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Veronica A. Cartwright s-a nascut pe data de 20 aprilie 1949 si este o actrita nascuta in Anglia dar care a lucrat in televiziune si filme in special in America. Mai exact s-a nascut in Bristol, Anglia, dar a crescut in Toronto si Los Angeles. Cariera sa de actrita a inceput in anul 1958 cu un rol important in filmul "Love and war". Printre aparitiile ei timpurii au facut parte si serialul de televiziune "Leave it to Beaver "in 1959 in rolul violet Rutherford si intr-un episod din "Twilight Zone" ("I...
mai multVeronica A. Cartwright s-a nascut pe data de 20 aprilie 1949 si este o actrita nascuta in Anglia dar care a lucrat in televiziune si filme in special in America. Mai exact s-a nascut in Bristol, Anglia, dar a crescut in Toronto si Los Angeles. Cariera sa de actrita a inceput in anul 1958 cu un rol important in filmul "Love and war". Printre aparitiile ei timpurii au facut parte si serialul de televiziune "Leave it to Beaver "in 1959 in rolul violet Rutherford si intr-un episod din "Twilight Zone" ("I sing electric body") in 1962.
Cariera sa de actrita a incetinit in timpul anilor 60. Ea a continuat sa lucreze sporadic si a obtinut doua dintre cele mai mari succese ale ei cu "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" din 1978 si "Alien" (1979).
A mai jucat in "The witches of Eastwick" in 1987, in "Scary Movie 2" in 2001. Invitata frecvent in televiziune in roluri secundare a aparut in "The Mod Squad", "Miami Vice", "Baywatch", "L.A. Law", "ER", "The X-Files", "Chicago Hope", "Will & Grace", "Touched by an Angel", "Judging Amy", "Six Feet Under", "The Closer".
Veronica a fost nominalizata la trei premii Emmy, o nominalizare pentru interpretarea din "ER" din 1997 si doua nominalizari pentru interpretarea din "The X-Files" in 1998 si 1999.
- Gotham Knights / Cavalerii din Gotham (2023) - Eunice Harmon Trailer
- Limbo / Limbo (2019) - Louise
- Depth of Field / Depth of Field (2019) - Joonica
- Defrost: The Virtual Series / Defrost: The Virtual Series (2019) - Kelly
- The Rookie / Recrutul (2018) Trailer
- The Resident / Rezidentul (2018)
- The Vicar's Wife (2018) - Mrs. Hope Saville-Smythe
- Mommy, I Didn't Do It / Mommy, I Didn't Do It (2017) - Judge Tannin
- The Loud House / Casa Loud (2016) - Sue
- Pulling No Punches: Rod Taylor (2016) - Herself
- Cocktails & Classics (2015) - Self
- Bosch (2014) - Irene Saxon Trailer
- Resurrection (2014) Trailer
- The Town That Dreaded Sundown / Asasinul invizibil (2014) - Lillian Trailer
- Non-Stop (2013) - Rose
- Odd Way Home / (2013) - Francine
- Misadventures of the Dunderheads / (2012) - Margaret
- The Yellow Wallpaper (2012) - Catherine Sayer
- InSight (2011) - Patricia Trailer
- Montana Amazon (2011) - Margaret
- Neowolf (2010) - Doamna Belakov
- Eastwick (2009) - Bun Waverly
- Call of the Wild / Chemarea străbunilor (2009) - Sheriff Taylor Trailer
- Mommy's House (2007) - Mommy
- October Road (2007) - Lynn Farmer (1 episode, 2007)
- The Invasion / Invazia (2007) - Wendy Lenk Trailer
- The Nine / Cei nouă (2006) - Barbara Dalton (3 episodes, 2006-2007)
- Invasion / Calatorii in necunoscut (2005) - Valerie Shenkman (5 episodes, 2005-2006)
- The Closer / Aproape de adevăr (2005) - Vera Mathers (1 episode, 2005)
- Barry Dingle (2005) - Eleanor Dingle
- Dr. Vegas (2004) - Evelyn (1 episode, 2004)
- Boston Legal (2004) - Judge Peggy Zeder (1 episode, 2006)
- Straight-Jacket (2004) - Jerry Albrecht
- Kinsey (2004) - Sara Kinsey
- Twisted / Distorsionarea (2004) - Landlady Trailer
- Cold Case / Cu sânge rece (2003) - Mary Ryan (1 episode, 2006) Trailer
- Nip/Tuck / Prietenie pe muchie de cuțit (2003) - Mother Mary Claire (1 episode, 2005) Trailer
- Just Married / Tineri însurăței (2003) - Mrs. 'Pussy' McNerney
- Without a Trace / Dispăruți fără urmă (2002) - Mrs. Beckworth (2 episodes, 2003-2005)
- Mackenheim (2002) - Eleanor
- Critic's Choice (2001) - Watkins
- Inside the Osmonds / Familia Osmond (2001) - Olive Osmond
- Scary Movie 2 / Comedie de groază 2 (2001) - Mother Trailer
- Six Feet Under / Sub Pământ S.R.L. (2001) - Peg Kimmel Trailer
- In the Bedroom / In dormitor (2001) - Minister on Television Trailer
- Twentieth Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years (2000)
- CSI: Crime Scene Investigation / CSI - Crime și investigații (2000) - Diane Chase (1 episode, 2006)
- Judging Amy / Amy (1999) - Dorothea Mitchell (1 episode, 2002)
- Law & Order: Special Victims Unit / Lege si ordine: Brigada specială (1999) - Virginia Kennison (1 episode, 2005)
- Family Law / Familia si legea (1999) - Norma Benson (1 episode, 2002)
- The Last Man on Planet Earth (1999) - Director Elizabeth Riggs
- A Slipping-Down Life (1999) - Dna. Casey
- Trash (1999) - Principal Evans
- Will & Grace / Will si Grace (1998) - Judith McFarland (1 episode, 1999)
- The Rat Pack / Rat Pack (1998) - Rocky Cooper
- My Engagement Party (1998) - Sarah Salsburg
- Sparkler / Stralucire (1997) - Dottie Delgato
- Quicksilver Highway (1997) - Myra
- Money Talks / Banii vorbesc (1997) - Connie Cipriani
- Shoot the Moon (1996) - Mrs. Thomas
- The Lottery (1996) - Maggie Dunbar
- 7th Heaven / Al 7-lea cer (1996) - Ms. Fitzhenry (1 episode, 2006)
- My Brother's Keeper / Alaturi de fratele meu (1995) - Pat
- Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh / Intoarcerea lui Candyman (1995) - Octavia Tarrant
- Sliders / Călătorii în lumi paralele (1995) - The Flame (1 episode, 1996)
- American Gothic (1995) - Angela (1 episode, 1996)
- Two Over Easy (1994) - Molly
- On Hope (1994) - Woman in Grocery
- Mirror, Mirror 2: Raven Dance (1994) - Sister Aja
- Dead Air / Ultimul telefon (1994) - The Caller
- Touched by an Angel / Atingerea ingerilor (1994) - Shirlee Gibbons (1 episode, 2001)
- ER / Spitalul de Urgenţă (1994) - Norma Houston (2 episodes, 1997)
- Chicago Hope (1994) - Karen Flanders (1 episode, 1999)
- Triumph Over Disaster: The Hurricane Andrew Story / Uraganul Andrew (1993) - Carla Hulin
- It's Nothing Personal (1993) - Barbara
- The X Files / Dosarele X (1993) Trailer
- Lincoln and the War Within (1992)
- Lincoln & Seward (1992)
- Man Trouble / Când bărbații nu-ți dau pace (1992) - Helen Dextra Trailer
- Walking the Dog (1991)
- Dead in the Water (1991) - Victoria Haines
- A Son's Promise / Promisiunea unui copil (1990) - Dorothy Donaldson
- Hitler's Daughter (1990) - Patricia Benedict
- False Identity (1990) - Vera Errickson
- Desperate for Love (1989) - Betty Petrie
- Valentino Returns (1989) - Patricia 'Pat' Gibbs
- Tanner '88 (1988) - Molly Hark (10 episodes, 1988)
- The Witches of Eastwick / Vrăjitoarele din Eastwick (1987) - Felicia Alden
- Wisdom / Proscrisii (1987) - Samantha Wisdom
- Intimate Encounters (1986) - Emily
- Flight of the Navigator / Călător în timp și spațiu (1986) - Helen Freeman
- L.A. Law (1986) - A.D.A. Margaret Flanagan (9 episodes, 1989-1992)
- My Man Adam (1985) - Elaine Swit
- Miami Vice (1984) - Society Dame (1 episode, 1987)
- The Right Stuff / Cursa spațială (1983) - Betty Grissom Trailer
- Nightmares (1983) - Claire Houston (segment "Night of the Rat")
- Prime Suspect (1982) - Janice Staplin
- The Big Black Pill / Joe Dancer: Gaura neagră (1981) - Sister Theresa
- Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones (1980) - Marceline 'Marcy' Jones
- Alien (1979) - Lambert Trailer
- The Kid from Not-So-Big (1978) - Corinne - Schoolteacher
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers / Invazia jefuitorilor de trupuri (1978) - Nancy Bellicec
- Goin' South / Spre sud (1978) - Hermine
- Bernice Bobs Her Hair (1976) - Marjorie
- Inserts / Inserturi (1975) - Harlene
- The Name of the Game (1968) - Nancy Robins (1 episode, 1968)
- "The Mod Squad" (1968) - Gail Whitney (1 episode, 1969)
- "Family Affair" (1966) - Jo-Ann (1 episode, 1969)
- Who Has Seen the Wind? (1965) - Kiri Radek
- Tell Me Not in Mournful Numbers (1964)
- One Man's Way (1964) - Mary
- Spencer's Mountain / Muntele lui Spencer (1963) - Becky Spencer
- The Birds / Păsările (1963) - Cathy Brenner
- The Children's Hour / Școala de fete (1961) - Rosalie Wells
- Dr. Kildare (1961) - Nancy Hiller (1 episode, 1965)
- Route 66 (1960) - Miriam at Age 9 (1 episode, 1962)
- The Twilight Zone (1959)
- In Love and War (1958) - Allie O'Neill
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Showing Up (2011) - Herself
- Starz Inside: The Face Is Familiar (2009) - Herself
- We've Been Snatched Before (2008) - Herself
- On the Edge of Black and White (2008) - Herself
- Greatest Ever 80s Movies (2007) - Herself
- Greatest Ever Disaster Movies (2007) - Herself
- Glitter in the Dirt: The Making of 'Sparkler' (2006) - Veronica
- The Perfect Scary Movie (2005) - Herself
- Shock & Awe: The Return of 'Alien' (2003) - Herself
- The Beast Within: The Making of 'Alien' (2003) - Herself
- T-20 Years and Counting (2003) - Herself
- Realizing 'The Right Stuff' (2003) - Herself
- The 'Alien' Saga (2002) - Herself
- Alien Evolution (2001) - Herself / 'Lambert'
- Child Stars: Their Story (2000) - Herself
- All About 'The Birds' (2000) - Herself
- Hollywood Aliens & Monsters (1997) - Herself
- The Making of 'Alien 3' (1992) - Herself
- The Horror Hall of Fame II (1991) - Herself
- The Horror Hall of Fame (1990) - Herself
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- Maquillando entre monstruos (2007)
- The Cigarette Smoking Man Revealed (1999)
- Terror in the Aisles (1984)
Filmografie - mulţumiri
- All About 'The Birds' (2000)
Despre Veronica Cartwright
A colaborat cu
Filme pe genuri
- Acţiune
- Animaţie
- Aventuri
- Comedie
- Crimă
- Documentar
- Dragoste
- Dramă
- Familie
- Fantastic
- Film noir
- Horror
- Istoric
- Mister
- Muzică
- Muzical
- Război
- Romantic
- Scurt metraj
- SF
- Stand Up
- Thriller
- Western
- Taguri filme
- Taguri stiri
- Arhiva stiri
- Program TV
Premii filme
Filme noi
- Filme 2027
- Filme 2026
- Filme 2025
- Filme 2024
- Premiere cinema
- Filme la TV
- Filme pe DVD
- Filme pe Blu-ray
- Filme româneşti
- Filme indiene
Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Actori populari
Trailere filme
- Alien: Earth
- Clown in a Cornfield
- Gold & Greed: The Hunt for...
- A Cursed Man
- A Working Man
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Haipeo Naipeu
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
În curând la cinema
- The Colors Within
- The Nutcracker and the Magic Flute
- Hoții de subiecte
- Cocorico
- A Working Man
- Alexandra
- Les trois fantastiques
- Diamant brut
- Caught by the Tides
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- Drop
- Bambi: A Tale of Life in the Woods
- The Proud Princess
- Moon the Panda
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Hitpig!
- Sinners
- Until Dawn
- The Sloth Lane
- TWST - Things We Said Today
- Holy Cow
- The Accountant 2
- Thunderbolts*
- Rosario
- Marea pescuială
- Sirenele: Secretul medalionului
- Shadow Force
- Kaptein Sabeltann og Grevinnen av Gral
Filme noi în SUA
- Kayara
- Starbright
- Michael
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- The Legend of Ochi
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
- 28 Years Later
- M3GAN 2.0
- Naya Legend of the Golden Dolphin
- Jurassic World Rebirth
- Superman
- I Know What You Did Last Summer
- The Fantastic Four: First Steps
Program TV

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Veronica Cartwright
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