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Tim Robbins s-a nascut la 6 octombrie 1958, in West Covina, California, ca al patrulea copil al unei familii de catolici, Gil si Mary Robbins. Tatal sau, cantaret de folk, a activat in formatia Highwaymen in perioada in care au locuit in New York, in cartierul Greenwich Village. Mama sa a fost director al unei reviste.
Tim a fost atras de scena, cantand in duet cu tatal sau cantecul protestatar "The ink is black but the page is white". In scoala gimnaziala s-a alaturat echipei teatrului din...
Tim Robbins s-a nascut la 6 octombrie 1958, in West Covina, California, ca al patrulea copil al unei familii de catolici, Gil si Mary Robbins. Tatal sau, cantaret de folk, a activat in formatia Highwaymen in perioada in care au locuit in New York, in cartierul Greenwich Village. Mama sa a fost director al unei reviste.
Tim a fost atras de scena, cantand in duet cu tatal sau cantecul protestatar "The ink is black but the page is white". In scoala gimnaziala s-a alaturat echipei teatrului din New York, unde va activa timp de 7 ani. In perioada petrecuta la liceul Stuyvesant se va inscrie la clubul de drama unde va tatona domeniul regiei. Dupa o perioada scurta petrecuta la Universitatea de stat din New York, se va muta la U.C.L.A., muncind ca livrator de pizza sau picolo pentru a-si obtine rezidenta in California. La U.C.L.A., va face parte din echipa de softball a universitatii, impreuna cu colegii sai de la cursul de teatru. In 1981, membri acestei echipe, denumita Male Death Cult, vor pune bazele unei trupe de teatru avangardist, Actor's Gang, unde vor pune in scena piese ale lui Bertolt Brecht si Alfred Jarry. In 1983, Tim deja debuta pe marele ecran intr-un mic rol din "Toy Soldier", planuind sa obtine de fapt fonduri pentru a continua proiectul "Actor's gang".
Primul rol de consistenta il face in 1988, in "Bill Durham", ca jucator de baseball, Nuke LaLoosh. Idila de pe ecran cu Susan Sarandon se muta si in viata reala, incheindu-se cu casatorie. Tim Robbins isi continua munca cu Gang si obtine multe premii pentru piesele regizate, in special pentru "The good woman of Setzuan", care ii aduce o nominalizare pentru cel mai bun regizor din partea Asociatiei de critici din L.A.
In 1992, joaca in "The player", rolul imoralului Griffin Mill aducandu-i premiul pentru cel mai bun actor la Cannes si un Golden Globe. Colaborarea cu Sean Penn, dar si sotia sa, Susan Sarandon, ii va pune pe toti trei in valoare, in filme precum "Dead man walking" pe care il regizeaza si "Mystic river' unde va obtine Oscarul pentru rol secundar.
Este un mare fan al echipei de hockey New York Rangers, colectionand toate casetele cu jocurile lor.
Este foarte bun prieten cu John Cusack, alaturi de care a jucat in 6 filme. De asemenea, a fost cel care i-a descoperit talentul lui Jack Black, in 1992, distribuindu-l in primul sau film , "Bob Roberts".
Are o stea în partea de nord, aria 6800, pe Bulevardul Walk of Fame din Hollywood.
- Silo (2023) - Bernard Holland Trailer
- Val (2021) - (arhivă)
- Dark Waters (2019) - Tom Terp Trailer
- Castle Rock (2018) - 10 episodes, 2019 Trailer
- Here and Now / Aici, acum (2018) - Greg Bishop Trailer
- Marjorie Prime (2017) - Jon
- A Perfect Day / O zi perfectă (2015) - B Trailer
- The Brink / În pragul dezastrului (2015) - Walter Larson Trailer
- Fatherhood (2014) - Self
- The Spoils of Babylon (2014) Trailer
- Welcome to Me / Aceasta este lumea mea (2014) - dr. Daryl Moffet Trailer
- James Gandolfini: Tribute to a Friend (2013)
- Life of Crime / Schimb de dame (2013) - Frank Dawson Trailer
- Yi jiu si er / Înapoi în 1942 (2012) - Megan Trailer
- Thanks for Sharing / Tentații (i)rezistibile (2012) - Mike Trailer
- Portlandia / Portlandia (2011)
- Cinema Verite (2011) - Bill Loud Trailer
- Green Lantern / Green Lantern 3D: Protectorul Universului (2011) - senatorul Hammond Trailer
- Iron Man 2 / Iron Man - Omul de oțel 2 (2010) - Howard Stark Trailer
- The Lucky Ones / Norocoșii (2008) - Cheaver Trailer
- City of Ember / Ember - Orașul din adâncuri (2008) - Loris Harrow Trailer
- Behind the Director's Son's Cut (2007) - Erik
- Noise (2007) - David Owen Trailer
- Tim Robbins: The Punk Gets Responsible (2006)
- Boffo! Tinseltown's Bombs and Blockbusters (2006) - (arhivă)
- Catch a Fire / O cauză arzătoare (2006) - Nic Vos Trailer
- Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny / Tenacious D - Pana destinului (2006) - necunoscutul Trailer
- Embedded (2005) - Sarge & Cove
- Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope (2005)
- La vida secreta de las palabras / Viața secretă a cuvintelor (2005) - Josef Trailer
- War of the Worlds / Războiul lumilor (2005) - Harlan Ogilvy Trailer
- Zathura: A Space Adventure / Zathura - O aventură spațială (2005) - Tatal Trailer
- Jack & Bobby / Jack si Bobby (2004) - Pres. Robert McCallister (1 episode, 2005)
- Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy / Un știrist legendar (2004) - Public TV News Anchor Trailer
- Orwell Rolls in His Grave (2003)
- The Day My God Died (2003) - Narator
- Code 46 / Cod 46 (2003) - William
- Mystic River / Misterele fluviului (2003) - Dave Boyle Trailer
- The Truth About Charlie / Adevărul despre Charlie (2002) - Mr. Bartholomew
- Human Nature / Natura Umană (2001) - Nathan Bronfman
- Anti-trust / Antitrust (2001) - Gary Winston
- Mission To Mars / Misiune pe Marte (2000) - Woody Blake Trailer
- High Fidelity (2000) - Ian Raymond
- Independent Lens (1999) - el însuşi
- Cradle Will Rock / Intre arta si adevar (1999) - Voice On Film Reel
- Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me / Austin Powers 2 - Spionul care mi-a tras-o (1999) Trailer
- Arlington Road / Strada conspirației (1999) - Oliver Lang/William Fenimore
- The 69th Annual Academy Awards (1997)
- Nothing to Lose / Ce-am avut și ce-am pierdut (1997) - Nick Beam
- The Shawshank Redemption / Închisoarea îngerilor (1994) - Andy Dufresne Trailer
- Pret-a-Porter / Pret-a-Porter: Crimă în lumea modei (1994) - Joe Flynn Trailer
- I.Q. (1994) - Ed Walters
- The Hudsucker Proxy / Afacerea Hudsucker (1994) - Norville Barnes
- Short Cuts / Povești întretăiate (1993) - Gene Shepard
- The Player / Joc de culise (1992) - Griffin Mill
- Bob Roberts (1992) - Robert Roberts, Jr.
- Jungle Fever / Febra iubirii (1991) - Jerry
- Jacob's Ladder / Scara lui Iacob (1990) - Jacob Trailer
- Cadillac Man (1990) - Larry
- Miss Firecracker / O fată strălucitoare (1989) - Delmount Williams
- Erik the Viking / Erik vikingul (1989) - Erik
- Twister / Tornada in familia Cleveland (1989) - Jeff
- Tapeheads / Studioul (1988) - Josh Tager
- Bull Durham (1988) - Ebby Calvin 'Nuke' LaLoosh
- Five Corners / Cinci colțuri (1987) - Harry
- Top Gun (1986) - Merlin Trailer
- Howard the Duck / Howard T Duck (1986) - Phil Blumburtt
- The Sure Thing / Aventura e sigura! (1985) - Gary Cooper
- Malice in Wonderland / Barfe, barfe (1985) - Joseph Cotten
- Fraternity Vacation / Prieteni in vacanta (1985) - Larry "Mother" Tucker
- Moonlighting / Maddie și David (1985) - Fremmer (1 episode, 1985)
- Amazing Stories / Călătorie în timp (1985) - Jordan's Phantom (1 episode, 1986)
- Toy Soldiers / Soldati de ocazie (1984) - Boe
- No Small Affair (1984) - Nelson
- Santa Barbara (1984) - Man (1 episode, 1984)
- Quarterback Princess (1983) - Marvin
- "St. Elsewhere" (1982) - Andrew Reinhardt (3 episodes, 1982)
- Hill Street Blues (1981) - Patrolman Lawrence Swan (1 episode, 1984)
- The Love Boat / Croaziera de lux (1977) - Young Erik (2 episodes, 1984)
- Saturday Night Live (1975) - Bob Roberts (2 episodes, 1986-1992)
- The Brink / În pragul dezastrului (2015) Trailer
- Possible Side Effects (2009)
- Embedded (2005)
- Bruce Springsteen: The Complete Video Anthology 1978-2000 / Bruce Springsteen: The Complete Video Anthology 1978-2000 (2001)
- Cradle Will Rock / Intre arta si adevar (1999)
- Dead Man Walking / Culoarul morții (1995) Trailer
- Bob Roberts (1992)
Filmografie - producător
- The Brink / În pragul dezastrului (2015) Trailer
- Possible Side Effects (2009)
- Embedded (2005)
- The Spectre of Hope (2002)
- The Typewriter, the Rifle & the Movie Camera (1996)
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- The 63rd Annual Tony Awards (2009) - Himself - Audience
- Speechless (2008) - Himself
- Charity Poker Festival (2008) - Himself - Poker player #4
- Johnny Cash's America (2008) - Himself
- The 60th Primetime Emmy Awards (2008) - Himself
- Tenacious D: For the Ladies (2007) - Himself
- The Making of 'The Pick of Destiny' (2007) - Himself
- Cómo conseguir un papel en Hollywood (2007) - Himself
- 2006 BAFTA/LA Cunard Britannia Awards (2006) - Himself
- Tribeca Film Festival Presents: Live from the Red Carpet (2006) - Himself
- Not in Our Name! (2006) - Himself
- The 16th Annual Gotham Awards (2006) - Himself - Presenter
- No Apologies: 'Sorry, Haters' Roundtable (2006) - Himself
- 'War of the Worlds': Production Diaries, West Coast - Destruction (2005) - Himself
- 11th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (2005) - Himself - Presenter: Outstanding Performance by a Cast of a Motion Picture
- The 77th Annual Academy Awards (2005) - Himself - Presenter: Best Supporting Actress
- The 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards (2005) - Himself - Presenter: Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture
- America's Pastime: Vintage Baseball Live (2004) - Himself
- Obtaining Cover: Inside Code 46 (2004) - Himself
- Fahrenheit 9/11: A Movement in Time (2004) - Himself
- Hope Springs Eternal: A Look Back at 'The Shawshank Redemption' (2004) - Himself
- Mystic River: From Page to Screen (2004) - Himself - 'Dave'
- Mystic River: Beneath the Surface (2004) - Himself - 'Dave Boyle'
- WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception (2004) - Narator
- The 61st Annual Golden Globe Awards (2004) - Himself - Winner: Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture
- The 76th Annual Academy Awards (2004) - Himself - Winner: Best Supporting Actor/Co-presenter: Best Original Screenplay
- The Truth About 'The Truth About Charlie' (2003) - Himself
- Get Up, Stand Up (2003) - Himself/Interviewee
- The Orange British Academy Film Awards (2003) - Himself
- New York at the Movies / New York-ul în filme (2002) - Himself
- Between the Lines: The Making of 'Bull Durham' (2001) - Himself
- Antitrust: Cracking the Code (2001) - Himself - 'Gary Winston'
- Shawshank: The Redeeming Feature (2001) - Himself
- Last Party 2000 (2001) - Himself
- MTV Video Music Awards 2000 (2000) - Himself
- The 56th Annual Golden Globe Awards (1999) - Himself
- Hidden Vulnerability: A Look Into the Making of 'Arlington Road' (1999) - Himself
- MTV Video Music Awards 1999 (1999) - Himself - Presenter
- Not in Our Name: Dead Man Walking - The Concert (1998) - Himself
- The 68th Annual Academy Awards (1996) - Himself - Nominee: Best Director
- The Typewriter, the Rifle & the Movie Camera (1996) - Himself
- The 67th Annual Academy Awards (1995) - Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Art Direction-Set Decoration
- One on One with Robert Altman (1993) - Himself
- The 65th Annual Academy Awards (1993) - Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Film Editing
- Luck, Trust & Ketchup: Robert Altman in Carver Country (1993) - Himself
- Comic Relief IV (1991) - Himself
- Post No Bills (1991) - Himself
- Building 'Jacob's Ladder' (1990) - Himself
Filmografie - scriitor
- Possible Side Effects (2009)
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- Del corto a Hollywood (2008)
- Oscar, que empiece el espectáculo (2008)
- The 2006 European Film Awards (2006)
- 50 premios Sant Jordi de cinematografía (2006)
- XX premios Goya (2006)
- Venecia 2005: Crónica de Carlos Boyero (2005)
- Who Is Alan Smithee? (2002)
- Playboy: The Complete Anna Nicole Smith (2000)
- Lord Stanley's Cup: Hockey's Ultimate Prize (2000)
- ... y otras mujeres de armas tomar (1998)
Filmografie - mulţumiri
Filmografie - camera and electrical departme
Filmografie - scenarist
- Cradle Will Rock / Intre arta si adevar (1999)
- Dead Man Walking / Culoarul morții (1995) Trailer
- Bob Roberts (1992)
Un premiu şi o nominalizare Oscar, 2 premii şi 3 nominalizări Globul de Aur, un premiu şi o nominalizare Cannes, 2 premii şi o nominalizare Berlin, un premiu Venetia
Toate premiile »
listă cu 100 actori, creată de rothmans pe 2 Octombrie 2011
listă cu 100 actori, creată de Ionutzmovie pe 4 Iulie 2015
listă cu 124 actori, creată de Vorador pe 15 Septembrie 2011
Despre Tim Robbins
Închisoarea îngerilor: eşecul devenit film legendar
Silo: în căutarea istoriei lipsă
Recomandări TV. Miercuri, filme ce au făcut istorie, pe micul ecran
Recomandări TV. Filmele de acțiune domină săptămâna
Serialul cu Tim Robbins și Holly Hunter Here and now/Aici, acum, la HBO și pe HBO GO
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- Alien: Earth
- Clown in a Cornfield
- Gold & Greed: The Hunt for...
- A Cursed Man
- A Working Man
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Haipeo Naipeu
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În curând la cinema
- The Colors Within
- The Nutcracker and the Magic Flute
- Hoții de subiecte
- Cocorico
- A Working Man
- Alexandra
- Les trois fantastiques
- Diamant brut
- Caught by the Tides
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- Drop
- Bambi: A Tale of Life in the Woods
- The Proud Princess
- Moon the Panda
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Hitpig!
- Sinners
- Until Dawn
- The Sloth Lane
- TWST - Things We Said Today
- Holy Cow
- The Accountant 2
- Thunderbolts*
- Rosario
- Marea pescuială
- Sirenele: Secretul medalionului
- Shadow Force
- Kaptein Sabeltann og Grevinnen av Gral
Filme noi în SUA
- Kayara
- Starbright
- Michael
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- The Legend of Ochi
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
- 28 Years Later
- M3GAN 2.0
- Naya Legend of the Golden Dolphin
- Jurassic World Rebirth
- Superman
- I Know What You Did Last Summer
- The Fantastic Four: First Steps
Program TV

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Tim Robbins
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Spune-ţi părereami-a placut mult rolul din the shawshank redemtiion !!!!!
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