Distribuţie God, Nation and the Kung Pao Chicken


God, Nation and the Kung Pao Chicken 


Mayko Nguyen Mayko Nguyen Lin
Tamara Hope Tamara Hope Becky / Becky's Twin
Samantha Bee Samantha Bee Shandy Sommers
Christopher Shyer Christopher Shyer Tony Cassano
Stephanie Anne Mills Stephanie Anne Mills Christine Adams
Ken Finkleman George Findlay
John Ralston John Ralston Danny McClure
April Mullen April Mullen Kathy Duncan
Doug Murray Charlie Kuntz
Zehra Leverman Zehra Leverman Dr. Adriana Mann
Brendan Gall Elliot Mooch
Alex Poch-Goldin Bill Callum
Jason Weinberg Doug
Janet van de Graaf Brenda Duke