Moj dida je pao s Marsa


Moj dida je pao s Marsa 

Poster Moj dida je pao s Marsa
  • Durata

    90 minute
  • Rating

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Nota IMDB: 5.6
Bill Timoney Bill Timoney Dodo the robot (voice) Ozren Grabaric Ozren Grabaric Dodo Nils Ole Oftebro Nils Ole Oftebro Grandpa
Petra Polnisová Petra Polnisová Mother Frano Maskovic Frano Maskovic Dad Alex Rakos Alex Rakos Alex
Janko Rakos Janko Rakos Lijecnik (Doctor) Marko Plesnik Marko Plesnik Boy on the motorcycle Tara Thaller Tara Thaller Medicinska sestra (Nurse)
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