Distribuţie Knife in the Water: A Ticket to the West


Knife in the Water: A Ticket to the West



Zbigniew Mazur imagine
Jean-Jacques Reverend imagine
Krzysztof Rustecki imagine
David Gregory montaj
John Cregan montaj
Karina Kleszczewska miscellaneous crew
Mo Claridge producător
Carl Daft producător
Roman Polanski Himself
Janusz Morgenstern Himself
Andrzej Wajda Himself
Zygmunt Malanowicz Himself
Andrzej Kostenko Himself
Halina Prugar-Ketling Herself
John Cregan sound department
Film - Knife in the Water: A Ticket to the West

Knife in the Water: A Ticket to the West

Knife in the Water: A Ticket to the West
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