Distribuţie Saybrook: The Tully Girls




Lisa Boyle Lisa Boyle Older Betsy Tully
Ella Joyce Ella Joyce Young Jannet Tully - Mary Gloyd Warner
Sadie Joyce Young Anne Tully
Carol Loehr Older Jannet Tully
Lila Kubler-Dudgeon Teen Polly Tully
Daria Erdmann Harriet Newell Gaylord Warner
Amara Joyce Teen Lucia Tully
Kathryn Chetwynd Young Lucia Tully
Alison Baker Lucia Tully
Petra Bell Young Azubah Tully
Emme Ayers Young Polly Tully
Ellen Ambrose Teen Jannet Tully
McKayla Joyce Young Azubah Tully
Micah May Ezra Kirtland
Brian Chetwynd Henry Kirtland - Banjo Player
Ken Dutille Reverend Frederick Hotchkiss
Candis Joyce Adult Mercy Tully
Dexter Lee Samuel Selden Warner
Orianna Waldren Young Harriet Tully
Anette Joyce Older Lucia Tully
Iver Lofving Doctor Asa Miller Holt
Eric Chetwynd Elias Tully
Janet Lynn Bell Azubah Tully Warner
Dori Lemoine Teen Harriet Tully
Donna Wiegle Mary Eliza Warner
Iris Kubler-Dudgeon Young Mercy Tully
Marshalee Douty Aunt Lydia Tully
Sage Dentremont ChildLydia Tully - Azubah Kirtland
Sheena Greenlaw Adult Polly Tully
Lesley Harris Adult Harriet Tully
Carter Waldren Ozias Holmes
Vanessa Boyle Young Anne Tully
Casey Waldren Aide to Captain Samuel Selden Warner
Steve Dudgeon Samuel Selden Warner Jr.
Julianna Day Young Betsy Tully
Max Cresswell Doctor Warner
Michael Joyce Asa Kirtland
Amelia Chetwynd Young Betsy Tully
Carlton Joyce Wagon Driver
Christine Dentremont Adult Lydia Tully
Colleen Hyland Lydia Buckingham Tully
Evey DuVall Young Azubah Tully
Jasmine Boyle Young Betsy Tully
Maureen Baker Azubah Kirtlamd Tully
Willa Vennema Older Polly Tully
Angelica Boyle Anne Tully
Cynthia Baker Adult Lucia Tully