Filme drama, anii 2000, SUA

Ordonează: Vezi:
The Magic of Marciano (2000)
Inima de copil
Witnesses (2003)
Martori oculari
Egy Het Pesten es Budan (2003)
O saptamana in Budapesta
Lamma hikyit Maryam (2001)
Lamma hikyit Maryam
What Girls Learn (2001)
Lectie de viata
Heart of the Storm (2004)
În inima furtunii
The Last Days (2005)
The Last Days
Little John (2002)
Micul John
We Were the Mulvaneys (2002)
Familia Mulvaney
You Are Alone (2005)
You Are Alone
The Definition of Insanity (2004)
The Definition of Insanity
Wild Iris (2001)
Iris cea salbatica
Man Push Cart (2005)
Vanzatorul ambulant
Go West (2005)
Destinatia Occident
Homicide: The Movie (2000)
Ultimul discurs
Brooklyn Lobster (2005)
Homari de Brooklyn
Mach 2 (2001)
Just a Dream (2002)
Doar un vis
A Day Without a Mexican (2004)
O zi fara mexicani
(Past Present Future) Imperfect (2004)
Timpul imperfect