Distribuţie I'm Paige Wilson


I'm Paige Wilson



Jaime Ray Newman Jaime Ray Newman Paige Wilson
Mary Page Keller Mary Page Keller Shelton
Teddy Sears Teddy Sears Lyle Trillon
Ellen Becker-Gray Ellen Becker-Gray State House Politician
Will Lyman Will Lyman Foxworthy
Donald Warnock Donald Warnock Debonair Gambler
Kal Thompson Kal Thompson VIP Guest
Reggie Austin Congressman Larry Gearman
Roger Dillingham Jr. Roger Dillingham Jr. Congressmen
Frank Ridley Frank Ridley Oscar Tuscon
Albert M. Chan Albert M. Chan Dealer
Rob W. Gray State House Politician


Adam Kane imagine
Lynn Falconer costume
Sara Mills-Broffman costume and wardrobe departmen
Nina Schelich costume and wardrobe departmen
Sherryn Smith make-up department
Rod Lurie producător
Marc Frydman producător
Justin Falvey producător
Tom Dahl sound department
Michael Ferdie sound department
Thomas Harris sound department
Rod Lurie scriitor