Flying Fuckernauts vs. The Astro Bastards


Flying Fuckernauts vs. The Astro Bastards 

Poster Flying Fuckernauts vs. The Astro Bastards
  • Durata

    5 minute
  • Rating

Sinopsis Flying Fuckernauts vs. The Astro Bastards

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sub 5 voturi
Nota IMDB: 6.8
James D. Rolfe James D. Rolfe The Fuckernaut / Narrator / The Angry Video Game Nerd Mike Matei Mike Matei Munky Doug Walker Doug Walker The Astro Bastard
Nathan Barnatt Nathan Barnatt The Fuckernaut Malcolm Ray Malcolm Ray (voice) Kyle Justin Kyle Justin The Astro Bastard
Andre Meadows Andre Meadows (voice) Kevin Finn Kevin Finn The Fuckernaut Cassie Bressler Cassie Bressler Robots / Aliens
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