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KEITH DAVID se numără printre cei mai mari actori de la Hollywood, fiind mereu căutat și având deja în palmares peste 150 filme, producții de televiziune și teatru.
Printre zecile de filme importante în care le-a jucat se numără: filmul lui Oliver Stone premiat cu Oscar “Platoon”; filmul lui Clint Eastwood “Bird”; filmul premiat cu Oscar al lui Paul Haggis, “Crash”, dar și “There’s Something About Mary”, “Armageddon”, “Pitch Black”, “The Chronicles of...
KEITH DAVID se numără printre cei mai mari actori de la Hollywood, fiind mereu căutat și având deja în palmares peste 150 filme, producții de televiziune și teatru.
Printre zecile de filme importante în care le-a jucat se numără: filmul lui Oliver Stone premiat cu Oscar “Platoon”; filmul lui Clint Eastwood “Bird”; filmul premiat cu Oscar al lui Paul Haggis, “Crash”, dar și “There’s Something About Mary”, “Armageddon”, “Pitch Black”, “The Chronicles of Riddick”, “Requiem for a Dream”, “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” și “Barbershop”.
- The Gettysburg Address / The Gettysburg Address (2025) - Frederick Douglass
- Duster (2025) - Ezra Trailer
- The 30th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards / Cea de-a 30-a ediție a premiilor anuale SAG (2024) Trailer
- Masters of the Universe: Revolution / Stăpânii universului: Revoluția (2024) - Hordak
- High Potential / Detectiv fără antecedente (2024) Trailer
- Invincible Fight Girl / Luptătoare invincibilă (2024)
- Kite Man: Hell Yeah! (2024)
- Mufasa: The Lion King / Mufasa: Regele Leu (2024) - Masego (voce) Trailer
- Heist 88. (2023) - Buddha Ray Trailer
- HeadShop / HeadShop (2023) - Mr. Monroe
- American Fiction / Ficțiunea americană (2023) - Willy the Wonker Trailer
- All Fun and Games / Jocuri de groază (2023) Trailer
- Firebuds / Micii pompieri (2022)
- Catwoman: Hunted (2022) - Tobias Whale
- The Prank / Farsa (2022)
- Transformers: Earthspark / Transformers Scântei pe Pământ (2022)
- From Scratch / De la zero (2022) - Hershel Trailer
- Nope / Nu! (2022) - Otis Haywood Sr. Trailer
- Entergalactic (2022) - dl. Rager Trailer
- Hit-Monkey (2021) Trailer
- Pups Alone / Alerta de Craciun (2021) - The Wise Bartender Trailer
- Horizon Line / Linia orizontului (2021) - Wyman Trailer
- Untitled Livi Zheng Project (2021) - Captain Duke
- The Seventh Day / A Saptea Zi (2021) - părintele Louis Trailer
- H4 / (2020) - Worcester
- The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse / Minunata lume a lui Mickey Mouse (2020)
- Love Life (2020) - Narrator Trailer
- Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror (2019) - el însuşi Trailer
- Creepshow (2019) Trailer
- 21 Bridges / 21 de poduri (2019) Trailer
- The Wedding Year / Anul nunților (2019) - Preston Trailer
- Amphibia / Amfibienii (2019) - King Andrias
- You Might Be the Killer / Tu ai putea fi ucigașul (2018)
- Untitled Sam Richardson/Adam Pally/YouTube Red Project / Untitled Sam Richardson/Adam Pally/YouTube Red Project (2018) - 10 episodes, 2019
- Summer Camp Island / Insula Taberei de Vară (2018)
- Night School / Loserii de la seral (2018) - Gerald Trailer
- New Warriors (2018) - Ernest Vigman (1 episode, 2018)
- Final Space (2018) - Bolo (voce) Trailer
- Love Jacked (2018) - Ed
- American Dresser (2018) - Charlie
- Sharon 1.2.3. / Sharon 1, 2, 3 (2018) - Tyrone
- I Choose You / (2018) - Joe Perkins (rumored)
- OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes / OK, K.O.! Să fim eroi! (2017)
- Ben 10 (2017) - Yawk
- V-Force: New Dawn of V.I.C.T.O.R.Y. / V-Force: New Dawn of V.I.C.T.O.R.Y. (2017) - Kevin Bishop
- Savage Dog / Câine de luptă (2017) - Valentine Trailer
- Future Man / Omul din viitor (2017) Trailer
- Nat Turner: Story of A Prophet (2017) - Nathanial
- Gina's Journey: The Search for William Grimes / Gina's Journey: The Search for William Grimes (2017) - Narrator
- Stretch Armstrong & the Flex Fighters (2017) - 8 episodes, 2017
- Kulipari: An Army of Frogs / Kulipari: An Army of Frogs (2016) - Lord Marmoo (13 episodes, 2016)
- School of Rickey / School of Rickey (2016) - Narrator
- Ray Meets Helen / Ray Meets Helen (2016) - Harve
- Harlem on My Plate / Harlem on My Plate (2016) - Himself
- Blue: The American Dream / Blue: The American Dream (2016) - Terry Venable
- Greenleaf (2016) - Bishop James Greenleaf (13 episodes, 2016)
- Service to Man (2016) - Dean Holmes
- Range 15 (2016) - Colonel Holloway
- Dirty Lies (2016) - Doc
- Jersey 4 (2016) - Father of Jermaine
- The Nice Guys / Super băieţi (2016) - tipul în varstă Trailer
- The Guilty Innocent (2016) - Doc
- The Last Punch (2016) - Don King
- The North Star / (2016) - Frederick Douglas
- Nina (2016) Trailer
- We Bare Bears / Aventurile fraților urși (2015) - dl. Charles (voce)
- Valiant Rooster / Toto, cocoșelul cel viteaz (2015) - Don Alfonso (voce) Trailer
- MLB Network Presents (2015) - 2 episodes, 2016-2018
- Memphis Sun (2015) - Uncle Joe
- If I Tell You I Have to Kill You (2015) - Detective Harris
- Kids vs Monsters (2015) - Barry
- Big Time in Hollywood, FL (2015) - Agent Everett Malloy (6 episodes, 2015)
- Half Moon Bay (2015) - President of the United Nations General Assembly
- The 420 Movie: Mary & Jane (2015) - Chief Ironweed
- Union Furnace (2015) - Pin Stripe
- Boiling Pot (2015) - Long
- Dutch Book / (2015) - Joe Johnson
- The Monday Night War: WWE vs. WCW (2014) - Narrator (3 episodes, 2014)
- Black-ish (2014) - Loose Craig Trailer
- BoJack Horseman (2014) Trailer
- The Flash (2014) Trailer
- Enlisted / Dezregimentați (2014) - Donald Cody
- Field of Lost Shoes / Câmpul încălțărilor pierdute (2014) - Old Judge
- The Magic City / (2014) - Mr. Daniels
- Rick and Morty / Rick și Morty (2013) - dl. Preşedinte Trailer
- Sons of Liberty (2013) - Nathan Reynolds
- Active Shooter / (2013) - Keith David
- Bailout: The Age of Greed / Asalt in Manhattan (2013) - Freddy Trailer
- The Bible / Biblia (2013) - narator
- Don't Pass Me By (2013) - David Knox
- Free Birds / Păsări libere (2013) - Broadbeak (voce) Trailer
- Samuel Bleak (2013) - Ned Coffman
- Animen: The Galactic Battle / (2012) - Sergeant Brass
- Belle's / Belle's (2012) - 6 episodes, 2013
- Smiley (2012) - Diamond Trailer
- The Under Shepherd / (2012) - Brother Wilks
- The Last Fall / (2012) - Sydney Bishop
- Christmas in Compton / (2012) - Big Earl
- Touch / Legături invizibile (2012) Trailer
- Hillbilly Highway / (2012) - Mustafa
- Cloud Atlas / Atlasul norilor (2012) - Kupaka / Joe Napier / An-kor Apis / clarvăzător Trailer
- Allen Gregory / Allen Gregory (2011) - Carl Trent Davis / ... (5 episodes, 2011)
- The Cape (2011) - Max Malini Trailer
- No Saints for Sinners / (2011) - Victor
- Hopelessly in June (2011) - Dalbert Myers
- The Inheritance (2011) - unchiul Melvin
- Human Factor (2011) - Capt. Thorpe Trailer
- Uncle Grandpa / Unchiul Bunic (2010)
- Africa's Lost Eden (2010)
- Stomp the Yard 2: Homecoming / În ritm de step 2 (2010)
- Spork (2010) - Coach Jenkins
- Death at a Funeral / Înmormântare cu peripeții (2010) Trailer
- Adventure Time / Să-nceapă aventura (2010)
- Meet Monica Velour / Ea e Monica Velour (2010) - Claude
- Now Here (2010) - Detective Brinkman
- Chain Letter / Chain Letter: Mâine, victima poți fi tu! (2010) - Det. Jim Crenshaw Trailer
- Something Like a Business (2010) - Sebastian
- Lottery Ticket / Biletul de loterie (2010) - Sweet Tee Trailer
- Chasing 3000Chasing 3000 (2010) - Officer L.
- Forgive Us Our Transgressions (2009) - Narator
- Community / Studenți part-time (2009) - Elroy Patashnik Trailer
- Don McKay (2009) - Otis Kent
- Pastor Brown (2009) - Pastor Brown
- Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia / În spatele liniilor inamice 3: Columbia (2009) - Scott Boytano Trailer
- Charlie Valentine (2009) - Sal
- Against the Dark / Împotriva întunericului (2009) - Locotenent Waters Trailer
- Blue / Blue (2009) - Terry Venable
- Gamer / Gamer - Jocul supraviețuirii (2009) Trailer
- The Butcher / I se spunea măcelarul (2009) - Larry Cobb
- All About Steve / Totul despre Steve (2009) Trailer
- The Princess and the Frog / Prințesa și Broscoiul (2009) - dr. Facilier (voce) Trailer
- Coraline (2009) - Pisica Trailer
- No Bad Days / Zile palpitante (2008) - Terrence Trailer
- SIS / Brigada de investigații (2008) - Joseph Armstrong
- Seducing Spirits (2008) - Pastor Bob
- The Spectacular Spider-Man / Aventurile lui Spider Man (2008) - Big Man (1 episode, 2008)
- Canterbury's Law / Legea lui Canterbury (2008) - Miles Grant
- Justice League: The New Frontier / Liga dreptatii: Noua frontiera (2008) - The Centre
- My Mom's New Boyfriend / Mama are un nou iubit (2008) Trailer
- Beautiful Loser (2008) - Morgan - Adult
- The Fifth Commandment / A 5-a poruncă (2008) - Max Templeton Trailer
- First Sunday / O duminică de pomină (2008) - Judge B. Bennet Galloway Trailer
- The Sensei (2008) - Preot
- Superhero Movie / Comedie cu supereroi (2008) Trailer
- The Color Purple: The Color of Success (2007) - Narator
- Delta Farce / Operatiunea Delta Farce (2007) - Sgt. Kilgore Trailer
- The Last Sentinel / Fără frică, fără milă, fără suflet (2007) - Colonel Norton
- If I Had Known I Was a Genius / De-aș fi știut că sunt un geniu! (2007) - Tatal
- Fear Files / Fear Files (2006) - Narrator (1 episode, 2006)
- Behind Enemy Lines: Axis of Evil / În spatele liniilor inamice 2 (2006) - MCPO Scott Boytano
- Psych / Agentia Psych (2006) - Mr. Guster (1 episode, 2008)
- ATL / ATL - Pierduți în Atlanta (2006) - John Garnett
- Bottoms Up / Fițe de Hollywood (2006) - Unchiul Earl Peadman
- The Oh in Ohio / Oh ca în Ohio (2006) - Antrenorul Popovitch Trailer
- The Proud Family Movie (2005) - Bebe Clone
- Dirty / Nelegiuitii (2005) - Capitanul Spain
- Grey's Anatomy / Anatomia lui Grey (2005) - Lloyd Mackie Trailer
- Transporter 2 / Curierul 2 (2005) - Stappleton Trailer
- Mr. & Mrs. Smith / Domnul și doamna Smith (2005) - Tatăl Trailer
- The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury / Cronicile lui Riddick: Furia intunecata (2004) - Abu al-Walid (voce)
- The Big House / The Big House (2004) - Clarence Cleveland (5 episodes, 2004)
- Crash / Povești din L.A. (2004) - Lt. Dixon Trailer
- Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London / Agentul Cody Banks 2: Destinatia Londra (2004) - CIA Director Trailer
- The Chronicles of Riddick / Riddick - Bătălia începe (2004) - Imam Trailer
- Teen Titans / Tinerii Titani (2003) - Atlas (1 episode, 2004)
- Hollywood Homicide / Copoi de Hollywood (2003) - Leon Trailer
- Head of State / Un negru pentru Casa Alba (2003) - Bernard Cooper
- Agent Cody Banks / Agentul Cody Banks (2003) - CIA Director Trailer
- Kaena: La prophetie (2003) - (voce)
- Spider-Man / Omul-Paianjen (2003)
- Hung-Up (2002) - Mervin
- Miss Miami (2002)
- Everwood / O noua viata (2002) - Brian (1 episode, 2005)
- Barbershop / Frizeria (2002) - Lester Wallace Trailer
- 29 Palms (2002) - The Sheriff
- G Spots? (2001) - The King
- Justice League / Liga Dreptății - Paradisul pierdut (2001) - Despero 2 episodes, 2003
- The Job / Sticletii (2001) - Lt. Williams (4 episodes, 2001)
- Home Invaders (2001) - Matador
- Pretty When You Cry (2001) - Detective Charles Desett
- Novocaine / Novocaină și dureri de cap (2001) - Detective Lunt Trailer
- Semper Fi / Recrutii (2001) - Sergentul
- Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within / Final Fantasy: Spiritele ascunse (2001) - Council Member #1
- CSI: Crime Scene Investigation / CSI - Crime și investigații (2000) - Matt Phelps (1 episode, 2003)
- Where the Heart Is / Acasă, în inima mea (2000) - Moses Whitecotten Trailer
- The Replacements / Rezervele (2000) - Lindell Trailer
- Requiem for a Dream / Requiem pentru un vis (2000) - Big Tim Trailer
- Dark Summer / Vara neagra (2000) - Detective Davis
- Pitch Black / Întuneric total (2000) - Abu 'Imam' al-Walid Trailer
- Spawn 3: Ultimate Battle (1999) - Spawn
- New York: A Documentary Film / New York: A Documentary Film (1999) - (4 episodes, 1999-2001)
- ATF (1999) - F.B.I. Director Richard Long
- National Geographic: The Photographers (1998)
- Behind the Zipper with Magda (1998) - Charlie Jensen
- City Confidential / City Confidential (1998) - Narrator (26 episodes, 2001-2005)
- Gargoyles: The Hunted (1998) - Goliath
- Gargoyles: The Force of Goliath (1998) - Goliath
- Gargoyles: Deeds of Deception (1998) - Goliath
- The Tiger Woods Story (1998) - Earl Woods
- There's Something About Mary / Mary cea cu vino-ncoa' (1998) - Mary's Dad Trailer
- Armageddon / Armageddon - Sfârșitul lumii? (1998) - General Kimsey Trailer
- Murder, She Wrote: South by Southwest / Verdict: Crima! - La sud, prin sud-vest (1997) - Algric Bartles
- Volcano / Vulcanul (1997) - Police Lieutenant Ed Fox
- Vanishing Point / In lupta cu timpul (1997) - Warren Taft
- Don King: Only in America / Don King - O Poveste Americana (1997) - Herbert Muhammad
- Mononoke-hime / Prințesa Mononoke (1997) - Okkoto Trailer
- Hercules / Hercule (1997) - Apollo (voce)
- Executive Target / Atac la președinte (1997) - Lamar
- Spawn (1997) - Spawn
- Loose Women (1997) - Stylist #1
- Flipping (1997) - Leo Richards, Gang Leader
- Never Met Picasso (1996) - Larry
- Larger Than Life / Moștenire cu bucluc (1996) - Hurst
- Johns / Gigolo (1996) - Homeless John
- The Grave / Secrete vesnice (1996) - The Priest
- Eye for an Eye / Ochi pentru ochi și dinte pentru dinte (1996) - Martin
- Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles / Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles (1996) - Goliath
- 7th Heaven / Al 7-lea cer (1996) - Stanley Sunday (4 episodes, 2006-2007)
- The Quick and the Dead / Mai iute ca moartea (1995) - Sgt. Clay Cantrell
- Dead Presidents / Fără speranță (1995) - Kirby
- Clockers / Micii traficanți de droguri (1995) - André the Giant
- Blue in the Face / Babilon in Brooklin (1995) - Jackie Robinson
- Timon and Pumbaa / Timon si Pumbaa (1995) - Mr. Pig (1 episode, 1996)
- The Outer Limits / La Limita Imposibilului (1995) - Ian Merit (1 episode, 2000)
- Gargoyles: The Heroes Awaken (1995) - Goliath
- Notes in a Minor Key (1994) - Kansas
- The Puppet Masters / Papusarii (1994) - Alex Holland
- Reality Bites / Cu picioarele pe pământ (1994) - Roger Trailer
- Gargoyles (1994) - Goliath
- ER / Spitalul de Urgenţă (1994) - Pastor Watkins (5 episodes, 2006-2007)
- Aladdin (1994) - Minos (2 episodes, 1994)
- The Last Outlaw / Ultimul bandit (1993) - Lovecraft
- There Are No Children Here (1993) - John Paul Rivers
- Nails (1992) - Noah Owens
- Final Analysis / Analiza finală (1992) - Detective Huggins
- The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles / Aventurile tânărului Indiana Jones (1992) - regele Oliver
- Article 99 / Articolul 99 (1992) - Luther Jermoe
- Sazan aizu (1991) - Mama
- Murder in Black and White / Crimă în alb și negru (1990) - Martin
- Men at Work / Gunoierii (1990) - Louis Fedders
- Marked for Death / Semnul morții (1990) - Max
- Law & Order / Lege și ordine (1990) - Robertson (1 episode, 2001)
- Road House / Clubul de noapte (1989) - Ernie Bass
- Always / Lângă tine mereu (1989) - Powerhouse
- Christmas in Tattertown (1988) - Saxophone/Others
- They Live / Ei trăiesc (1988) - Frank Trailer
- Stars and Bars / Un gentleman la New York (1988) - Eugene Teagarden
- Off Limits / Dincolo de lege (1988) - Maurice
- Ladykillers (1988)
- Braddock: Missing in Action III / Dispărut în misiune 3 (1988) - Embassy Gate Captain
- Bird (1988) - Buster Franklin
- Hot Pursuit / Frumoasa și insula (1987) - Alphonso
- Platoon / Plutonul (1986) - King Trailer
- The Equalizer (1985) - Cristo
- The Thing / Creatura (1982) - Childs Trailer
- The Pirates of Penzance (1980) - Chorus
- Disco Godfather (1979) - Club patron
- National Geographic Specials (1965)
- Empires: Egypt's Golden Empire
Filmografie - în dezvoltare
- Car (2011)
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- New York Street Games (2010) - Himself
- Chabad: To Life Telethon (2008) - Himself
- Shut Up and Ride (2007) - Narator
- Working with a Master: John Carpenter (2006) - Himself
- Crusades: Crescent & the Cross (2005) - Narator
- Black Theater Today: 2005 (2005)
- The Last Stand of the Great Bear (2004) - Narator
- Creature Feature: 50 Years of the Gill-Man (2004) - Narator
- Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson (2004) - Narator
- Beef II (2004) - Narator
- Tomb Raiders: Robbing the Dead (2004) - Narator
- Nubia: The Forgotten Kingdom (2003) - Narator
- Kingdom of David: The Saga of the Israelites (2003) - Narator
- Horatio's Drive: America's First Road Trip (2003) - Narator
- Comic Book Superheroes Unmasked (2003) - Narator
- Mark Twain (2001) - Narator
- Photographers (1999) - Narator
- Arnold Schwarzenegger: Hollywood Hero (1999) - Narator
- Cuba's Lost Treasure (1993) - Narator
Filmografie - producător
Filmografie - Soundtrack
- Beautiful Loser (2008)
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
listă cu 114 actori, creată de Vegetarian pe 30 Iulie 2013
Despre Keith David
A colaborat cu
Filme pe genuri
- Acţiune
- Animaţie
- Aventuri
- Comedie
- Crimă
- Documentar
- Dragoste
- Dramă
- Familie
- Fantastic
- Film noir
- Horror
- Istoric
- Mister
- Muzică
- Muzical
- Război
- Romantic
- Scurt metraj
- SF
- Stand Up
- Thriller
- Western
- Taguri filme
- Taguri stiri
- Arhiva stiri
- Program TV
Premii filme
Filme noi
- Filme 2027
- Filme 2026
- Filme 2025
- Filme 2024
- Premiere cinema
- Filme la TV
- Filme pe DVD
- Filme pe Blu-ray
- Filme româneşti
- Filme indiene
Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Actori populari
Trailere filme
- Alien: Earth
- Clown in a Cornfield
- Gold & Greed: The Hunt for...
- A Cursed Man
- A Working Man
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Haipeo Naipeu
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
În curând la cinema
- The Colors Within
- The Nutcracker and the Magic Flute
- Hoții de subiecte
- Cocorico
- A Working Man
- Alexandra
- Les trois fantastiques
- Diamant brut
- Caught by the Tides
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- Drop
- Bambi: A Tale of Life in the Woods
- The Proud Princess
- Moon the Panda
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Hitpig!
- Sinners
- Until Dawn
- The Sloth Lane
- TWST - Things We Said Today
- Holy Cow
- The Accountant 2
- Thunderbolts*
- Rosario
- Marea pescuială
- Sirenele: Secretul medalionului
- Shadow Force
- Kaptein Sabeltann og Grevinnen av Gral
Filme noi în SUA
- Kayara
- Starbright
- Michael
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- The Legend of Ochi
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
- 28 Years Later
- M3GAN 2.0
- Naya Legend of the Golden Dolphin
- Jurassic World Rebirth
- Superman
- I Know What You Did Last Summer
- The Fantastic Four: First Steps
Program TV

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Keith David
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