Filme drama, englezesti
Song for Marion (2012)
Cântec pentru Marion -
Last Orders (2001)
Ultima dorință -
Suffragette (2015)
Sufragete -
Outlaw King (2018)
Regele proscris -
The Outrun (2024)
Fuga -
Memphis Belle (1990)
Ultima misiune -
The Soloist (2009)
Solistul -
Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014)
Hector în căutarea fericirii -
The Exception (2016)
Excepţia -
Somers Town (2008)
Somers Town -
Anna Karenina (1948)
Anna Karenina -
Woman of Straw (1964)
Femeia de paie -
The Wild Geese (1978)
The Wild Geese -
Drowning by Numbers (1988)
Înecați în serie -
Black Beauty (1994)
Black Beauty -
The Eagle Has Landed (1976)
Vulturul a aterizat -
London River (2009)
Rătăciți în Londra -
Another Country (1984)
Istoria unei trădări -
The Boys Are Back (2009)
Un tată responsabil -
Into the Storm (2009)
În furtună -
Miss You Already (2015)
Mi-e dor de tine -
Doing Money (2018)
Doing Money -
Frankenstein (1994)
Frankenstein -
The Savage Innocents (1960)
Inocenți sălbatici -
The Last Valley (1971)
Valea fagaduintei -
Summerland (2020)
Summerland -
The Luzhin Defence (2000)
Apararea Luzhin -
Arn - Tempelriddaren (2007)
Arn: Cavalerul templier -
The Victors (1963)
The Victors -
The First Great Train Robbery (1979)
Marele jaf al trenului -
Battle of Britain (1969)
Batalia pentru Anglia -
Gideon's Daughter (2005)
Fiica lui Gideon -
Maigret in Montmartre (2017)
Maigret in Montmartre -
Ladies in Lavender (2004)
Doamnele de la malul mării -
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1970)
Viata particulara a lui Sherlock Holmes -
Brexit: The Uncivil War (2019)
Brexit -
The Winter Guest (1997)
Oaspete de iarna -
Girl with Green Eyes (1964)
Fata cu ochi verzi -
The Draughtsman's Contract (1982)
Contractul desenatorului -
A United Kingdom (2016)
Un regat unit -
The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne (1987)
Pasiunea lui Judith -
The Other Boleyn Girl (2008)
Cealaltă moștenitoare Boleyn -
Ill Manors (2012)
Ill Manors -
Dream Horse (2021)
Un cal de vis
Filtrează filmele după
criteriile de mai jos:
criteriile de mai jos:
- Afganistan
- Africa de Sud
- Albania
- Argentina
- Australia
- Austria
- Bangladesh
- Belarus
- Belgia
- Bosnia si Hertegovina
- Brazilia
- Bulgaria
- Cambodia
- Canada
- Cehia
- Chile
- China
- Cipru
- Columbia
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Danemarca
- Ecuador
- Egipt
- Elvetia
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- Filipine
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- Franta
- Georgia
- Germania
- Ghana
- Grecia
- Hong Kong
- India
- Indonezia
- Iordania
- Irak
- Iran
- Irlanda
- Israel
- Italia
- Jamaica
- Japonia
- Kenia
- Kyrgyzstan
- Lebanon
- Luxemburg
- Malaiezia
- Marea Britanie
- Maroc
- Mexic
- Namibia
- Niger
- Norvegia
- Noua Zeelanda
- Olanda
- Palestinian Territories
- Polonia
- Portugalia
- Puerto Rico
- Qatar
- Romania
- Rusia
- Serbia
- Singapore
- Slovacia
- Slovenia
- Spania
- Suedia
- Syria
- Tailanda
- Taiwan
- Turcia
- Ucraina
- Ungaria
- Venezuela
- Vietnam
- Yemen
- Yugoslavia
- Zambia
- InterComFilm Distribution
- Ro Image 2000
- Vertical Entertainment
- Forum Film România
- Odeon Cineplex
- 26 Arthouse Films
- Aparte Film
- Audio Visual Romania
- Bad Unicorn
- BML Movie Entertainment
- Cay Films
- Clorofilm Srl
- Euro Entertainment Enterprises
- Follow Art Distribution
- Freealize
- Glob Com Media
- Guild Film Romania
- Hollywood Multiplex Operations
- Independența Film
- Media Pro Pictures
- MediaPro Distribution
- New Films Romania
- Oblique Media
- Pro Video
- Programs4Media
- Prorom
- Romania Film
- Transilvania Film
- Vision P.M.
- Voodoo Films
Filme pe genuri
- Acţiune
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- Aventuri
- Comedie
- Crimă
- Documentar
- Dragoste
- Dramă
- Familie
- Fantastic
- Film noir
- Horror
- Istoric
- Mister
- Muzică
- Muzical
- Război
- Romantic
- Scurt metraj
- SF
- Stand Up
- Thriller
- Western
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- Filme româneşti
- Filme indiene
Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Actori populari
- Keira Knightley
- Jessica Biel
- Nicole Kidman
- Jason Statham
- Edward Norton
- Matthew McConaughey
- Născuţi azi
Trailere filme
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
- Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste...
- Grand Tour
- Julie Keeps Quiet
- Dogs at the Opera
- William Tell
- Suspended Time
- Black Bag
În curând la cinema
- Snow White
- Novocaine
- Monsieur Aznavour
- Queer
- Véletlenül írtam egy könyvet
- A Working Man
- Cocorico
- Hoții de subiecte
- The Nutcracker and the Magic Flute
- The Colors Within
- A Minecraft Movie
- Caught by the Tides
- Diamant brut
- Les trois fantastiques
- Alexandra
- Moon the Panda
- The Proud Princess
- Bambi: A Tale of Life in the Woods
- Drop
- The Amateur
- Sinners
- Hitpig!
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Until Dawn
- The Sloth Lane
- TWST - Things We Said Today
- Holy Cow
- The Accountant 2
- Thunderbolts*
Filme noi în SUA
- The Alto Knights
- Kayara
- Starbright
- Michael
- Los Muertos
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- The Legend of Ochi
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
- 28 Years Later
- M3GAN 2.0
- Naya Legend of the Golden Dolphin
- Jurassic World Rebirth
- Superman
Program TV
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Filme drama, englezesti