Dr Karl's Outrageous Acts of Science

(2017) - Serial TV

Dr Karl's Outrageous Acts of Science 

Poster Dr Karl's Outrageous Acts of Science
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Nota IMDB: 3.6
Tony Martin Tony Martin  Himself (10 episodes, 2017) Naomi Koh Belic Naomi Koh Belic  Herself (10 episodes, 2017) Paul Verhoeven Paul Verhoeven  Himself (10 episodes, 2017)
Brandon Gifford Brandon Gifford  Himself (10 episodes, 2017) Niraj Lal Niraj Lal  Himself (10 episodes, 2017) Karl Kruszelnicki Karl Kruszelnicki  Himself - Host (10 episodes, 2017)
Jessica Bloom Jessica Bloom  Herself (10 episodes, 2017) Benjamin Morrell Benjamin Morrell  Himself (10 episodes, 2017) Jen Carnovale Jen Carnovale  Herself (10 episodes, 2017)
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