"Run for Your Life": Three Passengers for the Lusitania


Sezonul 3, episodul 3

Poster Three Passengers for the Lusitania
  • Durata

    60 minute
  • Rating

Sinopsis Three Passengers for the Lusitania

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Nota IMDB: 7.9
Ben Gazzara Ben Gazzara Paul Bryan Cliff Potts Cliff Potts Lee Harper (as Cliff Potter) Murray MacLeod Murray MacLeod Bud Ellis
David Lewis David Lewis Miller Robert Tafur Robert Tafur Doctor Gregg Palmer Gregg Palmer Highway Patrolman
Ines Pedroza Ines Pedroza Nurse (as Inez Pedroza) Jim Creech Jim Creech Art Ralph Smiley Ralph Smiley Hotel Desk Clerk
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