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Peter Fonda s-a nascut la New York pe 23 februarie 1940 si este fiul lui Henry Fonda si al lui Frances Ford Seymour. Pe 14 aprilie 1950 mama sa se sinucide chiar in ziua propriei aniversari. In ziua celei de-a 11 a aniversari Peter are si el un grav accident, cand o arma i s-a descarcat accidental in abdomen, fiind la un pas de moarte.
Fonda studiaza actoria in Omaha, Nebraska, frecventand atat University of Nebraska-Omaha cat si Omaha Community Playhouse, teatru...
mai multPeter Fonda s-a nascut la New York pe 23 februarie 1940 si este fiul lui Henry Fonda si al lui Frances Ford Seymour. Pe 14 aprilie 1950 mama sa se sinucide chiar in ziua propriei aniversari. In ziua celei de-a 11 a aniversari Peter are si el un grav accident, cand o arma i s-a descarcat accidental in abdomen, fiind la un pas de moarte.
Fonda studiaza actoria in Omaha, Nebraska, frecventand atat University of Nebraska-Omaha cat si Omaha Community Playhouse, teatru pepiniera de actori (printre ei numarandu-se tatal sau Henry si Marlon Brando). Acolo incepe sa joace in comedia Harvey. La scurt timp pleaca in New York la Cecilwood Theatre.
Un an mai tarziu debuteaza pe Broadway in Blood, Sweat and Stanley Poole datorita acestui spectacol incepe sa capete o oarecare faima. Se muta la Hollywood pentru a intra in lumea cinematografiei. In 1963 isi incepe cariera cinematografica interpretand un rol de coprotagonist in Tammy and the Doctor. Intensitatea lui Peter il impresioneaza pe regizorul Robert Rossen care il ia in distributia viitorului sau film Lilith. Rossen avea planificat un actor evreu pentru rolul lui Stephen Evshevsky, dar Fonda obtine rolul!
La jumatatea anilor ’60 Peter Fonda nu este un protagonist conventional al Hollywood-ului. Devine evident nonconformist, isi lasa parul lung, prietenia sa cu membrii grupului Byrds este de notorietate. Fonda ii cunoaste pe cei de la Beatles si in august 1965 le face o vizita. E perioada in care este dependent de LSD. In 1966 joaca in The Wild Angels. In 1969 joaca in Easy Rider, filmul care-l va caracteriza.
Acest actor a fost răsplătit cu o stea pentru rolurile sale din filme, amplasată în partea de sud, aria 7000, pe Bulevardul Walk of Fame din Hollywood.
Peter Fonda a încetat din viață de cancer pulmonar la data de 16.08.2019, în Los Angeles, California.
- Skate God (2022) - Skylar
- The Last Full Measure / Sacrificiul suprem (2020) - Jimmy Burr Trailer
- You Can't Say No / You Can't Say No (2018) - Buck Murphy
- Boundaries (2018) Trailer
- The Most Hated Woman in America (2017) - Reverend Harrington
- The Ballad of Lefty Brown (2017) - Edward Johnson Trailer
- Borderland (2017) - Medicine Man
- Close Encounters with Vilmos Zsigmond (2016) - el însuşi
- Milo Murphy's Law / Legile lui Milo Murphy (2016) - (voce)
- Max / Max (2016) - Edward Woodruff
- Jesse James: Lawman (2015) - primarul Trailer
- The Runner / Factor de risc (2015) - Rayne Price Trailer
- House of Bodies / (2014) - Henry Lee Bishop
- The Harvest / Recolta (2013) - bunicul Trailer
- Copperhead (2013) - Avery
- As Cool as I Am / Aproape adulţi (2013) - Gerald Trailer
- The Ultimate Life / Dumnezeu iubeşte caviarul (2013) - Jacob Early Trailer
- The Lazarus Protocol / (2012) - Solomon Fell
- Smitty / O vară cu Smitty (2012) - Jack
- The Trouble with Bliss / Nu-i ușor să fii fericit (2011) - Seymour Bliss
- Banker to the Poor (2011)
- I Ride Alone / (2010) - Kevin Benedec
- American Bandits: Frank and Jesse James (2010) - Marshal Kane
- The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day / Răzbunarea gemenilor 2 (2009) Trailer
- The Perfect Age of Rock 'n' Roll / Rocker pe viață (2009) - August West Trailer
- Revolution / Revolutia stelara (2009) - Lawrence Fortis
- Grindhouse Universe (2008) - Bradley
- Journey to the Center of the Earth / Călătorie spre centrul pământului (2008) - Edward Dennison
- Japan (2008) - Alfred
- The Gathering / Cercul vrajitoarelor (2007)
- Wild Hogs / Gașca nebună (2007) - Damien Blade Trailer
- 3:10 to Yuma / Drumul dreptății (2007) - Byron McElroy Trailer
- Ghost Rider / Demon pe două roți (2007) - Mephisto Trailer
- Cobrador: In God We Trust (2006) - Mr. X
- Supernova (2005) - Dr. Austin Shepard
- Capital City / Citadela puterii (2004) - President Bridgewater
- Back When We Were Grownups / Privire in trecut (2004) - Dr. Will Allenby
- The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things / Săraca inima mea (2004) - Grandfather
- A Thief of Time / Hoții de artefacte: Un mister Hillerman (2004) - Harrison Houk
- The Maldonado Miracle / Miracolul Maldonado (2003) - Părintele Russell
- The Laramie Project / Proiectul "Laramie" (2002) - Doctor Cantway
- Wooly Boys / Băieții de la fermă (2001) - A.J. 'Stoney' Stoneman
- Second Skin / A doua încercare (2000) - Merv Gutman
- Thomas and the Magic Railroad (2000) - Bunicul Burnett Stone
- South of Heaven, West of Hell / La granița cu iadul (2000) - Shoshonee Bill
- Easy Rider: Shaking the Cage (1999) - el insusi
- The Limey / Englezul (1999) - Terry Valentine
- The Passion of Ayn Rand / Pasiunea lui Ayn Rand (1999) - Frank
- The 70th Annual Academy Awards (1998)
- The Tempest / Furtuna (1998) - Gideon Prosper
- Ulee's Gold / Aurul lui Ulee (1997) - Ulee
- Painted Hero (1997) - Ray the Cook
- Grace of My Heart / Arta sacrificiului (1996) - Guru Dave
- Escape from L.A. / Evadare din Los Angeles (1996) - Pipeline
- Don't Look Back (1996) - Mouse
- Nadja (1994) - Dracula / Dr. Van Helsing
- Love and a .45 / Dragoste și crimă (1994) - Vergil Cheatham
- ER / Spitalul de Urgenţă (1994) - Pierce Tanner (1 episode, 2007)
- Molly & Gina (1994) - Larry Stanton
- Deadfall / Capcana (1993) - Pete
- Bodies, Rest & Motion / Legea miscarii (1993) - Motorcycle Rider
- South Beach (1993) - Jake
- Family Express (1991) - Nick
- Montana (1990)
- Enemy / Fatal Mission (1990) - Ken Andrews
- The Rose Garden / Gradina de trandafiri (1989) - Herbert Schluter
- Sonore (1988)
- In the Heat of the Night (1988) - Marcantony Appfel (2 episodes, 1994)
- Mercenary Fighters (1988) - Virelli
- Hawken's Breed (1987)
- A Reason to Live (1985) - Gus Stewart
- Certain Fury (1985) - Rodney
- Dance of the Dwarfs (1984) - Harry Bediker
- Spasms (1983) - Dr. Tom Brasilian
- Peppermint-Frieden (1983) - Mr. Freedom
- Daijôbu, mai furendo (1983) - Gonzy Traumerai
- Split Image / Dubla personalitate (1982) - Kirklander
- The Cannonball Run / Cursa Ghiulea (1981) - Chief Biker
- The Hostage Tower (1980) - Mike Graham
- Wanda Nevada (1979) - Beaudray Demerille
- High-Ballin' / Camioanele morții (1978) - Rane
- Outlaw Blues (1977) - Bobby Ogden
- Futureworld / Evadați din viitor (1976) - Chuck Browning
- Fighting Mad (1976) - Tom Hunter
- Killer Force / Mercenarii diamantelor (1976) - Bradley
- Arena (1975) - 1 episode, 2012
- Race with the Devil (1975) - Roger Marsh
- 92 in the Shade (1975) - Tom Skelton
- Dirty Mary Crazy Larry (1974) - Larry
- Open Season (1974) - Ken
- Two People / Doi oameni (1973) - Evan Bonner
- The Last Movie (1971) - şerif tânăr
- The Hired Hand / Argatul (1971) - Harry Collings
- Easy Rider / Singuraticii (1969) - Wyatt Trailer
- Certain Honorable Men (1968) - Robbie Conroy
- Histoires extraordinaires / Povestiri extraordinare (1968) - Baronul Wilhelm
- The Trip / Calatoria (1967) - Paul Groves
- The Wild Angels / Îngerii morții (1966) - Heavenly Blues
- The Rounders (1965)
- The Young Lovers (1964) - Eddie Slocum
- Lilith (1964) - Stephen Evshevsky
- 12 O'Clock High (1964) - Lt. Andy Lathrop (1 episode, 1964)
- The Victors (1963) - Weaver
- Tammy and the Doctor (1963) - Dr. Mark Cheswick
- The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (1962) - Verge Likens (1 episode, 1964)
- The Defenders (1961) - Gary Foster (1 episode, 1963)
- Wagon Train (1957) - Orly French (1 episode, 1962)
- Wanda Nevada (1979)
- Idaho Transfer (1973)
- The Hired Hand / Argatul (1971)
Filmografie - producător
- The Lazarus Protocol / (2012)
- I Ride Alone / (2010)
- Easy Rider / Singuraticii (1969) Trailer
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Becoming John Ford (2007) - Himself
- AFI's 100 Years... 100 Greatest Movies: 10th Anniversary Edition (2007) - Himself
- Breaking the Rules (2006) - Himself
- Desert Dreamers (2006) - Narator
- Ride the Wild Side (2005) - Himself
- Hell on Wheels (2005) - Himself
- Harley Davidson: The Spirit of America (2005) - Himself
- John Carpenter: Fear Is Just the Beginning... The Man and His Movies (2004) - Himself
- Nice to Meet You, Please Don't Love Me! (2004)
- Christmas in Tinseltown (2004) - Himself
- Film Trix 2004 (2004) - Himself
- The 31st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards (2004) - Himself
- Biography Special: The Fondas (2004) - Himself
- The Return of 'The Hired Hand' (2003) - Himself
- Tune in Trip Out (2003) - Himself
- Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex, Drugs and Rock 'N' Roll Generation Saved Hollywood (2003) - Himself
- Still Cher (2002) - Himself
- Peter Fonda: Fortunate Son (2002) - Himself
- Hollywood Rocks the Movies: The Early Years (1955-1970) / Hollywood Rocks the Movies: The Early Years (1955-1970) (2000) - Himself
- Route 66: Main Street America (2000) - Gazdă
- The 56th Annual Golden Globe Awards (1999) - Himself
- AFI's 100 Years... 100 Stars (1999) - Himself
- Motorcycles: Born to Be Wild (1999) - Host/Narrator
- The 55th Annual Golden Globe Awards (1998) - Himself/Winner
- 4th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (1998)
- Biking USA (1994) - Himself
- The American Film Institute Salute to Jack Nicholson (1994) - Himself
- Harley-Davidson: The American Motorcycle (1993) - Himself
- Blue Water Hunting (1993) - Narator
- Warren Oates: Across the Border (1993) - Himself
- Fonda on Fonda (1992) - Himself
- Flashing on the Sixties: A Tribal Document (1990) - Himself
- Hollywood Uncensored (1987) - Himself - Host
- Signatures of the Soul (1984) - Narator
- Henry Fonda oder Die Qualität der Prärie (1980) - Himself
- The Carradines Together (1979) - Himself
- The American Film Institute Salute to Henry Fonda (1978) - Himself
- Roger Corman: Hollywood's Wild Angel (1978) - Himself
- Circus of the Stars (1977) - Himself (performer)
- Circus of the Stars #2 (1977) - Performer
- Go for It (1976) - Himself - Spectator
- The 42nd Annual Academy Awards (1970) - Himself - Nominee: Best Original Screenplay
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- Wanderlust (2006)
- Me and Will (1999)
- Margret Dünser, auf der Suche nach den Besonderen (1981)
Filmografie - scriitor
- Enemy / Fatal Mission (1990)
Filmografie - scenarist
- Easy Rider / Singuraticii (1969) Trailer
2 nominalizări Oscar, 2 premii şi o nominalizare Globul de Aur
Toate premiile »
listă cu 992 actori, creată de Vegetarian pe 20 Decembrie 2011
listă cu 118 actori, creată de Vegetarian pe 30 Noiembrie 2011
Despre Peter Fonda
A colaborat cu
Filme pe genuri
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- Crimă
- Documentar
- Dragoste
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- Familie
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- Film noir
- Horror
- Istoric
- Mister
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- Muzical
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Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Actori populari
Trailere filme
- iHostage
- Kaeng Hima Deuxd
- Overcompensating
- RoboForce: The Animated Series
- The King of Kings
- Lo mejor del mundo
- Banger
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
În curând la cinema
- A Minecraft Movie
- Caught by the Tides
- Diamant brut
- Les trois fantastiques
- Alexandra
- Moon the Panda
- The Proud Princess
- Bambi: A Tale of Life in the Woods
- Drop
- The Amateur
- Sinners
- Hitpig!
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Until Dawn
- The Sloth Lane
- TWST - Things We Said Today
- Holy Cow
- The Accountant 2
- Thunderbolts*
- Rosario
- Marea pescuială
- Sirenele: Secretul medalionului
- Shadow Force
- Kaptein Sabeltann og Grevinnen av Gral
- Buffalo Kids
- Motel Destino
- Hurry Up Tomorrow
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Maia - Portret cu mâini
Filme noi în SUA
- Starbright
- Michael
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- Los Muertos
- The Legend of Ochi
- Mission: Impossible - The Final Reckoning
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
- 28 Years Later
- M3GAN 2.0
- F1
- Naya Legend of the Golden Dolphin
- Jurassic World Rebirth
- Superman
- I Know What You Did Last Summer
- The Fantastic Four: First Steps
Program TV

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Peter Fonda
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