M Squad: Shred of Doubt


Sezonul 3, episodul 8

Poster Shred of Doubt
  • Durata

    30 minute
  • Rating

Sinopsis Shred of Doubt

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sub 5 voturi
Nota IMDB: 6.6
Lee Marvin Lee Marvin Detective Lt. Frank Ballinger Don Dubbins Don Dubbins Stick Wilson Paul Newlan Paul Newlan Police Capt. Grey
Vicki Raaf Vicki Raaf Record Shop Blonde Henry Hunter Henry Hunter Floyd Gilbert Peter Adams Peter Adams Paul Crater
Kendrick Huxham Kendrick Huxham Alfred Beasley Cynthia Lourdes Cynthia Lourdes Record Shop Hostage Alyce Ford Alyce Ford Cynthia Gilbert
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