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Joseph Campanella, pe numele complet Joseph Anthony Campanella, a fost actor de teatru (a jucat și pe Broadway), film și televiziune, care s-a născut la data de 21.11.1924, În Manhattan, New York, și care a decedat la data de 16.05.2018, în Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, California. Părinții săi au fost: Mary O. Campanella și Philip Campanella, muzician imigrant sicilian. A avut un frate, Frank Campanella și el actor. Mai întâi Joseph a fost crainic sportiv, s-a înrolat în Marina SUA în al...
mai multJoseph Campanella, pe numele complet Joseph Anthony Campanella, a fost actor de teatru (a jucat și pe Broadway), film și televiziune, care s-a născut la data de 21.11.1924, În Manhattan, New York, și care a decedat la data de 16.05.2018, în Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, California. Părinții săi au fost: Mary O. Campanella și Philip Campanella, muzician imigrant sicilian. A avut un frate, Frank Campanella și el actor. Mai întâi Joseph a fost crainic sportiv, s-a înrolat în Marina SUA în al Doilea Război Mondial, apoi a studiat teatru la Universitatea Columbia.
Din bogata sa filmografie se pot aminti importante filme și seriale de televiziune, ca: Studio One 1952-1955, Un dar al timpului - 1962, Untouchables - 1962, Doctorii - 1963, Shane - 1966, Evadatul 1964-1967, Virginian 1963 -1968, Avocații 1969-1972, FBI 1966 -1972, Gunsmoke 1968 -1972, Mannix - 1967, Invadatorii - 1967, Magicianul - 1974, Ironside 1969-1975, Trăiește-ți visul ! -1978, Quincy ME 1977-1982, Hotel - 1985, Superboy - 1988, Dallas 1988-1989, Ultimul apel - 1991, Batman; Lois și Clark - 1993, Pacific Blue 1996-1997, Melrose Place - 1999, Glow - 2002, Dukes - 2007, Lost Dream - 2009.
În plan personal, el a fost căsătorit cu dansatoarea și cântăreața Kathryn Jill Bartholomew, din 1964; au șapte copii: Dominic, Rob, Philip, Joseph, Anthony, John, Andrew.
- Lost Dream (2009) - Emil
- For Heaven's Sake (2008) - Donald Meeks
- Christmas at Cadillac Jack's (2007) - Joe Jenkins
- The Legend of God's Gun (2007) - Narator
- The Dukes (2007) - Giovanni Zorro
- The Showdown (2006) - The Announcer
- Cold Case / Cu sânge rece (2003) - Nelson (1 episode, 2004) Trailer
- The Glow / Casa de vis (2002) - Ben Goodstein
- The Guardian / Îngerul păzitor (2001) - Ralph Longo (1 episode, 2003)
- The Apostle Paul: The Man Who Turned the World Upside Down. (2001) - St. Paul
- The Division / Divizia (2001) - Judge Miles King (1 episode, 2002)
- Who Is This Jesus? (2000) - Narator
- That's Life / Asa e viata! (2000) - Joe (12 episodes, 2000-2001)
- CSI: Crime Scene Investigation / CSI - Crime și investigații (2000) - Grissley Geezer (1 episode, 2008)
- The Great Builders of Egypt (1999) - Narator
- Grizzly Adams and the Legend of Dark Mountain / Grizzly Adams si legenda muntelui intunecat (1999) - Professor Hunnicut
- G vs E / Intre Rai si Iad (1999) - Dr. Townsend (1 episode, 1999)
- The Right Way (1998)
- Dust (1997) - Mayor Grites
- James Dean: Race with Destiny (1997) - Winton Dean
- The Practice / Cabinet de avocatură (1997) - Judge Joseph Camp (5 episodes, 1998-2001)
- L.A. Heat / In plina actiune (1997) - John Guidell (1 episode, 1999)
- Spider-Man: Sins of the Fathers (1996) - The Lizard (Dr. Curt Connors)
- The Glass Cage (1996) - LeBeque
- Road Rovers / Road Rovers (1996) - The Master
- Early Edition / Viitorul începe azi (1996) - MacGruder
- Hologram Man / Holograma (1995) - Dr. Stern
- Star Trek: Voyager (1995) Trailer
- Too Bad About Jack (1994)
- The Rockford Files: I Still Love L.A. (1994) - Mickey Ryder
- Touched by an Angel / Atingerea ingerilor (1994) - Clive Hathaway (1 episode, 1997)
- Save Me / Mesaj disperat (1994) - Barton
- The Force Within (1993) - Police Chief
- Magic Kid / Micul razboinic (1993) - Tony
- Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman / Lois și Clark (1993) - George Thompson (1 episode, 1993)
- Space Case (1992) - General Maxwell
- Dead Girls Don't Tango (1992) - Rheinhardt
- Pauper's Dream (1992) - Narator
- Terror on Track 9 (1992) - Chief Mleczko
- Original Intent / Schimbari majore (1992) - Judge May
- Cafe Romeo (1992) - Nino
- Melrose Place (1992) - Barry Denott (3 episodes, 1999)
- Batman (1992) - Dr. Matthew Thorne (1 episode, 1993)
- Memories of Midnight / Amintiri periculoase (1991)
- Last Call (1991) - Morris Thayer
- A Show of Force / Complotul (1990) - Walker Ryan
- No Retreat, No Surrender 3: Blood Brothers (1990) - John Alexander
- Down the Drain / Pe apa sambetei (1990) - Don Santiago
- Club Fed / Închisoarea federală (1990) - Vince Hooligan
- Body Chemistry (1990) - Dr. Pritchard
- The Game (1988) - Schekel
- Tales from the Hollywood Hills: Pat Hobby Teamed with Genius (1987) - Jack Berners
- Steele Justice (1987) - Harry
- The Bold and the Beautiful / Dragoste si putere (1987) - Jonathan Young (58 episodes, 1996-2005)
- "Beauty and the Beast" / Beauty and the Beast (1987) - Dr. Peter Alcott (3 episodes, 1988-1989)
- 21 Jump Street (1987)
- The Golden Girls (1985) - Al Mullins (1 episode, 1987)
- Murder, She Wrote / Verdict crimă (1984) - George Knapp (2 episodes, 1985-1987)
- Veliki transport (1983)
- Hotel (1983) - Russ Turnbull (1 episode, 1985)
- The Comic Book Kids (1982)
- My Body, My Child (1982) - Joe Cabrezi
- Earthbound (1981) - Conrad
- The Plutonium Incident (1980) - Harry Skirvan
- Hangar 18 (1980) - Frank Lafferty
- Defiance / Sfidarea (1980) - Karenski
- Meteor / Meteoritul (1979) - Lt. Gen. Easton
- Knots Landing / Vecinii (1979) - Deputy District Attorney (3 episodes, 1989-1991)
- Ring of Passion (1978) - Paul Gallico
- Vega$ (1978) - Bruno Moretti
- Padre padrone / Padre Padrone (1977)
- Fantasy Island / Traieste-ti visul (1977) - Brian Faber (1 episode, 1978)
- The Love Boat / Croaziera de lux (1977) - Nabil El Masri (2 episodes, 1986)
- Friday Night Burn (1976) - Crainic
- Child Abuse (1976) - Crainic
- The People's Lawyer (1975) - Crainic
- Sky Heist (1975) - Captain Monty Ballard
- Journey from Darkness (1975) - Dr. Schroeder
- "One Day at a Time" (1975) - Ed Cooper (8 episodes, 1976-1982)
- Unwed Father (1974) - Scott Simmons
- Terror on the 40th Floor (1974) - Howard Foster
- Skyway to Death (1974) - Bob Parsons
- Hit Lady (1974) - Jeffrey Baine
- Child Under a Leaf (1974) - Gerald
- The Rockford Files (1974) - Arnold Bailey (1 episode, 1976)
- Police Woman (1974) - Joseph Carbeau (1 episode, 1976)
- Petrocelli (1974) - Arthur Holbrook (1 episode, 1974)
- You'll Never See Me Again (1973) - Lt. John Stillman
- Honor Thy Father (1973) - Narator
- The President's Plane Is Missing / Avionul presedintelui a disparut (1973) - Col. Doug Henderso
- Drive Hard, Drive Fast (1973) - Eric Bradley
- Ben (1972) - Cliff Kirtland
- Silent Running / Singur în spațiu (1972) - Neal - Berkshire' Captain
- Murder Once Removed (1971) - Lt. Phil Proctor
- A Clear and Present Danger (1970) - Jordan Boyle
- "Mary Tyler Moore" (1970) - Tom Vernon (1 episode, 1973)
- Any Second Now (1969) - Doctor Raul Valdez
- Medical Center (1969) - Colson (2 episodes, 1973-1975)
- Marcus Welby, M.D. (1969) - Howard Garsen (3 episodes, 1970-1971)
- Bracken's World (1969) - Sampson Wilkes (1 episode, 1970)
- The Bold Ones: The Lawyers / The Bold Ones: The Lawyers (1969) - Brian Darrell
- The Name of the Game (1968) - Ben Fisher (2 episodes, 1968-1970)
- The Doris Day Show (1968) - Roger Flanders (1 episode, 1969)
- The St. Valentine's Day Massacre (1967) - Albert Wienshank
- Mannix (1967) - Lew Wickersham (24 episodes, 1967-1972)
- Ironside (1967) - Curtis Whitney (4 episodes, 1969-1975)
- The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau / Jacques Cousteau - Incursiune in adancuri (1966) - Self (narrator)
- Mission: Impossible / Misiune: Imposibila (1966) - Captain Miklos Cherno (2 episodes, 1967-1968)
- "Run for Your Life" (1965) - Ward Cooper (1 episode, 1967)
- The Big Valley (1965) - Francisco De Navarre
- National Geographic Specials (1965)
- The Young Lovers (1964) - Professor Reese
- 12 O'Clock High (1964) - Father Roman (1 episode, 1966)
- The Fugitive / Evadatul (1963) - Capt. Ralph Lee (4 episodes, 1964-1967)
- The Nurses (1962) - Dr. Ted Steffen / ... (31 episodes, 1962-1965)
- Murder, Inc. (1960) - Panto
- Route 66 (1960) - Perry Hall (2 episodes, 1962-1963)
- Gunsmoke (1955) - Amos McKee (2 episodes, 1968-1972)
- The United States Steel Hour / The United States Steel Hour (1953) - 1 episode, 1957
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Art of Darkness: A Night Gallery Retrospective (2002) - Himself
- Italians in America (1998) - Narator
- Golf: The Greatest Game (1994) - Narator
- Against the Darkness (1992) - Himself - Host
- Cats: Caressing the Tiger (1991) - Narator
- Death Diploma (1987) - Narator
- Dorothy Stratten: The Untold Story (1985) - Narator
- Computers Are People, Too! (1982) - Narator
- Tribute to Bogart (1972) - Narator
- Los Angeles: Where It's At (1969) - Narator
- The Mystery of Animal Behavior (1969) - Narator
- Making of the President 1968 / Making of the President 1968 (1969) - Narator
- Sophia: A Self-Portrait (1968) - Narator
- China: Roots of Madness (1966) - Narator
Filmografie - Narator
- Search for the Great Sharks (1995) - Joseph Campanella
A colaborat cu
Filme pe genuri
- Acţiune
- Animaţie
- Aventuri
- Comedie
- Crimă
- Documentar
- Dragoste
- Dramă
- Familie
- Fantastic
- Film noir
- Horror
- Istoric
- Mister
- Muzică
- Muzical
- Război
- Romantic
- Scurt metraj
- SF
- Stand Up
- Thriller
- Western
- Taguri filme
- Taguri stiri
- Arhiva stiri
- Program TV
Premii filme
Filme noi
- Filme 2027
- Filme 2026
- Filme 2025
- Filme 2024
- Premiere cinema
- Filme la TV
- Filme pe DVD
- Filme pe Blu-ray
- Filme româneşti
- Filme indiene
Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Premiere cinema
- Armand
- A New Kind of Wilderness
- Emma and the Death's Head
- Mentorii
- The Day the Earth Blew Up: A...
- Big Trip 3: Race Around the World
- Reinas
În curând la cinema
- Mickey 17
- Vermiglio
- Le larbin
- Cleaner
- School of Magical Animals 2
- The Monkey
- Flow
- Julie zwijgt
- William Tell
- Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste III: ...și Noroc
- Black Bag
- Dogs at the Opera
- Grand Tour
- Suspended Time
- Véletlenül írtam egy könyvet
- Queer
- Monsieur Aznavour
- Novocaine
- Snow White
- A Working Man
- Cocorico
- Hoții de subiecte
- Kvitebjørn
- The Nutcracker and the Magic Flute
- The Colors Within
- Les trois fantastiques
- Diamant brut
- Caught by the Tides
- A Minecraft Movie
Filme noi în SUA
- Sinners
- The Alto Knights
- The Amateur
- Starbright
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- The Accountant 2
- Until Dawn
- The Legend of Ochi
- Thunderbolts*
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
- 28 Years Later
- M3GAN 2.0
- Naya Legend of the Golden Dolphin
Program TV

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Joseph Campanella
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