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Mark Hamill (n. 25 septembrie 1951 în Oakland, California) a fost unul din cei 7 copii, fiind crescut intr-o familie de militari, astfel incat trebuia sa schimbe des orasul in care traia. A locuit in California, Virginia, New York si Japonia pana la varsta de 18 ani. Este un actor american, cunoscut în cariera sa în special prin rolul Luke Skywalker din prima trilogie din seria Razboiul stelelor. Mark Hamill este casatorit si are trei copii.
Actorul a fost...
mai multMark Hamill (n. 25 septembrie 1951 în Oakland, California) a fost unul din cei 7 copii, fiind crescut intr-o familie de militari, astfel incat trebuia sa schimbe des orasul in care traia. A locuit in California, Virginia, New York si Japonia pana la varsta de 18 ani. Este un actor american, cunoscut în cariera sa în special prin rolul Luke Skywalker din prima trilogie din seria Razboiul stelelor. Mark Hamill este casatorit si are trei copii.
Actorul a fost recompensat în 2018, pentru rolurile sale din filme, cu steaua numărul 6834, amplasată pe Bulevardul Walk of Fame din Hollywood.
- The King of Kings (2025) - King Herod (voce) Trailer
- The Wild Robot / Roboțica roz: Gardiana insulei (2024) - Thorn (voce) Trailer
- Masters of the Universe: Revolution / Stăpânii universului: Revoluția (2024) - Skeletek
- The Fall of the House of Usher / Prăbușirea casei Usher (2023) - Arthur Pym Trailer
- Metalocalypse: Army of the Doomstar / Metalocalipsa: Armata Doomstar (2023)
- The Machine (2023) - Albert Trailer
- Disney Gallery: Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett / Disney Gallery/ Războiul stelelor: Cartea lui Boba Fett (2022)
- Invincible (2021) - Art Rosebaum Trailer
- Masters of the Universe: Revelation / Stăpânii universului: Revelația (2021) - Skeletor Trailer
- Disney Gallery: Star Wars: The Mandalorian (2020)
- Lucky (2019) - Houlihan (voce)
- Creepshow (2019) Trailer
- Child's Play / Jucăria ucigașă (2019) - Chucky (voce) Trailer
- Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? / Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? (2019) - Joker
- The Mandalorian (2019) Trailer
- What We Do in the Shadows / Ce facem în umbră (2019) Trailer
- The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance / Cristalul întunecat: Epoca rezistenței (2019) Trailer
- Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker / Star Wars: Skywalker - Ascensiunea (2019) - Luke Skywalker Trailer
- Go Fish (2019) - Dennis (voce)
- Legend of Hallowaiian / Legend of Hallowaiian (2018) - (voice)
- Con Man / Marele escroc (2018) - Robert Minkow
- Justice League Action Shorts / Justice League Action Shorts (2017) - The Joker
- Star Wars: Forces of Destiny / Războiul Stelelor: Forțe ale destinului (2017) - Luke Skywalker
- Howard Lovecraft & the Undersea Kingdom / Howard Lovecraft & the Undersea Kingdom (2017) - Dr. Henry Armitage (voice)
- Brigsby Bear / Ursul Brigsby (2017) - Ted
- Dimension 404 / Dimensiunea 404 (2017) - narator
- Star Wars: The Last Jedi / Star Wars: Ultimii Jedi (2017) - Luke Skywalker / Dobbu Scay Trailer
- Bunyan and Babe (2017) - Grandpa (voice)
- Kulipari: An Army of Frogs / Kulipari: An Army of Frogs (2016) - (11 episodes, 2016)
- AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to John Williams / AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to John Williams (2016) - Himself
- Batman: Arkham VR / Batman: Arkham VR (2016) - The Joker
- Mark Hamill's Pop Culture Quest / Mark Hamill's Pop Culture Quest (2016) - Himself - Host
- Batman: Return to Arkham / Batman: Return to Arkham (2016) - The Joker
- Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens: The Story Awakens - The Table Read / Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens: The Story Awakens - The Table Read (2016) - Himself (voice)
- Master of Orion: Conquer the Stars / Master of Orion: Conquer the Stars (2016) - Alkari Emperor (voice)
- Milo Murphy's Law / Legile lui Milo Murphy (2016) - dl. Block (voce)
- Justice League Action / Justice League Action (2016) - Swamp Thing / ... 8 episodes, 2016-2017
- Batman: The Killing Joke / Batman: Gluma ucigașă (2016)
- Trollhunters / Vânătorii de troli: Povești din Arcadia (2016) - Dictatious (voce) Trailer
- Justice League - Attack of the Legion of Doom! / Lego Super eroii DC Comics: Liga Dreptatii: Atacul legiunii pieirii (2015)
- Regular Show: The Movie / Un show obișnuit: Filmul (2015)
- Scooby-Doo! Moon Monster Madness / Scooby-Doo și monstrul de pe Lună (2015)
- Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! / Fii tare, Scooby-Doo! (2015)
- Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens / Star Wars: Trezirea Forței (2015) - Luke Skywalker Trailer
- The Flash (2014) Trailer
- Kingsman: The Secret Service / Kingsman: Serviciul secret (2014) - James Arnold Trailer
- Turbo FAST (2013) - Breakneck
- Virtually Heroes / (2013) - Monk
- Motorcity / Motorcity (2012) - Abraham Kane
- Dragons: Riders of Berk / Călăreţii Dragonilor (2012) - Alvin the Treacherous Trailer
- Back to the Sea (2012) - Bunker
- Brickleberry / Pădurari pe butuci (2012) - Bosco
- Airborne (2012) - Malcolm Trailer
- Ultimate Spider-Man / Senzaționalul Om Păianjen (2012)
- Sushi Girl / Fata cu sushi (2012) - Crow Trailer
- Transformers: Rescue Bots / Transformers: Rescue Bots (2011) - Woodrow Burns
- Lego Star Wars: The Padawan Menace (2011)
- The Problem Solverz / The Problem Solverz (2011) - Badcat
- Uncle Grandpa / Unchiul Bunic (2010)
- Scooby-Doo! Camp Scare / Scooby-Doo și coșmarul din tabăra de vară (2010)
- Hero Factory (2010)
- Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated / Scooby-Doo și echipa misterelor (2010)
- Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey (2010) - Void
- Regular Show / Un show obişnuit (2009)
- Robot Astronomy Talk Show: Gravity and the Great Attractor (2009) - Mark
- Tigger & Pooh and a Musical Too (2009) - Turtle
- Afro Samurai: Resurrection (2009) - Bin / Oden Shop Master Trailer
- The Garfield Show / Garfield Show (2008)
- Batman: The Brave and the Bold / Batman: Neinfricat si cutezator (2008)
- Terra / Bătălia pentru Terra 3D (2007) - Elder Orin Trailer
- Futurama: Bender's Big Score! (2007) - Chanukah Zombie
- Metalocalypse (2006) - Senator Stampingston
- Codename: Kids Next Door - Operation Z.E.R.O. (2006) - Stickybeard
- Tom and Jerry: Shiver me whiskers / Tom si Jerry: Pe mustata mea! (2006) - Skull (voice)
- Boffo! Tinseltown's Bombs and Blockbusters (2006) - (arhivă)
- Ultimate Avengers II / Apărătorii dreptății 2 (2006) - Oiler Trailer
- Queer Duck: The Movie / Queer Duck: Filmul (2006) - Vendor (voce)
- Choose Your Own Adventure: The Abominable Snowman (2006) - Jamling
- Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles (2006)
- Batman: New Times (2005) - The Joker
- Loonatics Unleashed / Lunaticii dezlantuiti (2005) - Adolpho, Ship Captain (1 episode, 2006)
- Robot Chicken (2005) - Buglar (5 episodes, 2005-2009)
- Avatar: The Last Airbender / Avatar: Legenda lui Aang (2005) - Fire Lord Ozai (10 episodes, 2005-2008)
- Thru the Moebius Strip (2005) - Simon Weir
- Wolf Tracer's Dinosaur Island (2004) - Blake
- The Batman / Batman (2004) - Tony Zucco (1 episode, 2006)
- Comic Book: The Movie (2004) - Donald Swan
- Burl's (2003) - Narator
- Aero-Troopers: The Nemeclous Crusade (2003) - Older Joshua
- Stuart Little / Şoricelul familiei (2003) - Falcon
- Reeseville (2003) - Zeek Oakman
- Rapsittie Street Kids: Believe in Santa (2002) - Eric
- Baxter and Bananas (2002) - Bananas
- Birds of Prey / Îngerii nopții (2002) - The Joker (2 episodes, 2002)
- What's New, Scooby-Doo? / Ce mai e nou Scooby Doo? (2002) - Barge Captain (2 episodes, 2002-2003)
- Balto II: Wolf Quest / Balto II: Aventurile unui lup (2002) - Niju Lupul Rau (voce)
- Night of the Living Doo (2001) - Mr. Shifty/Himself
- Time Squad / Time Squad (2001) - Larry 3000 / ... (13 episodes, 2001-2003)
- Hamilton (2001) - Mike Hawkins
- Totally Spies / Spioanele (2001) - Principal John Smith (1 episode, 2002)
- Samurai Jack (2001) - Guiness (1 episode, 2001)
- Justice League / Liga Dreptății - Paradisul pierdut (2001) - Solomon Grundy / ... 10 episodes, 2002-2003
- Earth Day (2001) - Dr. Bob
- Thank You, Good Night (2001) - Karl, Lee's Father
- Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back / Jay și Silent Bob contraatacă (2001) - Cockknocker
- The Oblongs... / O familie poluata (2001) - Mr. Phugly (1 episode, 2001)
- The Christmas Lamb (2000)
- Twentieth Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years (2000)
- Joseph: King of Dreams / Iosif, regele viselor (2000) - Judah (voce)
- Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (2000) - Flint (1 episode, 2000)
- Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders / Scooby Doo și Invazia Extraterestră (2000) - Steve
- Son of the Beach (2000) - 'Divine Rod' Petrie
- Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker / Batman: Întoarcerea lui Joker (2000) - The Joker (voce)
- Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists (2000) - Captain of the Guard
- Gen 13 (2000) - Threshold/Matthew Callahan
- The New Woody Woodpecker Show / The New Woody Woodpecker Show (1999) - Buzz Buzzard
- The Night of the Headless Horseman (1999) - Van Ripper
- SpongeBob SquarePants / SpongeBob Pantaloni Pătrați (1999) - Moth (1 episode, 2007)
- Walking Across Egypt (1999) - Lamar N. Benfield
- Batman Beyond / Batman in viitor (1999) - Carter (1 episode, 2000)
- Wing Commander / Război interstelar (1999) - Merlin
- Family Guy / Familia mea dementă (1998) - Luke Skywalker (voce) Trailer
- Oh Yeah! Cartoons / Oh Yeah! Cartoons (1998) - Bananas / ... 2 episodes, 2000
- The Batman Superman Movie: World's Finest (1998) - The Joker
- Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island / Scooby Doo - Insula Zombilor (1998) - Snakebite Scruggs
- Watchers Reborn / Laboratorul groazei: Ultima confruntare (1998) - Murphy
- Hamilton / Domnul Hamilton (1998) - Mike Hawkins
- The Blues Brothers Animated Series / The Blues Brothers Animated Series (1997) - Detective Armbrister
- Laserhawk (1997) - Bob Sheridan
- When Time Expires (1997) - Bill Thermot, Beck's Former Partner
- Johnny Bravo (1997) - King Raymond (2 episodes, 1997-2001)
- The New Batman Adventures (1997) - The Joker
- Bruno the Kid: The Animated Movie (1996) - Harris
- Spider-Man: Sins of the Fathers (1996) - The Hobgoblin
- Adventures from the Book of Virtues / Colindul Craciunului: Cartea Virtutii (1996) - Theseus (1 episode, 1996)
- Superman: Animated Series / Superman: Seria animata (1996) - The Joker (3 episodes, 1997)
- The Incredible Hulk / The Incredible Hulk (1996) - Gargoyle
- Village of the Damned / Orașul celor blestemați (1995) - Reverend George
- Pinky and the Brain / Pinky si Brain (1995) - Jimmy Joe Jr. (1 episode, 1997)
- The Outer Limits / La Limita Imposibilului (1995) - Dr. Sam Stein (1 episode, 1996)
- MADtv (1995) - Mr. Swan (2 episodes, 1998-2000)
- The Powerpuff Girls / Fetițele Powerpuff (1994)
- The Raffle (1994) - Bernard Wallace
- Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (1994)
- Silk Degrees (1994) - Johnson
- Phantom 2040 / Phantom 2040 (1994) - Dr. Jak
- Time Runner (1993) - Michael Raynor
- Hollyrock-a-Bye Baby (1993) - Slick
- Body Bags (1993) - Brent Matthews (segment "Eye")
- Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993) - Jokerul (voce)
- SeaQuest DSV (1993) - Tobias LeConte (2 episodes, 1995)
- Une image de trop (1993) - Josh Payton
- Sleepwalkers / Varcolacii (1992) - Lt. Jennings
- Batman (1992) - Jack Napier (15 episodes, 1992-1994)
- Guyver (1991) - Max Reed
- The Flash II: Revenge of the Trickster (1991) - James Jesse / The Trickster
- Earth Angel (1991) - Wayne Stein
- Black Magic Woman (1991) - Brad Travis
- Midnight Ride / Cursă mortală (1990) - Justin
- La chute des aigles (1989) - Peter Froehlich
- Slipstream (1989) - Will Tasker
- The Little Mermaid / Mica sirenă (1989) - Voci adiţionale Trailer
- Hooperman (1987) - Producer (1 episode, 1989)
- Tenkû no shiro Rapyuta / Castle in the Sky (1986) - Muska
- Amazing Stories / Călătorie în timp (1985) - Jonathan (1 episode, 1986)
- Kaze no tani no Naushika / Nausicaa (1984) - Mayor of Pejite
- Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi / Războiul stelelor - Episodul VI: Întoarcerea lui Jedi (1983) - Luke Skywalker Trailer
- Britannia Hospital (1982) - Red
- The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia (1981) - Conrad
- Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back / Războiul Stelelor: Imperiul contraatacă (1980) - Luke Skywalker Trailer
- The Big Red One / Mai presus decat gloria (1980) - Soldat Griff
- The Star Wars Holiday Special (1978) - Luke Skywalker
- Corvette Summer (1978) - Kenneth W. Dantley Jr.
- Wizards (1977) - Sean
- Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope / Războiul stelelor - Episodul IV: O nouă speranță (1977) - Luke Skywalker Trailer
- The City (1977) - Eugene Banks
- Mallory: Circumstantial Evidence (1976) - Joe Celi
- Sarah T. - Portrait of a Teenage Alcoholic (1975) - Ken Newkirk
- Delancey Street: The Crisis Within (1975) - Philip Donaldson
- "One Day at a Time" (1975) - Harvey Schneider (1 episode, 1976)
- The Texas Wheelers / The Texas Wheelers (1974) - Doobie Wheeler
- Petrocelli (1974) - David Mitchell (2 episodes, 1975)
- Jeannie / Jeannie (1973) - Corey Anders
- The Streets of San Francisco (1972) - Andrew 'Andy' Turner (2 episodes, 1975-1977)
- The New Scooby-Doo Movies / Noile filme Scooby Doo (1972) - Corey Anders (1 episode, 1973-1974)
- Cannon (1971) - Farm Boy (1 episode, 1971)
- "The Partridge Family" (1970) - Jerry (1 episode, 1971)
- Room 222 (1969) - Matt (2 episodes, 1973)
- Medical Center (1969) - Danny (1 episode, 1976)
- The Bill Cosby Show / Cosby Show (1969) - Henry (1 episode, 1970)
- General Hospital (1963) - Kent Murray (unknown episodes, 1972-1973)
Filmografie - în dezvoltare
- The Black Pearl (2009)
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Mythic Journeys (2009) - The Coprse
- The Green Arrow: Legend of the Emerald Archer (2007) - Himself - Narrator
- Robotech: Birth of a Sequel (2007) - Himself
- Best Ever Muppet Moments (2006) - Himself
- Behind the Microphone: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (2005) - Himself
- Ultimate Super Heroes (2005) - Himself
- Legends of the Dark Knight: The History of Batman (2005) - Narator
- Watch the Skies!: Science Fiction, the 1950s and Us / Watch the Skies!: Science Fiction, the 1950s and Us (2005) - Himself - Narrator
- AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to George Lucas (2005) - Himself
- 'Star Wars': Feel the Force (2005) - Himself
- The 100 Greatest War Films (2005) - Himself
- Repetition /II (2005) - Himself
- The Real Glory: Reconstructing 'The Big Red One' (2005) - Himself
- When Star Wars Ruled the World (2004) - Himself
- Die besten Filme aller Zeiten - Die Show (2004) - Himself
- E! 101 Most Awesome Moments in Entertainment (2004) - Himself
- The Force Is with Them: The Legacy of 'Star Wars' (2004) - Himself - 'Luke Skywalker'
- The Characters of 'Star Wars' (2004) - Himself - 'Luke Skywalker'
- The Birth of the Lightsaber (2004) - Himself - 'Luke Skywalker'
- The Blockbuster Imperative (2003) - Himself - Narrator
- The Man Who Walks with Bears (2001) - Himself - Narrator
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Thrills: America's Most Heart-Pounding Movies (2001) - Himself
- The Unauthorized 'Star Wars' Story (1999) - Himself
- The Stars of 'Star Wars': Interviews from the Cast (1999) - Himself
- Hamilton bakom kulisserna (1998) - Himself as Hawkins
- Tæt på troldmanden George Lucas (1997) - Himself
- Hollywood Aliens & Monsters (1997) - Himself - Host
- New Year's Rotten Eve (1994) - Himself
- The 41st Annual Tony Awards (1987) - Himself - Presenter
- Night of 100 Stars II (1985) - Himself
- The 37th Annual Tony Awards (1983) - Himself - Presenter
- From 'Star Wars' to 'Jedi': The Making of a Saga (1983) - Narator
- Return of the Ewok (1982) - Himself / Luke Skywalker
- SPFX: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - Himself - Host
- Sam Fuller and the Big Red One (1979) - Himself
- Science Fiction Film Awards (1978) - Himself - Presenter, 'best spcial effects'
- The 50th Annual Academy Awards (1978) - Himself - Presenter: Special Technical Awards
- The Bob Hope All Star Christmas Comedy Special (1977) - Himself
- The Making of 'Star Wars' (1977) - Himself
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
Filmografie - miscellaneous crew
Filmografie - mulţumiri
Filmografie - producător
- Comic Book: The Movie (2004)
Filmografie - casting director
listă cu 60 actori, creată de 4lex pe 31 August 2015
Despre Mark Hamill
Iadul din Los Angeles: casele starurilor ard, anunţul nominalizărilor la Oscar, amânat
Cum te fereşti de spoilere, în stil Star Wars
Noi imagini din Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Mark Hamill va fi vocea lui Chucky în reboot-ul Child’s Play
Mark Hamill confirmă revenirea lui Luke în Star Wars: Episode IX
Vezi toate articolele »
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Program cinema
Actori populari
Trailere filme
- Last Take: Rust and the Story...
- Going Places
- Fear Street: Prom Queen
- The Parenting
- Kayara
- A Working Man
- Control Freak
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
- Armand
- A New Kind of Wilderness
- Emma and the Death's Head
- Mentorii
- The Day the Earth Blew Up: A...
- Big Trip 3: Race Around the World
- Reinas
În curând la cinema
- Mickey 17
- Vermiglio
- Le larbin
- Cleaner
- School of Magical Animals 2
- The Monkey
- Flow
- Julie zwijgt
- William Tell
- Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste III: ...și Noroc
- Black Bag
- Dogs at the Opera
- Grand Tour
- Suspended Time
- Véletlenül írtam egy könyvet
- Queer
- Monsieur Aznavour
- Novocaine
- Snow White
- The Colors Within
- The Nutcracker and the Magic Flute
- Hoții de subiecte
- Cocorico
- A Working Man
- Les trois fantastiques
- Diamant brut
- Caught by the Tides
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
Filme noi în SUA
- Sinners
- The Alto Knights
- Starbright
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- The Accountant 2
- Until Dawn
- The Legend of Ochi
- Thunderbolts*
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
- 28 Years Later
- M3GAN 2.0
- Naya Legend of the Golden Dolphin
- Jurassic World Rebirth
Program TV

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Mark Hamill
Părerea ta
Spune-ţi părereapot sa ii transmit personal toata admiratia mea
v-as ramane datoare pe veci!!!!
E un actor de 20 de stele(ca valoare si talent)
Daca se poate va rog sa imi trimiteti si o adresa de e-mail!!!
Niste poze cu el n-ar strica!!!!
Astept raspuns de la voi!!!
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