Poze (18)
Toate pozele »Biografie
John Ritter s-a nascut la 17 septembrie 1948, in Burbank, California. Fiu al unui cantaret de country si actor, Tex Ritter, si al unei actrite, Dorothy Fay Southworth, John si fratele sau Tom au crescut intr-un mediu artistic. In copilarie John n-avea nicio aspiratie in a urma cariera parintilor sai, inscriindu-se la Unversitatea Southern California, unde avea ca specializari psihologia si arhitectura. Dupa doi ani, s-a inscris la clasa de drama a actritei Nina Foch si si-a schimbat specializarea in...
mai multJohn Ritter s-a nascut la 17 septembrie 1948, in Burbank, California. Fiu al unui cantaret de country si actor, Tex Ritter, si al unei actrite, Dorothy Fay Southworth, John si fratele sau Tom au crescut intr-un mediu artistic. In copilarie John n-avea nicio aspiratie in a urma cariera parintilor sai, inscriindu-se la Unversitatea Southern California, unde avea ca specializari psihologia si arhitectura. Dupa doi ani, s-a inscris la clasa de drama a actritei Nina Foch si si-a schimbat specializarea in Arta Teatrala, absolvind in 1971 cu diploma in Arte Frumoase, specializarea drama.
Intre 1968-1969, John a aparut in diverse productii teatrale in Europa, iar in 1970 a aparut la show-urile de televiziune Mary Taylor Moore Show si The Waltons, in 1971 in Hawaii Five-O, in 1973 in M.A.S.H., iar in 1977 a primit unul din rolurile principale in sitcomul Three's Company, unul din cele mai urmarite seriale din anii '70. Actorul a castigat pentru acest rol un Glob de Aur in 1983 si un Emmy in 1984.
Concomitent cu aparitia in diverse spectacole de televiziune si cu gazduirea show-ului John Ritter : Being of Sound Mind and Body la reteaua de televiziune ABC, Ritter si-a infiintat propria companie de productie in 1984, Adam Productions, cu care a produs comedia dramatica Hooperman, care n-a avut mare succes la public, insa cu rolul din acest film a castigat aprecierea criticilor.
Pe marele ecran Ritter a aparut in cateva comedii in care si-a exersat talentul de comedian : Real Men (1987), Skin Deep (1989), Problem Child (1990), Montana (1998). In 2001 a primit premiul Theatre World Award pentru rolul din The Dinner Party.
In 2002 a aparut in sitcomul 8 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter difuzat de reteaua de televiziune ABC, cu care a recastigat aprecierea si simpatia publicului.
John Ritter a fost casatorit de doua ori : primul mariaj a fost cu Nancy Morgan, intre 1977-1996, cu care a avut 3 copii : Jason, Tyler si Carly. In 1999 s-a casatorit cu actrita Amy Yasbeck cu care a avut o fiica, Stella.
In septembrie 2003, in timpul filmarilor la sitcomul 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter, Ritter a acuzat dureri de piept, ameteli si greturi. A fost transportat la spitalul din Burbank, peste drum de platourile de filmare, unde a decedat cateva ore mai tarziu, in urma unui atac de cord. Actorul avea 54 de ani.
In 2004 actorul a fost nominalizat post-mortem la premiile Emmy pentru rolul sau din sitcomul 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter care a fost redenumit 8 Simple Rules in urma decesului actorului, iar doi ani mai tarziu a fost anulat. Ultimele doua filme in care a aparut actorul, Bad Santa si Clifford Really Big Movie au fost dedicate memoriei sale. In 2008, Eloy Torrez i-a dedicat lui John Ritter o pictura murala care a fost expusa la Hollywood High School.
Actorul a fost recompensat pentru activitatea de la televiziune cu steaua de la poziția 6631 amplasată pe Bulevardul Walk of Fame din Hollywood.
- Stanley's Dinosaur Round-Up (2006) - Great Uncle Stew
- Clifford's Really Big Movie / Filmul lui Clifford (2004) - Clifford (voce)
- Manhood / Arta de a fi barbat (2003) - Eli
- Bad Santa / Moșul cel rău (2003) - Directorul Mall-ului Trailer
- Man of the Year / Omul anului (2002) - Bill
- 8 Simple Rules... for Dating My Teenage Daughter / Opt reguli simple (2002) - Paul Hennessy Trailer
- Breaking News / Echipa de stiri (2002) - Lloyd Fuchs (1 episode, 2002)
- Nuncrackers (2001) - Narator
- Scrubs / Stagiarii (2001) - Sam Dorian (2 episodes, 2002)
- The Ellen Show / Ellen (2001) - Percy Moss (1 episode, 2002)
- Tadpole / Mormolocul (2000) - Stanley Grubman Trailer
- Clifford the Big Red Dog / Clifford the Big Red Dog (2000) - Clifford the Big Red Dog
- Terror Tract / Casa terorii (2000) - Bob Carter
- Lost in the Pershing Point Hotel (2000) - Christian Therapist
- Panic / Atac de panica (2000) - Josh
- TripFall / Calatorie de cosmar (2000) - Tom Williams
- Lethal Vows / Jurăminte fatale (1999) - Dr. David Farris
- Law & Order: Special Victims Unit / Lege si ordine: Brigada specială (1999) - Dr. Richard Manning (1 episode, 2002)
- Family Law / Familia si legea (1999) - Father Andrews (1 episode, 2000)
- Holy Joe / Credință regăsită (1999) - Joe Cass
- Batman Beyond / Batman in viitor (1999) - Dr. David Wheeler (1 episode, 2000)
- It Came From the Sky / Ajutor venit din cer (1999) - Donald Bridges
- The World's Greatest Magic 5 (1998) - Gazdă
- Dead Husbands / Clubul vaduvelor (1998) - Dr. Carter Elston
- Bride of Chucky / Mireasa lui Chucky (1998) - Warren Kincaid
- Felicity (1998) - Mr. Andrew Covington (7 episodes, 2000-2002)
- Chance of a Lifetime / Iubire de conveniență (1998) - Tom Maguire
- I Woke Up Early the Day I Died (1998) - Robert Forrest
- Shadow of Doubt / Umbre de indoiala (1998) - Steven Mayer
- Montana (1998) - Dr. Wexler
- Loss of Faith / Pierderea credinței (1997) - Bruce Simon Barker
- A Gun, a Car, a Blonde / O blonda, un pistol si o masina (1997) - Duncan / Barmanul
- Nowhere (1997) - Moses Helper
- Mercenary / Mercenarul (1997) - Jonas Ambler
- Hacks / O idee sclipitoare (1997) - Hank
- Dead Man's Gun (1997) - Harry McDonacle (segment "The Great McDonacle")
- A Child's Wish / Lupta pentru viata (1997) - Ed Chandler
- Veronica's Closet / Veronica (1997) - Tim (1 episode, 1999)
- King of the Hill (1997) - Eugene Grandy (4 episodes, 1997-2004)
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Buffy, spaima vampirilor (1997) - Ted Buchanan
- Ally McBeal (1997) - George Madison (2 episodes, 1998)
- Harry Anderson: The Tricks of His Trade (1996)
- Totally Animals (1996) - Gazdă
- The World's Greatest Magic 3 (1996) - Gazdă
- Unforgivable / Puterea iertarii (1996) - Paul Hegstrom
- Sling Blade / Taisul (1996) - Vaughan Cunningham
- For Hope / Timpul durerii (1996) - Date #5
- 50 Years of Funny Females (1995) - el însuși
- Gramps / Dragoste ucigasa (1995) - Clarke MacGruder
- The Colony / Colonia (1995) - Rick Knowlton
- North / Părinți ideali (1994) - Ward Nelson
- Touched by an Angel / Atingerea ingerilor (1994) - Mike O'Connor (2 episodes, 1996-1999)
- Chicago Hope (1994) - Joe Dysmerski (1 episode, 2000)
- The Only Way Out (1993) - Jeremy Carlisle
- Heartbeat / Pasiuni (1993) - Bill Grant
- Stay Tuned / Frecvențe periculoase (1992) - Roy Knable
- Noises Off... / Piesa (1992) - Garry Lejeune/Roger Tramplemain
- Hearts Afire / Hearts Afire (1992) - John Hartman
- Fish Police / Un detectiv intrat la apa (1992) - Inspector Gil (6 episodes, 1992)
- The Real Story of O Christmas Tree (1991) - Piney
- The Summer My Father Grew Up (1991) - Paul
- Problem Child 2 / Copilul problemă 2 (1991) - Ben Healy
- Problem Child / Copilul problemă (1990) - Ben Healy
- Stephen King's It / It (1990) - Ben Hanscom
- The Dreamer of Oz (1990) - L. Frank Baum
- Skin Deep / Arta de a insela (1989) - Zachary Hutton
- My Brother's Wife (1989) - Barney
- Anything But Love (1989) - Patrick Serreau (5 episodes, 1991)
- Mickey's 60th Birthday (1988) - Dudley Goode
- Tricks of the Trade (1988) - Donald Todsen
- Real Men / Barbati adevarati (1987) - Bob Wilson / Agent Pillbox, CIA
- Prison for Children (1987) - David Royce
- The Last Fling (1987) - Phillip Reed
- Hooperman (1987) - Detective Harry Hooperman (42 episodes, 1987-1989)
- Living Seas (1986) - Gazdă
- Unnatural Causes (1986) - Frank Coleman
- A Smoky Mountain Christmas (1986) - Judge Harold Benton
- Letting Go (1985) - Alex
- Love Thy Neighbor (1984) - Danny Loeb
- Three's a Crowd / Three's a Crowd (1984) - Jack Tripper
- The Cosby Show (1984) - Ray Evans (1 episode, 1991)
- Sunset Limousine (1983) - Alan O'Black
- Pray TV (1982) - Tom McPherson
- In Love with an Older Woman / Îndrăgostit de o femeie mai în vârstă (1982) - Robert
- The Flight of Dragons (1982) - Peter Dickenson (voce)
- They All Laughed / Au ras cu totii (1981) - Charles Rutledge
- The Comeback Kid (1980) - Bubba Newman
- Wholly Moses (1980) - Satan (The Devil)
- Hero at Large (1980) - Steve Nichols
- Americathon / Alo, America? (1979) - Presedintele Chet Roosevelt
- "The Associates" (1979) - Chick (1 episode, 1980)
- Leave Yesterday Behind (1978) - Paul Stallings
- Ringo (1978) - Marty
- Breakfast in Bed (1977) - Paul
- Three's Company (1977) - Jack Tripper
- The Love Boat / Croaziera de lux (1977) - Dale Riley (3 episodes, 1977-1983)
- Nickelodeon (1976) - Franklin Frank
- The Night That Panicked America (1975) - Walter Wingate
- Starsky and Hutch / Starsky și Hutch (1975) - Tom Cole (1 episode, 1976)
- "Phyllis" (1975) - Paul Jameson (1 episode, 1976)
- "Rhoda" (1974) - Jerry Blocker (2 episodes, 1975-1976)
- Petrocelli (1974) - John Oleson (1 episode, 1975)
- Bachelor-at-Law (1973) - Ben Sykes
- The Stone Killer (1973) - Hart
- Kojak (1973) - Kenny Soames (1 episode, 1974)
- Barnaby Jones (1973) - Joe Rockwell (1 episode, 1975)
- The Other (1972) - Rider
- The Streets of San Francisco (1972) - John 'Johnny' Steiner (1 episode, 1975)
- M*A*S*H* / M.A.S.H. (1972) - Pvt. Carter (1 episode, 1973)
- "The Bob Newhart Show" (1972) - Dave (1 episode, 1974)
- The Waltons (1971) - Rev. Matthew Fordwick (18 episodes, 1972-1976)
- Scandalous John / Ultimul erou al Vestului Salbatic (1971) - Wendell
- The Barefoot Executive / Raffles, cimpanzeul telespectator (1971) - Roger Trailer
- "Mary Tyler Moore" (1970) - Reverend Chatfield (1 episode, 1975)
- Dan August (1970)
- Medical Center (1969) - Ronnie (1 episode, 1973)
- Crazy World, Crazy People (1968) - Personaje diverse
- Hawaii Five-O (1968) - Mike Welles (2 episodes, 1971-1977)
- Mannix (1967) - Cliff Elgin (1 episode, 1975)
Filmografie - mulţumiri
- Artists of the Roundtable (2008)
- Stanley's Dinosaur Round-Up (2006)
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- The Funniest Families of Television Comedy: A Museum of Television & Radio Special (2004) - Himself
- The 29th Annual People's Choice Awards (2003) - Himself
- Time Machine: When Cowboys Were King (2003) - Himself
- The Teen Choice Awards 2003 (2003) - Himself
- ABC's 50th Anniversary Celebration (2003) - Himself
- TV Land Awards: A Celebration of Classic TV (2003) - Gazdă
- 'Buffy': Season 2 Overview (2002) - Himself
- CBS: 50 Years from Television City (2002) - Himself
- The Power of Play (2002) - Narator
- Regis and Kelly in Prime Time (2002) - Himself
- The 4th Annual Family Television Awards (2002) - Himself
- Inside TV Land: Taboo TV (2002) - Himself
- The Honeymooners 50th Anniversary Celebration (2002) - Himself
- Walt Disney World Christmas Day Parade (2002) - Himself
- TVography: Suzanne Somers - Mastering Success (2002) - Himself
- The 54th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2002) - Himself
- TV Road Trip (2002) - Gazdă
- The 28th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards (2001) - Himself - Presenter
- Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (2000) - Himself
- The 70s: The Decade That Changed Television (2000) - Segment Presenter
- TV Guide's Truth Behind the Sitcom Scandals (1999) - Himself
- This Is My Father /II (1998)
- 3rd Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (1997)
- The World's Greatest Magic 4 (1997) - Himself
- The Greatest Commercials Ever Made (1995) - Gazdă
- The 8th Annual American Comedy Awards (1994) - Himself - Presenter
- Bob Hope's Birthday Memories (1994) - Himself
- The 19th Annual People's Choice Awards (1993) - Himself/Host
- The First Annual Comedy Hall of Fame (1993) - Himself
- What About Me? I'm Only 3! (1992) - Himself
- The Making of 'High Noon' (1992) - Himself
- A Festival at Ford's (1991) - Himself - Host
- The American Red Cross Emergency Test (1990) - Himself
- Help Save Planet Earth (1990) - Himself
- Stella Adler: Awake and Dream! (1989) - Himself
- The Disney-MGM Studios Theme Park Grand Opening (1989) - Himself
- Memories Then and Now (1988) - Gazdă
- ABC Presents: A Royal Gala (1988) - Himself - Host
- Stand-up Comics Take a Stand (1988) - Himself
- We the People 200: The Constitutional Gala (1987) - Himself - Performer
- The 13th Annual People's Choice Awards (1987) - Himself - Presenter
- It's Howdy Doody Time (1987) - Invitat
- Happy 100th Birthday, Hollywood (1987) - Himself
- Breaking Ground (1986) - Himself
- Teenage America: Glory Years (1986)
- The Joy of Natural Childbirth (1985) - Himself
- All-Star Party for Lucille Ball (1984) - Himself
- The Secret World of the Very Young (1984) - Himself - Host
- Strong Kids, Safe Kids (1984) - Himself
- The Fantastic Miss Piggy Show (1982) - Himself
- ABC's Silver Anniversary Celebration (1978) - Himself
- ABC Presents Tomorrow's Stars (1978) - Himself - Host
- The Goldie Hawn Special (1978)
- A Salute to American Imagination (1978) - Himself
- How to Survive the 70s and Maybe Even Bump Into Happiness (1978)
- General Electric's All-Star Anniversary (1978)
- Disco Fever: 'Saturday Night Fever' Premiere Party (1977) - Himself
- Get Rich Quick! (1977) - Himself/panelist
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
Filmografie - producător
- Poochinski (1990)
Un premiu şi 4 nominalizări Globul de Aur
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listă cu 184 actori, creată de Vegetarian pe 15 Noiembrie 2011
listă cu 992 actori, creată de Vegetarian pe 20 Decembrie 2011
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- Alien: Earth
- Side Quest
- Number One on the Call Sheet:...
- Number One on the Call Sheet:...
- Last Take: Rust and the Story...
- Going Places
- Fear Street: Prom Queen
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
- Armand
- A New Kind of Wilderness
- Emma and the Death's Head
- Mentorii
- The Day the Earth Blew Up: A...
- Big Trip 3: Race Around the World
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În curând la cinema
- Mickey 17
- Vermiglio
- Le larbin
- Cleaner
- School of Magical Animals 2
- The Monkey
- Flow
- Julie zwijgt
- William Tell
- Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste III: ...și Noroc
- Black Bag
- Dogs at the Opera
- Grand Tour
- Suspended Time
- Véletlenül írtam egy könyvet
- Queer
- Monsieur Aznavour
- Novocaine
- Snow White
- The Colors Within
- The Nutcracker and the Magic Flute
- Hoții de subiecte
- Cocorico
- A Working Man
- Les trois fantastiques
- Diamant brut
- Caught by the Tides
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
Filme noi în SUA
- Sinners
- The Alto Knights
- Starbright
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- The Accountant 2
- Until Dawn
- The Legend of Ochi
- Thunderbolts*
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
- 28 Years Later
- M3GAN 2.0
- Naya Legend of the Golden Dolphin
- Jurassic World Rebirth
Program TV

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John Ritter
Părerea ta
Spune-ţi părerea. . . Yasbeck la acuzat pe doctorul Lee, care la tratat Ritter în ziua morții sale, ca nu a diagnosticat starea lui , ca un atac de cord . La acuzat si pe dr Lotysch , care a facut o scanare completă a corpului lui Ritter cu doi ani mai devreme , pt faptul ca nu a detectat din acel moment o extindere a aortei Ritter . Procesul a început pe 11 februarie 2008, în Los Angeles County la Curtea Superioară de justitie . Pe 14 martie 2008., juriul a concluzionat că medicii care lau trata pe Ritter nu au fost neglijenți și… citeşte
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