Distribuţie Channel Zero


Channel Zero


Andre Becker Aldrin
John Nicol Swat Officer #2 / Eco-Terrorist #4
Pip Dwyer Shelly the waitress
Irena Huljak Deirdre
Danielle Baker Jovian / The Phantom
Lars Madsen Swat Officer #4
Mike Stepn Swat Officer #5
Alan Harris Chopin
David Nicol Publisher
Pip Dwyer Shelly the waitress
Steve Evans Eco-Terrorist #3
John Nicol Swat Officer #2
Ana Sue Lopez Astrid
Alezandria Coldevin Female Terrorist
Alex Stamp Swat Officer #3
Christopher Reynolds Theron Jameson
Christian Bellsmith Darlan L'Enfant
Heidi Gabriela Eco-Terrorist #2
Lauren Burrell Darlan's Date
Anasu Lopez Astrid
Atilla Schwarze Swat Leader
Mohamed Safi Eco-Terrorist #1