Box Office Romania

CmIDX: 735.488 EUR ( +0.46%)
Loc Sapt. prec Film (Distribuitor) Nr săpt Scr. Weekend Chg (%) Săptămâna Cumulativ
Spectatori RON Spectatori RON Spectatori RON USD
1. 1 The Lion King
Regele Leu
Forum Film România
2 270 1 1.023.218,00 -40.90 1 2.218.034,00 2 3.949.234,00 934.216,98
2. 2 Spider-Man: Far From Home
Omul-Păianjen: Departe de casă
InterComFilm Distribution
4 55 9.857 231.058,00 -36.47 24.245 501.902,00 207.494 4.780.063,00 1.136.655,93
3. -- Crawl
Ape ucigașe
Ro Image 2000
1 76 10.939 221.494,65 10.939 221.494,65 10.939 221.494,65 52.230,68
4. 3 Anna
Vertical Entertainment
2 62 7.147 156.644,42 -45.75 18.286 342.506,38 31.643 631.250,71 149.346,94
5. 4 Annabelle Comes Home
Annabelle 3
Vertical Entertainment
3 55 6.918 144.007,26 -48.27 21.283 386.420,26 107.963 2.109.654,63 500.779,27
6. -- Poms
Hai că încă putem!
Vertical Entertainment
1 58 6.207 126.030,39 6.207 126.030,39 6.207 126.030,39 29.719,24
7. 5 Toy Story 4
Povestea jucăriilor 4
Forum Film România
5 68 1 93.015,00 -19.84 1 182.704,00 5 1.586.165,00 377.944,78
8. 6 The Secret Life of Pets 2
Singuri acasă 2
Ro Image 2000
7 46 4.148 83.322,03 -11.07 8.684 159.721,89 122.678 2.460.244,10 587.212,10
9. 7 Stuber
Stuber: Detectiv de nevoie
Odeon Cineplex
3 36 2.739 59.982,00 -27.08 7.138 132.812,00 27.771 544.643,08 129.216,93
10. 8 Men in Black: International
Bărbați în Negru Internațional
InterComFilm Distribution
6 25 1.788 46.015,00 -38.29 4.878 104.129,00 110.185 2.583.049,00 617.435,84
11. 9 Long Shot
N-ai șanse, frate!
Vertical Entertainment
5 19 1.431 34.158,50 -43.03 4.164 82.762,21 52.404 1.081.552,72 257.970,40
12. 11 Aladdin
Forum Film România
10 16 1 29.715,00 -6.53 1 58.769,00 10 4.863.415,00 1.150.305,38
13. 10 Yesterday
Yesterday: O lume fără Beatles
Ro Image 2000
3 24 872 19.843,55 -45.99 3.078 56.874,67 14.289 276.824,97 65.699,68
14. 14 John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum
John Wick 3: Război total
Vertical Entertainment
11 5 709 17.223,50 10.35 1.139 24.890,30 179.635 3.820.297,16 900.514,35
15. 13 The Hustle
Forum Film România
12 11 1 12.558,00 -29.81 1 25.889,00 12 2.907.274,00 685.764,00
16. -- Lazzaro felice
Fericit ca Lazzaro
Independența Film
1 11 1.843 11.534,00 1.843 11.534,00 1.843 11.534,00 2.719,83
17. 16 Dark Phoenix
X-Men: Dark Phoenix
Odeon Cineplex
8 5 360 9.470,00 -11.43 1.042 19.504,50 98.276 2.327.075,50 555.919,82
18. 15 A Dog's Journey
Câinele, adevăratul meu prieten 2
Vertical Entertainment
6 10 307 6.282,50 -42.94 998 16.909,00 28.308 522.495,53 124.823,43
19. 17 Pokémon Detective Pikachu
Pokémon Detectiv Pikachu
Vertical Entertainment
8 6 258 5.244,00 -21.18 596 11.147,00 99.677 2.083.865,89 497.787,99
20. 12 Doubles vies
Vieți duble
Transilvania Film
2 19 259 3.909,00 -81.32 872 13.158,83 2.494 34.082,83 8.072,70
21. 19 Avengers: Endgame
Răzbunătorii: Sfârșitul jocului
Forum Film România
14 2 1 3.769,00 4.46 1 7.637,00 14 14.396.310,00 3.378.162,71
22. 18 Child's Play
Jucăria ucigașă
Ro Image 2000 Prorom
5 3 88 1.883,30 -70.46 568 9.214,21 32.541 616.541,63 147.295,51
23. -- Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile
Extrem de pervers, șocant de violent și diabolic
Ro Image 2000 Prorom
9 1 56 623,70 56 623,70 27.714 576.906,50 135.645,55
24. -- Loving Vincent
Cu drag, Van Gogh
Follow Art Distribution
54 2 40 472,00 40 472,00 22.271 227.346,93 58.178,35
25. 24 Terra Willy: Planète inconnue
Terra Willy: Rătăcit prin galaxie
Ro Image 2000 Prorom
9 5 55 450,00 -44.87 55 450,00 21.769 390.870,77 92.392,74
26. 21 Five Feet Apart
La cinci pași de tine
Ro Image 2000
13 1 20 249,00 -73.38 49 584,00 36.482 670.671,22 157.731,07
27. -- Princess Emmy
Povestea prințesei Emmy
Odeon Cineplex
10 1 34 170,00 34 170,00 4.563 73.067,00 17.181,26
28. 26 Parking
Transilvania Film
7 3 20 159,00 -69.54 20 159,00 11.915 176.552,85 42.190,00
29. -- Să nu ucizi
Să nu ucizi
Ro Image 2000 Idea Film Distribution
8 1 13 156,00 13 156,00 4.596 76.466,36 18.227,95
30. 20 Saf
Domestic Film
4 7 3 25,00 -98.62 58 851,00 1.317 16.243,66 3.864,13
31. -- McQueen
Atelier de Film
12 2 2 16,00 2 16,00 4.258 57.549,00 13.597,13
32. 30 Vox Lux
Vox Lux
Voodoo Films
3 12 0 0,00 217 2.674,00 2.126 30.678,22 7.289,39
33. 29 Rossz versek
Versuri pocite
Asociatia Filmtett
9 1 0 0,00 -100.00 15 215,00 972 12.310,00 2.936,68
Total 56.118 2.342.697,80 116.524 4.720.414,99