Stories from My Childhood: The Golden Rooster


Sezonul 1, episodul 13

Poster The Golden Rooster
  • Durata

    22 minute
  • Rating

Sinopsis The Golden Rooster

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sub 5 voturi
Nota IMDB: 7.6
Cathy Moriarty Cathy Moriarty Princess 'Shamakhan' Gregory Hines Gregory Hines the Czar Colin Mochrie Colin Mochrie (voice) (as Collin Mochrie)
David Huband David Huband (voice) Ron Rubin Ron Rubin (voice) Jeff Pustil Jeff Pustil (voice)
John Stocker John Stocker (voice) Billy Van Billy Van (voice) Caroly Larson Caroly Larson (voice)
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