Naked City: Button in the Haystack


Sezonul 2, episodul 16

Poster Button in the Haystack
  • Durata

    60 minute
  • Rating

Sinopsis Button in the Haystack

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Nota IMDB: 8.3
Mitch Ryan Mitch Ryan Overton (as Mitch Ryan) Peggy Ann Garner Peggy Ann Garner Edie Brewer Albert Salmi Albert Salmi Len Brewer
Harry Bellaver Harry Bellaver Det. Frank Arcaro Doris Rich Doris Rich Mrs. Jassy Horace McMahon Horace McMahon Lt. Mike Parker
Nancy Malone (I) Nancy Malone (I) Libby Kingston Paul Burke (I) Paul Burke (I) Det. Adam Flint Robert Weil Robert Weil Nesvady (as Robert E. Weil)
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