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Raymond Herbert Wise este un actor american nascut pe data de 20 august 1947 in Akron, Ohio. In perioada pe care a petrecut-o in liceu s-a indragostit de actorie, jucand in numeroase piese de teatru.
Dupa terminarea liceului, a studiat la Universitatea Kent State din Kent, Ohio, pe care a absolvit-o in anul 1970.La fel ca multi alti actori aspiranti, a fost atras de teatrele de pe Broadway si de oportunitatile cu care se putea intalni in New York.
mai multRaymond Herbert Wise este un actor american nascut pe data de 20 august 1947 in Akron, Ohio. In perioada pe care a petrecut-o in liceu s-a indragostit de actorie, jucand in numeroase piese de teatru.
Dupa terminarea liceului, a studiat la Universitatea Kent State din Kent, Ohio, pe care a absolvit-o in anul 1970.La fel ca multi alti actori aspiranti, a fost atras de teatrele de pe Broadway si de oportunitatile cu care se putea intalni in New York.
La doar trei saptamani dupa ce s-a mutat in New York, a obtinut un rol in serialul “Love of Life”, unde l-a interpretat pe avocatul Jamie Rollins. In cei sase ani pe care i-a petrecut pe platourile de filmare ale serialului “Love of Life”, Wise a jucat si in productii de pe Broadway si Off-Broadway. Dupa ce serialul a fost anulat, actorul a optat pentru roluri in filme artistice, jucand in “Swamp Thing”, adaptarea benzilor desenate cu acelasi nume, si “Cat People”, ambele in 1982. In anii ’80, Wise a avut aparitii in cele mai populare seriale tv, incluzand “Dallas”, “The A-Team” sau “Star Trek: The Next Generation”.
In 1987 l-a interpretat pe Leon C. Nash, unul dintre personajele negative ale filmului “RoboCop”. La inceputul anilor ’90 a fost distribuit in rolul indureratului tata Leland Palmer in celebrul serial tv “Twin Peaks”, prestatie pentru care a primit critici favorabile. Si-a reluat rolul la un an dupa terminarea serialului, in prequel-ul lui David Lynch “Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me”. Au urmat apoi roluri in numeroase seriale tv, printre care “Beverly Hills, 90210”, “Charmed”, “The West Wing”, “24” si “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit”. Din 2007pana in 2009 l-a interpretat cu succes pe Diavol in serialul “Reaper”.
Wise este casatorit din 1978 cu Kass McClaskey. Cei doi au un fiu, Gannon, nascut in 1985 si o fiica, Kyna, nascuta in 1987. Locuieste impreuna cu familia sa in Glendale, California.
- God's Not Dead: In God We Trust (2024) - Peter Kane Trailer
- Poolman (2023) - Van Patterson Trailer
- For Entertainment Purposes Only / For Entertainment Purposes Only (2021) - Alderman
- Physical (2021) Trailer
- Slugfest (2021) - Jack Kirby Trailer
- The Chain (2020) - Michael
- To Your Last Death / Până vei muri de-a binelea (2020) - Cyrus DeKalb
- Tone-Deaf (2019) - Michael Trailer
- Neo Yokio / Neo Yokio (2017) - Old Man
- Hood Adjacent with James Davis / Hood Adjacent with James Davis (2017) - Self
- Shattered / Jocuri de putere (2017) - Forest Burnett
- Twin Peaks (2017) - Leland Palmer Trailer
- Broken / Broken (2016) - Gene
- Halloweed / Halloweed (2016) - Judge Pilmington
- Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life / Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life (2016) - Jack Smith
- Hitting the Breaks (2016) - Theodore 'Teddy' Montclair
- Batman: The Killing Joke / Batman: Gluma ucigașă (2016)
- God's Not Dead 2 (2016) - Peter Kane Trailer
- Star Trek: Captain Pike (2016) - Admiral Joshua Pike
- Nightmare City (2016) - (rumored)
- All the Way / Până la capăt (2016) - Everett Dirksen Trailer
- Halloweed (2016) - Pilmington
- Raging Bull II (2016) - Father Joseph
- Night of the Living Deb / Noaptea lui Deb cea vie (2015) - Frank Waverly
- Unnatural (2015) - Victor Clobirch
- Fresh Off the Boat (2015) - Marvin (16 episodes, 2015-2016) Trailer
- Road to Redemption (2015) - Senator McFadden (rumored)
- Agent Carter (2015)
- The Lazarus Effect / Efectul Lazarus (2015) - Mr. Wallace Trailer
- Jurassic City (2015) - Warden Lewis
- Claire's Cambodia / (2015) - Bob
- Tom Holland's Twisted Tales (2014) - Mongo the Magnificent (segment "Mongo's Magik Mirror")
- Suburban Gothic (2014) - Donald Trailer
- Land of Leopold / Lumea lui Leopold (2014) - Deece Warren Trailer
- Guardian Angel (2014) - Attorney Kaufman
- Dead Still (2014) - Wenton Davis
- Fargo (2014) - Paul Marrane Trailer
- Digging Up the Marrow (2014) - William Dekker
- Away from Here (2014) - Paul
- High School USA! (2013) - Seymour Barren
- Revelation Road 2: The Sea of Glass and Fire (2013) - Frank Trailer
- Revelation Road: The Beginning of the End / (2013) - Frank
- Twisted Tales (2013) - Mongo the Magnificent
- Wrong Cops / Polițiști corupți (2013) - căpitanul Andy Trailer
- Out West / (2013) - Phillip Alcott
- Lionhead / (2013) - Jimmy
- Big Ass Spider / Mega păianjenul (2013) - Major Braxton Tanner Trailer
- Brother's Keeper (2013) - Herbert Leemaster
- Inventing Adam (2013) - J.B.
- Brother White (2012) - Johnny Kingman
- Excision / Excizie (2012) - Principal Campbell Trailer
- Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie (2012) Trailer
- The Aggression Scale / (2012) - Bellavance
- FDR: American Badass! / FDR: Un american neînfricat! (2012) - Douglas MacArthur
- Crazy Eyes (2012) - Father
- Nuclear Family / (2012)
- The Butterfly Room / (2012) - Nick
- No God, No Master (2012) - Palmer
- Rosewood Lane / Strada Rosewood (2011) - Det. Briggs
- Chillerama / Maratonul filmelor de groază (2011) - dr. Weems Trailer
- Black Velvet / (2011) - Black Velvet
- X-Men: First Class / X-Men: Cei dintâi (2011) Trailer
- Darnell Dawkins: Mouth Guitar Legend / (2010) - Wade Dawkins
- Love at First Hiccup (2009) - Roger Trailer
- Iodine (2009) - Avery
- Stuntmen (2009) - Jack Strongbow
- Infestation / Invazia (2009) - Ethan - Tatăl lui Cooper Trailer
- Pandemic / Pandemia (2009) - Generalul Matthews
- AM1200AM1200 (2008) - Harry Jones
- Reservations (2008) - Mitch
- One Missed Call / Apel nepreluat (2008) - Ted Summers Trailer
- Robocop: Villains of Old Detroit (2007) - Leon C. Nash
- Hellholes (2007) - Professor Klume
- The Election (2007) - John
- Reaper / În slujba diavolului (2007)
- Superman: Doomsday / Superman: Ziua Judecatii (2007) - Perry White
- Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! (2007) - Grill Vogel (2 episodes, 2008)
- Burn Notice / Spion pe cont propriu (2007) - Mr. Pyne (1 episode, 2007) Trailer
- 7-10 Split / Dilema (2007) - Buddy
- The Flock / Turma (2007) - Bobby Stiles Trailer
- Shark (2006) - Lloyd Holcomb (1 episode, 2007)
- Six Degrees / Sase destine (2006) - Henry Crane (1 episode, 2007)
- The Substance of Things Hoped For (2006) - Dr. Lessing
- Psych / Agentia Psych (2006) - Father Westley (1 episode, 2009)
- Cyxork 7 (2006) - Kommander 88
- Peaceful Warrior / Calea luptătorului pașnic (2006) - Doctor Hayden Trailer
- Bones / Cititorii de oase (2005) Trailer
- The Closer / Aproape de adevăr (2005) - Tom Blanchard (2 episodes, 2006)
- Sharkskin 6 (2005) - Sam
- Jane Doe: The Wrong Face / Jane Doe: O alta fata (2005) - Fleming
- The Rain Makers / Război pentru pace (2005) - Harris
- Good Night, and Good Luck. / Noapte bună și noroc! (2005) - Don Hollenbeck Trailer
- Numb3rs / Numerele (2005) - Mitch Langford (1 episode, 2009)
- The Battle of Shaker Heights (2003) - Harrison Trailer
- Dead End / Drum închis (2003) - Frank Harrington
- Jeepers Creepers 2 / Tenebre 2 (2003) - Jack Taggart Trailer
- She Spies / Ele spioneaza (2002) - Ambassador Blaine (1 episode, 2002)
- Presidio Med / Presidio med (2002)
- Scream at the Sound of the Beep (2002) - Brother Jake
- Landspeed / Demonii vitezei (2002) - Brian Sanger
- Windfall / Miza finală (2001)
- 24 / 24 de ore (2001) - Vice President Hal Gardner (6 episodes, 2006) Trailer
- Two Can Play That Game / Joc în doi (2001) - Bill Parker
- Almost Salinas / Pacatele trecutului (2001) - Jack Tynan
- Dead Last / Intre doua lumi (2001) - Robert Cahill (1 episode, 2001)
- CSI: Crime Scene Investigation / CSI - Crime și investigații (2000) - Ernest Chase (1 episode, 2006)
- Closing the Deal / Afacere de familie (2000)
- Pennyweight (1999) - Mr. Pennyweight
- Judging Amy / Amy (1999) - Atty. Rhodes (1 episode, 2001)
- Law & Order: Special Victims Unit / Lege si ordine: Brigada specială (1999) - Roger Hanley (1 episode, 2007)
- The West Wing / Viața la Casa Albă (1999) - Governor Tillman D-CA (1 episode, 2005)
- Evasive Action / Teroare de otel (1998) - Sheriff Wes Blaidek
- Sports Night / Baietii de la SPORT (1998) - Evans (1 episode, 1998)
- Charmed / Farmece (1998) - Ludlow (1 episode, 2002) Trailer
- Vengeance Unlimited / Razbunare fara limite (1998) - Jack Schiller (1 episode, 1998)
- Dawson's Creek / Cei mai frumoși ani (1998) - Roger Stepavich (1 episode, 2003)
- Sleepwalkers / Creatorii de vise (1997) - McCaig
- Savannah / Savannah (1996) - Edward Burton
- Profiler (1996) - James Perrone (1 episode, 2000)
- Powder / Copilul fulgerului (1995) - Dr. Aaron Stripler
- Liz: The Elizabeth Taylor Story / Liz (1995) - Mike Todd
- Star Trek: Voyager (1995) - Arturis Trailer
- JAG / Justiție militară (1995) - Congressman Marvin Bolton (1 episode, 2004) Trailer
- The Crew (1994) - Charles Pierce
- The Chase / Vânătoarea (1994) - Dalton Voss
- Body Shot (1994) - Dwight Frye
- Rising Sun / Rasarit de soare (1993) - Senator John Morton
- The Killing Box / Brigada fantomă (1993) - colonelul George Thalman
- Second Chances (1993) - Judge Jim Stinson
- Diagnosis Murder / Diagnostic: Crimă! (1993) - John Parkinson (1 episode, 1999)
- Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me / Twin Peaks - Ultimele 7 zile din viața Laurei Palmer (1992) - Leland Palmer Trailer
- Sunstroke (1992)
- Bob Roberts (1992) - Chet MacGregor
- The Larry Sanders Show (1992) - Lloyd Simon (1 episode, 1994)
- Fire in the Dark / Ce-nsemni tu pentru mine ? (1991) - Richard
- Write to Kill / Suspect fara voie (1991) - Mark Gaston
- The Secret Life of Archie's Wife / Viața secretă a nevestei lui Archie (1990) - Archie
- The Rift / Amenințarea din adâncuri (1990) - Robbins
- Twin Peaks (1990) - Leland Palmer Trailer
- Dream On / Viata ca-n filme (1990)
- Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990)
- Race for Glory (1989) - Jack Davis
- Season of Fear (1989) - Fred Drummond
- The Taking of Flight 847: The Uli Derickson Story / Zborul 847: povestea lui Uli Derickson (1988) - Phil Maresca
- RoboCop (1987) - Leon C. Nash Trailer
- Star Trek: The Next Generation / Star Trek: Generația următoare (1987) - Liko Trailer
- Jake and the Fatman / Jake și Grasanul (1987) - Harry McGuinn
- "Beauty and the Beast" / Beauty and the Beast (1987) - Tom (1 episode, 1987)
- Condor (1986) - Christopher Proctor
- L.A. Law (1986) - Walter Platt (2 episodes, 1988)
- Seduced (1985) - Bartecki
- The Journey of Natty Gann / Calatoria lui Natty Gann (1985) - Sol Gann
- Moonlighting / Maddie și David (1985) - Murderer (1 episode, 1989)
- Hunter (1984) - Alex Parker (1 episode, 1986)
- Scarecrow and Mrs. King (1983) - Frank Duran (1 episode, 1986)
- The A-Team / Echipa de șoc (1983) - Phillip Chadway
- Swamp Thing / Creatura din mlastina (1982) - Doctor Alec Holland
- Cat People / Oamenii-felina (1982) - Soap Opera Man
- Madame X (1981) - Bellman
- Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders II (1980) - Doctor Simmons
- Knots Landing / Vecinii (1979) - The Dealer (7 episodes, 1988)
- Hart to Hart (1979) - Dick Braddon (1 episode, 1984)
- Tartuffe (1978) - Damis
- "Lou Grant" (1977) - Bart Franklin (1 episode, 1981)
- Charlie's Angels / Ingerii lui Charlie (1976) - Evan Wilcox (1 episode, 1978)
- Barnaby Jones (1973) - Malcolm Elliot (1 episode, 1978)
- Dare the Devil (1969)
Filmografie - mulţumiri
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Secrets from Another Place: Creating Twin Peaks (2007) - Himself - 'Leland Palmer'
- RoboCop: Creating a Legend (2007) - Leon Nash
- Stranded with a Star (2006) - Himself
- Reflections on the Phenomenon of 'Twin Peaks' (2002) - Himself
- Gala TP de oro 1990Gala TP de oro 1990 (1991) - Himself
listă cu 992 actori, creată de Vegetarian pe 20 Decembrie 2011
A colaborat cu
Filme pe genuri
- Acţiune
- Animaţie
- Aventuri
- Comedie
- Crimă
- Documentar
- Dragoste
- Dramă
- Familie
- Fantastic
- Film noir
- Horror
- Istoric
- Mister
- Muzică
- Muzical
- Război
- Romantic
- Scurt metraj
- SF
- Stand Up
- Thriller
- Western
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Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Actori populari
Trailere filme
- Alien: Earth
- Clown in a Cornfield
- Gold & Greed: The Hunt for...
- A Cursed Man
- A Working Man
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Haipeo Naipeu
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
În curând la cinema
- The Colors Within
- The Nutcracker and the Magic Flute
- Hoții de subiecte
- Cocorico
- A Working Man
- Alexandra
- Les trois fantastiques
- Diamant brut
- Caught by the Tides
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- Drop
- Bambi: A Tale of Life in the Woods
- The Proud Princess
- Moon the Panda
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Hitpig!
- Sinners
- Until Dawn
- The Sloth Lane
- TWST - Things We Said Today
- Holy Cow
- The Accountant 2
- Thunderbolts*
- Rosario
- Marea pescuială
- Sirenele: Secretul medalionului
- Shadow Force
- Kaptein Sabeltann og Grevinnen av Gral
Filme noi în SUA
- Kayara
- Starbright
- Michael
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- The Legend of Ochi
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
- 28 Years Later
- M3GAN 2.0
- Naya Legend of the Golden Dolphin
- Jurassic World Rebirth
- Superman
- I Know What You Did Last Summer
- The Fantastic Four: First Steps
Program TV

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Ray Wise
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