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Este cel mai renumit și mai respectat compozitor din întreaga lume, obținând 5 premii Oscar, 21 premii Grammy, 4 premii Globul de Aur, 7 premii BAFTA și 45 de nominalizări la premiul Oscar, cel mai recent pentru coloana sonoră a filmului Munich. Și-a început cariera în industria cinematografică lucrând alături de compozitori ca Bernard Herrmann, Alfred Newman și Franz Waxman. A scris muzica pentru numeroase programe de televiziune în anii ’60-’70, fiind răsplătit cu două premii...
mai multEste cel mai renumit și mai respectat compozitor din întreaga lume, obținând 5 premii Oscar, 21 premii Grammy, 4 premii Globul de Aur, 7 premii BAFTA și 45 de nominalizări la premiul Oscar, cel mai recent pentru coloana sonoră a filmului Munich. Și-a început cariera în industria cinematografică lucrând alături de compozitori ca Bernard Herrmann, Alfred Newman și Franz Waxman. A scris muzica pentru numeroase programe de televiziune în anii ’60-’70, fiind răsplătit cu două premii Emmy pentru munca sa. În 2009 primește un al 3-lea premiu Emmy. În paralel cu muzica de film, Williams a scris multe piese muzicale inclusiv două simfonii, un concert de violoncel interpretat în premieră de către Yo-Yo Ma și Orchestra Simfonică din Boston la Tanglewood în 1994 și concerte pentru flaut și vioară înregistrate de Orchestra Simfonică din Londra, concerte pentru clarinet și tubă, și un concert pentru trompetă, care a fost interpretat în premieră de Orchestra din Cleveland și de trompetistul lor principal Michael Sachs în 1996.
- Music by John Williams (2024) Trailer
- Timeless Heroes: Indiana Jones and Harrison Ford / Eroi legendari: Indiana Jones și Harrison Ford (2023)
- Ennio (2022) Trailer
- Fiddler's Journey to the Big Screen / Drumul Scripcarului spre Marele Ecran (2022)
- A World Without Beethoven? (2020)
- SCORE: A Film Music Documentary / SCORE: A Film Music Documentary (2016) - Himself (archive footage)
- 57th Annual Young Musicians Foundation Gala / (2012) - Conductor
- The 84th Annual Academy Awards (2012)
- The 74th Annual Academy Awards (2002)
- The 69th Annual Academy Awards (1997)
- Super Fly / Minunat (1972) - Militant
- To Catch a Thief / Sa prinzi un hot (1955) - H.H. Hughson
Filmografie - coloană sonoră
- Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny / Indiana Jones și cadranul destinului (2023) Trailer
- Obi-Wan Kenobi / Obi-Wan Kenobi: Întoarcerea unui Jedi (2022) Trailer
- The Fabelmans / Fabelmans: Povestea unei vieți aparte (2022) Trailer
- Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker / Star Wars: Skywalker - Ascensiunea (2019) Trailer
- The Post / The Post: Secretele Pentagonului (2018) Trailer
- Dear Basketball (2017)
- Star Wars: The Last Jedi / Star Wars: Ultimii Jedi (2017) Trailer
- The BFG / Marele Uriaş Prietenos (2016) Trailer
- Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens / Star Wars: Trezirea Forței (2015) Trailer
- The Book Thief / Hoaţa de cărţi (2013) Trailer
- Lincoln (2012) Trailer
- War Horse / Calul de luptă (2011) Trailer
- The Adventures of Tintin / Aventurile lui Tintin: Secretul Licornului (2011) Trailer
- Indiana Jones and the The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull / Indiana Jones și regatul craniului de cristal (2008) Trailer
- Munich / Munchen (2005) Trailer
- Memoirs of a Geisha / Memoriile unei Gheișe (2005) Trailer
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Harry Potter și prizonierul din Azkaban (2004) Trailer
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Harry Potter și camera secretelor (2002) Trailer
- Catch Me If You Can / Prinde-mă! Dacă poți! (2002) Trailer
- Minority Report / Raport special (2002) Trailer
- Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones / Războiul stelelor: Atacul clonelor (2002) Trailer
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone / Harry Potter și Piatra Filozofală (2001) Trailer
- A.I. - Artificial Intelligence / Inteligență artificială (2001) Trailer
- The Patriot / Patriotul (2000) Trailer
- Angela's Ashes / Povestea vietii mele (1999)
- Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace / Star Wars Episodul I - Amenințarea fantomei (1999) Trailer
- Saving Private Ryan / Salvați soldatul Ryan (1998) Trailer
- Stepmom / Mama vitregă (1998) Trailer
- Seven Years in Tibet / Șapte ani în Tibet (1997) Trailer
- The Lost World: Jurassic Park / Lumea Dispărută: Jurassic Park (1997) Trailer
- Amistad (1997) Trailer
- Sleepers / Păcatele tinereții (1996)
- Sabrina (1995)
- Nixon (1995)
- Schindler's List / Lista lui Schindler (1993) Trailer
- Jurassic Park (1993) Trailer
- Home Alone 2: Lost in New York / Singur acasă 2 - Pierdut în New York (1992) Trailer
- Far And Away / Departe, departe (1992)
- JFK (1991)
- Stanley & Iris / Stanley și Iris (1990)
- Home Alone / Singur acasă (1990) Trailer
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade / Indiana Jones și ultima cruciadă (1989) Trailer
- Born on the Fourth of July / Născut pe 4 iulie (1989)
- The Witches of Eastwick / Vrăjitoarele din Eastwick (1987)
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom / Indiana Jones și templul blestemat (1984) Trailer
- Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi / Războiul stelelor - Episodul VI: Întoarcerea lui Jedi (1983) Trailer
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial / E.T. Extraterestrul (1982) Trailer
- Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark / Indiana Jones și căutătorii arcei pierdute (1981) Trailer
- Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back / Războiul Stelelor: Imperiul contraatacă (1980) Trailer
- Superman (1978) Trailer
- Jaws 2 / Fălci 2 (1978) Trailer
- Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope / Războiul stelelor - Episodul IV: O nouă speranță (1977) Trailer
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind / Întâlnire de gradul trei (1977) Trailer
- Black Sunday / Duminica neagră (1977)
- Family Plot / Complot de familie (1976)
- Jaws / Fălci (1975) Trailer
- Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1969)
- The Killers (1964)
- Diamond Head (1962)
Filmografie - Soundtrack
- President Obama: The Inauguration (2009)
- Brooklyn Force (2008)
- You Will Believe: The Cinematic Saga of Superman (2006)
- History Rings True: Red Sox Opening Day Ring Ceremony (2005)
- Once Upon a Jedi (2004)
- Riding Giants / Pe val (2004)
- A Capitol Fourth (2003)
- Sensurround: The Sounds of Midway (2001)
- John Williams: The Music of 'Jaws 2' (2001)
- Fast Food /I (1999)
- The 68th Annual Academy Awards (1996)
- La Celestina (1996)
- Trail Mix-Up (1993)
- The 64th Annual Academy Awards (1992)
- The 63rd Annual Academy Awards (1991)
- Here's Looking at You, Warner Bros. (1991)
- Back to the Beach (1987)
- Tie ban shao (1984)
- Classic Creatures: Return of the Jedi (1983)
- The 55th Annual Academy Awards (1983)
- From 'Star Wars' to 'Jedi': The Making of a Saga (1983)
- Return of the Ewok (1982)
- Dünyayi kurtaran adam (1982)
- The Monster Club (1981)
- Süpermen dönüyor (1979)
- Yes: Live in Philadelphia 1979 (1979)
- The Star Wars Holiday Special (1978)
- Pink Lips (1977)
- The 46th Annual Academy Awards (1974)
- Daddy's Gone A-Hunting (1969)
- John Goldfarb, Please Come Home! (1965)
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- The Boys: The Sherman Brothers' Story (2009) - Himself
- Adventures in Post Production (2008) - Himself
- No Subtitles Necessary: Laszlo & Vilmos (2008) - Himself
- John Williams: Creating a Musical Tradition (2007) - Himself - Music Adaptation
- The Shark Is Still Working (2007) - Himself
- Behind the Tunes: Twilight in Tunes - The Music of Raymond Scott (2006) - Himself
- The Music of 'Memoirs' (2006) - Himself
- Heart of a Hero: A Tribute to Christopher Reeve (2006) - Himself
- You Will Believe: The Cinematic Saga of Superman (2006) - Himself
- Frankie Laine: An American Dreamer (2006) - Himself
- The Making of 'Home Alone' (2006) - Himself
- Munich: The Experience (2006) - Himself
- Munich: Editing, Sound and Music (2006) - Himself
- The 78th Annual Academy Awards (2006) - Himself - Nominee: Best Original Score
- Scoring 'War of the Worlds' (2005) - Himself
- Within a Minute: The Making of 'Episode III' (2005) - Himself
- AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to George Lucas (2005) - Himself
- When Star Wars Ruled the World (2004) - Himself
- 'Saving Private Ryan': Music and Sound (2004) - Himself
- Landing: Airport Stories (2004) - Himself
- In Flight Service: The Music of 'The Terminal' (2004) - Himself
- The Revamping of Dracula (2004) - Himself
- The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (2004) - Himself - Honoree
- Inside 'The Terminal' (2004) - Himself
- The Music of 'Indiana Jones' (2003) - Himself
- Build a Scene (2003) - Himself
- A Capitol Fourth (2003) - Himself
- Scoring 'Catch Me If You Can' (2003) - Himself
- The 75th Annual Academy Awards (2003) - Himself - recalling his awards (pre-recorded)
- Deconstructing the Spyder Sequence (2002) - Himself
- The World of 'Minority Report': An Introduction (2002) - Himself
- Live at the Shrine! John Williams and the World Premiere of 'E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial': The 20th Anniversary (2002)
- The Music of 'A.I.' (2002) - Himself
- Josh Groban in Concert (2002) - Conductor
- XIX Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony (2002) - Performer
- Sensurround: The Sounds of Midway (2001) - Himself - Composer
- Plotting 'Family Plot' (2001) - Himself
- Taking Flight: The Development of 'Superman' (2001) - Himself - Composer
- Making 'Superman': Filming the Legend (2001) - Himself - Composer
- The Beginning: Making 'Episode I' (2001) - Himself
- Fiddler on the Roof: 30 Years of Tradition (2001) - Himself
- John Williams: The Music of 'Jaws 2' (2001) - Himself
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Thrills: America's Most Heart-Pounding Movies (2001) - Himself
- The Making of 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' (2001) - Himself
- The Stars of 'Star Wars': Interviews from the Cast (1999) - Himself
- The Making of 'Lost World' (1997) - Himself
- The Making of 'E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial' (1996) - Himself
- The Making of '1941' / The Making of '1941' (1996) - Himself
- The Making of Steven Spielberg's 'Jaws' (1995) - Himself
- The 66th Annual Academy Awards (1994) - Himself - Winner: Best Original Score
- John Williams Live at the Hollywood Bowl (1993) - Himself
- The Secret Policeman's Biggest Ball (1989) - Himself
- Season's Greetings: An Evening with John Williams and the Boston Pops Orchestra (1988) - Himself - Host
- Liberty Weekend (1986) - Himself
- The 55th Annual Academy Awards (1983) - Himself - Best Original Score Winner
- From 'Star Wars' to 'Jedi': The Making of a Saga (1983) - Himself
- Pavarotti & Friends (1982)
- Star Wars: Music by John Williams (1980) - Himself
- SPFX: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - Himself
- The 20th Annual Grammy Awards (1978) - Himself
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- Closing: Team Indy (2008)
- The 77th Annual Academy Awards (2005)
Filmografie - departament sunet
- Warner at War (2008)
- A Timeless Call (2008)
- The Unfinished Journey (1999)
- Monsignor (1982)
- The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing / Soțul indiencei (1973)
- The Screaming Woman (1972)
- Storia di una donna (1970)
- Jane Eyre (1970)
- Daddy's Gone A-Hunting (1969)
- Ghostbreakers (1967)
- Fitzwilly / Un majordom de nădejde (1967)
- The Plainsman (1966)
- The Katherine Reed Story (1965)
- Sergeant Ryker (1965)
- John Goldfarb, Please Come Home! (1965)
- Nightmare in Chicago (1964)
- Gidget Goes to Rome (1963)
- Bachelor Flat (1962)
- The Secret Ways (1961)
- I Passed for White (1960)
- Because They're Young (1960)
- Daddy-O (1958)
Filmografie - mulţumiri
- John Williams: Creating a Musical Tradition (2007)
- Friz on Film (2006)
- Sensurround: The Sounds of Midway (2001)
- The Making of 'Midway' (2001)
- Fiddler on the Roof: 30 Years of Tradition (2001)
Filmografie - music department
- The Revamping of Dracula (2004)
- World's Finest (2004)
- Broken Allegiance (2002)
- Live at the Shrine! John Williams and the World Premiere of 'E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial': The 20th Anniversary (2002)
- Centennial Olympic Games: Torch Relay Opening Ceremonies (1996)
- Making of 'Superman III' (1983)
- From 'Star Wars' to 'Jedi': The Making of a Saga (1983)
- The Making of 'Superman II' (1982)
- Dünyayi kurtaran adam (1982)
- Aliens from Another Planet (1982)
- SPFX: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
- The Making of 'Superman: The Movie' (1980)
- Süpermen dönüyor (1979)
- The Making of 'Star Wars' (1977)
- The 48th Annual Academy Awards (1976)
- Daddy's Gone A-Hunting (1969)
- Stark Fear (1962)
- Studs Lonigan (1960)
- Gidget (1959)
- My Gun Is Quick (1957)
5 premii şi 40 nominalizări Oscar, 4 premii şi 22 nominalizări Globul de Aur, 6 premii şi 6 nominalizări BAFTA
Toate premiile »
listă cu 93 actori, creată de victor_homescu pe 13 Iulie 2017
listă cu 5 actori, creată de Gallagher pe 19 Octombrie 2010
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- How to Train Your Dragon
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- Jurassic World Rebirth
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- I Know What You Did Last Summer
- The Fantastic Four: First Steps
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John Williams
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Un om care te face sa traiesti atmosfera din film
Eu zic , fara indoiala, ca e cel mai tare compozitor al tuturor timpurilor! Poseda un talent imens, o gama incredibila de sunete. El e un fel de Beethoven sau Mozart sau Tchaikovski contemporan....ba chiar mult superior! Si inca ceva, e persoana in viata cu cele mai multe nominalizari Oscar din toata lumea!
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