Dallas: End of the Road: Part 1


Sezonul 4, episodul 11

Poster End of the Road: Part 1

Sinopsis End of the Road: Part 1

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sub 5 voturi
Nota IMDB: 7.5
Barbara Bel Geddes Barbara Bel Geddes Miss Ellie Ewing Jim Davis Jim Davis Jock Ewing Patrick Duffy Patrick Duffy Bobby Ewing
Victoria Principal Victoria Principal Pamela Barnes Ewing Charlene Tilton Charlene Tilton Lucy Ewing Linda Gray Linda Gray Sue Ellen Ewing
Larry Hagman Larry Hagman J.R. Ewing Audrey Landers Audrey Landers Afton Cooper Janine Turner Janine Turner
Vezi toata distributia

Caseta tehnică

Produs de

Lorimar Television

Distribuitorul international

Worldvision Enterprises Inc.



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Vezi şi:  filme noi drama