Distribuţie Chasing the Sun


Chasing the Sun 


Thomas R. Baker Thomas R. Baker Trop Rock Guy #1
Ciara Flynn Ciara Flynn Dani
Kate Rene Gleason Kate Rene Gleason Sue
Skip Pipo Marty
Raul Julia Jr. Frank
Reggie Ridgway Trop Rock Guy #2
Art Hall Bob Wesmore
Melanie Haynes Aunt Trish
Kersten Haile Kendra
Jayson Gladstone Steve
Karina Diglyte Nadia
Sara J. Stuckey Bethany
Trent Hopkins Larry
Jo Amari Waitress
Maggie Dewan-Smith Sunshine
Kelly McGuire Himself
Chae Chaput Vanessa
Howard Livingston Himself
Tommy Ray Ybarra Trop Rock Guy #3
John Patti Himself
Alexis Clayton Paula
Mike Nash Self