Filme drama, romantice

Ordonează: Vezi:
L'esquive (2003)
Oliver's Story (1978)
Povestea lui Oliver
Irene (2002)
Country Life (1994)
Viața la țară
Chicago Joe and the Showgirl (1990)
Dovezi de iubire
Vision Quest (1985)
Nebun dupa tine
Long Life, Happiness & Prosperity (2002)
Vrajile lui Mindy
La turbulence des fluides (2002)
Haos si dorinta
Ten Minutes Older: The Cello (2002)
Ten Minutes Older: The Cello
Crazy from the Heart (1991)
O iubire nebună
Romeo and Juliet (1954)
Romeo si Julieta
Be with Me (2005)
Rămâi cu mine
Gabrielle (2005)
One Love (2003)
O iubire
Gran Paradiso (2000)
Grand Paradiso
The Jealous God (2005)
Dumnezeu e gelos
The Thin Man Goes Home (1944)
Subtirelul se duce acasa
Harlequin's Loving Evangeline (2001)
Din dragoste pentru Evangeline
Show Boat (1951)
Show Boat
Shadow of the Thin Man (1941)
Shadow of the Thin Man
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