best Live Action Short
- Kingdom of David: The Saga of the Israelites (2003)
- Check the Gate: Putting Beckett on Film (2003) - Himself - Reader/Listener ("Ohio Impromptu")
- The Evening Standard Theatre Awards 2003 (2003) - Himself
- Hititler (2003) - Narator
- Broadway: The Golden Age, by the Legends Who Were There (2003) - Himself
- The 59th Annual Golden Globe Awards (2002) - Himself - Presenter
- Billy Connolly: A BAFTA Tribute (2002) - Himself - Audience Member
- Het korte leven van Anne Frank (2001) - Narator
- The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (2001) - Himself
- Hollywood Salutes Bruce Willis: An American Cinematheque Tribute (2000) - Himself
- The Beatles Revolution (2000) - Himself
- Night of a Thousand Shows (2000) - Himself
- Fox Studios Australia: The Grand Opening (1999) - Himself
- On the Set of Lolita (1997) - Himself
- Ballando con Bertolucci (1996) - Himself
- The 68th Annual Academy Awards (1996) - Himself - Presenter: 'Braveheart' Film Clip
- A Night to Die for (1995) - Himself
- The 67th Annual Academy Awards (1995) - Himself - Presenter: Best Foreign Language Film
- The Making of 'The Lion King' (1994) - Himself
- The 66th Annual Academy Awards (1994) - Himself - Presenter: Writing Awards
- Russia's Last Tsar (1994) - Narator
- The Lion King: A Musical Journey with Elton John (1994) - Himself
- Besser als mein Haus je war (1993) - Himself
- The 45th Annual Tony Awards (1991) - Himself - Host
- The 63rd Annual Academy Awards (1991) - Himself - Winner: Best Actor in a Leading Role
- Danny and the Dirty Dog: The Making of 'Roald Dahl's Danny the Champion of the World' (1989) - Narator
- Sesame Street, Special (1988) - Himself
- An Evening with Kiri Te Kanawa (1987) - Himself
- Looney Tunes 50th Anniversary (1986) - Himself
- Night of 100 Stars II (1985) - Himself
- Carnival of the Animals (1984) - Himself
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- Premio Donostia a Meryl Streep (2008)
- Premio Donostia a Antonio Banderas (2008)
- Strictly Courtroom (2008)
- Cámara negra. Teatro Victoria Eugenia (2007)
- Premio Donostia a Matt Dillon (2006)
- Premio Donostia a Max Von Sydow (2006)
- XX premios Goya (2006)
- Greatest Before They Were Stars TV Moments (2005)
- Premio Donostia a Willem Dafoe (2005)
- Camilla: The Uncrowned Queen (2005)
- The 100 Greatest Musicals (2003)
- Warner Bros. 75th Anniversary: No Guts, No Glory (1998)
- Ennio Morricone (1995)
- All-Star 25th Birthday: Stars and Street Forever! (1994)
- The 59th Annual Academy Awards (1987)
- Kate Bush: The Whole Story (1986)
Filmografie - Soundtrack
- Sesame Street, Special (1988)
- Carnival of the Animals (1984)
Un premiu Oscar, 2 premii şi 2 nominalizări Globul de Aur, 2 nominalizări BAFTA
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- Sakamoto Days
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- The Colors Within
- The Nutcracker and the Magic Flute
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- Cocorico
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- Alexandra
- Les trois fantastiques
- Diamant brut
- Caught by the Tides
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- Drop
- Bambi: A Tale of Life in the Woods
- The Proud Princess
- Moon the Panda
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Hitpig!
- Sinners
- Until Dawn
- The Sloth Lane
- TWST - Things We Said Today
- Holy Cow
- The Accountant 2
- Thunderbolts*
- Rosario
- Marea pescuială
- Sirenele: Secretul medalionului
- Shadow Force
- Kaptein Sabeltann og Grevinnen av Gral
Filme noi în SUA
- Kayara
- Starbright
- Michael
- Los Muertos
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- The Legend of Ochi
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
- 28 Years Later
- M3GAN 2.0
- Naya Legend of the Golden Dolphin
- Jurassic World Rebirth
- Superman
- I Know What You Did Last Summer
Program TV

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