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Sally Margaret Field (nascuta pe 6 noiembrie 1946) este o actrita americana reputata, dubla castigatoare a Premiului Oscar (are in palmares si doua premii Globul de Aur si 3 premii Emmy).
S-a nascut in Pasadena - California (al 160-lea cel mai mare oras al USA), fiind fiica lui Margaret Field si a lui Richard Field Dryden. La numai 5 ani, parintii sai au divortat, iar mama sa, s-a recasatorit cu Jock Mahoney (un cunoscut actor si acrobat american) cu care a avut o fata, Princess O'Mahoney.
Field a urmat...
Sally Margaret Field (nascuta pe 6 noiembrie 1946) este o actrita americana reputata, dubla castigatoare a Premiului Oscar (are in palmares si doua premii Globul de Aur si 3 premii Emmy).
S-a nascut in Pasadena - California (al 160-lea cel mai mare oras al USA), fiind fiica lui Margaret Field si a lui Richard Field Dryden. La numai 5 ani, parintii sai au divortat, iar mama sa, s-a recasatorit cu Jock Mahoney (un cunoscut actor si acrobat american) cu care a avut o fata, Princess O'Mahoney.
Field a urmat Portola Middle School si liceul Birmingham in Van Nuys, California, cariera in televiziune incepandu-si-oin anul 1965 cand a interpretat rolul lui Frances Elizabeth "Gidget" Lawrence in "Gidget" (1965, Frederick Kohner), serie tv anulata dupa numai un sezon din cauza rating-ului extrem de scazut.
Au urmat sitcomul "The Flying Nun" (ABC, 1967-68-69), care a rulat timp de 3 sezoane (rolul de calugarita nazdravana - Sister Bertrille - a facut-o celebra la 20 de ani, insa mult timp a planat asupra talentului ei incertitudinea interpretarii unui rol serios, lipsit de hilaritate). Primul rau rol intr-un film artistic a fost cel din "The Way West" (rol - Mercy McBee, 1967, Andrew V. McLaglen), unde a jucat alaturi de Kirk Douglas.
In urmatorii ani a primit sansa de a juca in numeroase filme artistice si sitcomuri, precum: "Maybe I'll Come Home in the Spring" (rol - Denise 'Dennie' Miller, 1971, Joseph Sargent), "Marriage: Year One" (rol - Jane Duden, 1971, William A. Graham), "The Girl with Something Extra" (rol - Sally Burton, 1973, Bernard Slade), "Hitched" (rol - Roselle Bridgeman, 1973, Boris Sagal), Stay Hungry (rol - Mary Tate Farnsworth, 1975, Bob Rafelson), "Bridger" (rol - Jennifer Melford, 1976, David Lowell Rich), "Sybil" (rol - Sybil, NBC, 1976, Daniel Petrie). Rolul lui Sybil, o femeie cu 16 personalitati disociate a schimbat perceptia publicului cu privire la abilitatile artistice ale acesteia, castigand si un premiu Emmy. In 1977 a jucat alaturi de Burt Reynolds in "Smokey and the Bandit I" (rol - Carrie/'Frog', 1977, Hal Needham), continuat cu "Smokey and the Bandit II" (rol - Carrie/'Frog', 1980, Hal Needham), dar cu mult mai putin succes.
A castigat Premiul Oscar pentru cea mai buna actrita, datorita rolului din Norma Rae (rol - Norma Rae, 1978, Martin Ritt), fapt care a consolidat cariera lui Sally. Au urmat aparitii in productii precum: "Absence of Malice" (rol - Megan Carter, 1981, Sydney Pollack; nominalizare la Premiile Globul de Aur, categoria - Cea mai buna actrita in rol dramatic), "Kiss Me Goodbye" (rol - Kay Villano, 1982, Robert Mulligan; nominalizare la Premiile Globul de Aur, categoria - Cea mai buna actrita in rol de comedie sau musical ), "Places in the Heart" (rol - Edna Spalding, 1984, Robert Benton; nominalizare la Premiile Globul de Aur, categoria - Cea mai buna actrita in rol dramatic si Premiul Oscar pentru cea mai buna actrita (al doilea din cariera sa)), "Murphy's Romance" (rol - Emma Moriarty, 1985, Martin Ritt, nominalizare la Premiile Globul de Aur, categoria - Cea mai bun actrita in rol de comedie sau musical), "Punchline" (rol - Lilah Krytsick, 1988, David Seltzer) si "Steel Magnolias" (rol - M'Lynn Eatenton, 1989, Herbert Ross; nominalizare la Premiile Globul de Aur, categoria - Cea mai buna actrita in rol dramatic). In 1993 joaca alaturi de Robin Williams si Pierce Brosnan in binecunoscuta comedie "Mrs. Doubtfire" (rol - Miranda Hillard ,1993, Chris Columbus).
Un an mai tarziu, joaca rolul mamei lui Gump in filmul de succes "Forrest Gump" (rol - Mrs. Gump, 1994, Robert Zemeckis). Filmul a avut un succes comercial imens, castigand numai putin de 6 Oscaruri. La doi ani dupa rolul doamnei Gump, interpreteaza diferite roluri, printre care si: Karen McCann in "An eye for an eye" (1996, John Schlesinger), Mrs. Bailey / Narator in "Merry Christmas, George Bailey" (1997, Matthew Diamond), Betsey Trotwood in David Copperfield (2000, Peter Medak). In anul 2000 a aparut alaturi de Natalie Portman si Ashley Judd in filmul artistic "Where the Heart Is" (rol - Mama Lil, 2000, Matt Williams) iar in 2003 in "Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde" (Victoria Rudd, 2003, Charles Herman-Wurmfeld), a jucat alaturi de Reese Whiterspoon.
In ultimii ani, unul dintre cele mai importante roluri ale lui Field, Nora Walker din serialul american "Brothers & Sisters" (2006), rol care i-a adus inca un premiu Emmy la categoria "Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series".
Va juca alaturi de Liam Neeson in urmatoarea productie marca Steven Spielberg - Lincoln, in rolul lui Mary Todd Lincoln, sotia celui de-al saisprezecelea presedinte al Statelor Unite ale Americii, Abraham Lincoln, care va fi lansata in 2011.
Sally a fost casatorita de doua ori. Primul sot a fost Steven Craig (intre 1968 si 1975). Au avut impreuna 2 fii, Peter Craig si Eli Craig, iar al doilea sot, producatorul Alan Greisman (din 1984, pana in anul 1993). Au avut un fiu impreuna, pe numele sau Samuel Greisman, nascut pe 2 decembrie 1987.
A primit o stea în partea de nord, aria 6700, pe Bulevardul Hollywood, Walk of Fame.
- 80 for Brady (2023) - Betty Trailer
- Spoiler Alert (2022) - Marilyn Trailer
- The Last Movie Stars / Ultimele vedete de cinema (2022)
- Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty / Momentul victoriei: Ascensiunea dinastiei Lakers (2022) - Jessie Buss Trailer
- Maniac (2018) Trailer
- Hello, My Name Is Doris (2015) - Doris Miller Trailer
- The Amazing Spider-Man 2 / Uimitorul Om-Păianjen 2 (2014) - mătuşa May Trailer
- The Sixties (2013) - Herself (1 episode, 2014)
- The Oscars (2013)
- The Amazing Spider-Man / Uimitorul Om-Păianjen (2012) - May Parker Trailer
- Lincoln (2012) - Mary Todd Lincoln Trailer
- Accidental Icon: The Real Gidget Story / (2010) - Herself
- The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning / Mica sirenă: Începuturile lui Ariel (2008) - Marina Del Ray (voce) Trailer
- Brothers & Sisters: Family Album (2007) - Nora Walker
- Brothers & Sisters / Frați și surori (2006) - Nora Walker
- Two Weeks / Două săptămâni (2006) - Anita Bergman
- Conviction (2005)
- Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde / Blonda de la drept 2 (2003) - Rudd Trailer
- The Court / Judecatoarea (2002) - Judecatoarea Kate Nolan
- America: A Tribute to Heroes (2001)
- Say It Isn't So / Spune că nu-i așa! (2001) - Valdine Wingfield
- Twentieth Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years (2000)
- David Copperfield (2000) - Aunt Betsey Trotwood
- Where the Heart Is / Acasă, în inima mea (2000) - Mama Lil Trailer
- A Cooler Climate (1999) - Iris
- From the Earth to the Moon / De la Pamant la Luna (1998) - Trudy Cooper (1 episode, 1998)
- Merry Christmas, George Bailey (1997) - Mrs. Bailey/Narrator
- King of the Hill (1997) - Junie Harper (1 episode, 1997)
- Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco / Călătoria 2: Rătăciți în San Francisco (1996) - Sassy (voce)
- Eye for an Eye / Ochi pentru ochi și dinte pentru dinte (1996) - Karen McCann
- 50 Years of Funny Females (1995) - ea însăși (imagini de arhivă)
- A Woman of Independent Means (1995) - Bess Alcott Steed Garner
- Forrest Gump (1994) - Dna. Gump Trailer
- A Century of Cinema (1994)
- ER / Spitalul de Urgenţă (1994) - Maggie Wyczenski (12 episodes, 2000-2006)
- Mrs. Doubtfire / Doamna Doubtfire, tăticul nostru trăsnit (1993) - Miranda Hillard
- Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey / Călătoria (1993) - Sassy (voce) Trailer
- Soapdish / Regina telenovelelor (1991) - Celeste Talbert/Maggie
- Not Without My Daughter / Numai cu fiica mea (1991) - Betty Mahmoody
- Steel Magnolias / Magnolii de otel (1989) - M'Lynn Eatenton
- Punchline / Poanta (1988) - Lilah Krytsick
- Murphy Brown (1988)
- Surrender / Concordie si discordie (1987) - Daisy Morgan
- Murphy's Romance / Murphy si dragostea (1985) - Emma Moriarty
- Places in the Heart / Locuri in inima (1984) - Edna Spalding
- Kiss Me Goodbye / Sărutul de adio (1982) - Kay Villano
- All the Way Home (1981) - Mary Follet
- Back Roads (1981) - Amy Post
- Absence of Malice / Fără răutate (1981) - Megan Carter
- Smokey and the Bandit II / Smokey si Banditul II (1980) - Carrie / 'Frog'
- Carol Burnett & Company / Carol Burnett & Company (1979) - 1 episode, 1979
- Norma Rae (1979) - Norma Rae
- Beyond the Poseidon Adventures / Noi Aventuri pe Vasul Poseidon (1979) - Celeste Whitman
- Hooper / Cascadorul Hooper (1978) - Gwen Doyle
- The End / Sfarsitul (1978) - Mary Ellen
- Smokey and the Bandit / Smokey si Bandit (1977) - Carrie
- Heroes / Eroii (1977) - Carol Bell
- Sybil (1976) - Sybil Dorsett
- Stay Hungry / Moștenitorul din Alabama (1976) - Mary Tate Farnsworth
- Bridger (1976) - Jennifer Melford
- Saturday Night Live (1975) - Host (1 episode, 1993)
- The Girl with Something Extra / The Girl with Something Extra (1973) - Sally Burton
- Home for the Holidays / Dorinta mortala (1972) - Christine Morgan
- Mongo's Back in Town (1971) - Vikki
- Marriage: Year One (1971) - Jane Duden
- Hitched (1971) - Roselle Bridgeman
- Maybe I'll Come Home in the Spring (1971) - Denise 'Dennie' Miller
- Marcus Welby, M.D. (1969) - Jan Wilkins (1 episode, 1971)
- Bracken's World (1969) - Jenny Marsh (1 episode, 1970)
- The Way West / Drumul spre Vest (1967) - Mercy McBee
- The Flying Nun / The Flying Nun (1967) - Sister Bertrille
- Gidget / Gidget (1965) - Frances Elizabeth 'Gidget' Lawrence
- Moon Pilot (1962) - Beatnik girl in lineup
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- ¡Pechos fuera! (2009)
- Reinventando Hollywood (2008)
- Brothers & Sisters: A Family Matter (2007)
- CMT Greatest Moments: Dolly Parton (2006)
- Saturday Night Live Christmas (1999)
- All-Star 25th Birthday: Stars and Street Forever! (1994)
- Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In: 25th Anniversary Reunion (1993)
- Oscar's Greatest Moments (1992)
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- 15th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (2009) - Herself - Winner Female Actor in a Drama Series
- The 66th Annual Golden Globe Awards (2009) - Herself
- 12th Annual Prism Awards (2008) - Herself - Winner
- The 60th Primetime Emmy Awards (2008) - Herself - Presenter
- Stand Up to Cancer (2008) - Herself
- Two Weeks: Learning to Live through Dying (2007) - Herself
- Julia Roberts: An American Cinematheque Tribute (2007) - Herself
- The Man Who Shot Chinatown: The Life and Work of John A. Alonzo (2007) - Herself
- The 59th Primetime Emmy Awards (2007) - Herself
- AFI's 100 Years... 100 Cheers: America's Most Inspiring Movies (2006) - Herself
- The 59th Annual Tony Awards (2005) - Herself - Presenter: Special Award
- The 3rd Annual TV Land Awards (2005) - Herself
- Going Through Splat: The Life and Work of Stewart Stern (2005) - Herself
- AFI's 100 Years... 100 Heroes & Villains (2003) - Herself
- If I Could (2001) - Herself
- The 53rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2001)
- 7th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (2001) - Herself - Nominee: Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series and Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series
- 6th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (2000)
- AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movies: Love Crazy (1998) - Herself (Host)
- AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movies (1998) - Herself - Host
- The Good, the Bad & the Beautiful (1996) - Herself
- The 67th Annual Academy Awards (1995) - Herself - Presenter: 'Forrest Gump' Film Clip
- Through the Eyes of Forrest Gump (1994) - Herself
- The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (1992) - Herself
- The 64th Annual Academy Awards (1992) - Herself - Presenter: 'Beauty and the beast' Clip
- Voices that Care (1991) - Herself - Choir Member
- The 63rd Annual Academy Awards (1991) - Herself (film sequence on favourite films)
- Barbara Stanwyck: Fire and Desire (1991) - Gazdă
- James Stewart: A Wonderful Life (1987) - Herself
- The 58th Annual Academy Awards (1986) - Herself - Presenter: Best Actor & Honorary Award to Paul Newman
- The American Film Institute Salute to Billy Wilder (1986) - Herself
- One Voice (1986) - Herself/Audience Member
- The 57th Annual Academy Awards (1985) - Herself - Winner: Best Actress in a Leading Role
- The American Film Institute Salute to Lillian Gish (1984) - Herself
- Lily for President? (1982)
- The Making of 'Absence of Malice' (1982) - Herself
- The 53rd Annual Academy Awards (1981) - Herself - Presenter: Best Actor in a Leading Role
- The 52nd Annual Academy Awards (1980) - Herself - Winner: Best Actress in a Leading Role
- Behind the Scenes: Beyond the Poseidon Adventure (1979) - Herself
- The 19th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (1968) - Presenter
- Miss Teen International Pageant (1967) - Herself
Filmografie - mulţumiri
- Silenci (2007)
- The Myth, the Magic, the Man (1993)
Filmografie - producător
- The Lost Children of Berlin (1997)
- The Christmas Tree (1996)
Filmografie - scriitor
- The Christmas Tree (1996)
2 premii şi o nominalizare Oscar, 2 premii şi 8 nominalizări Globul de Aur, o nominalizare BAFTA, un premiu Cannes
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- Jurassic World Rebirth
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- I Know What You Did Last Summer
- The Fantastic Four: First Steps
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