Tell It to the Judge


Doamna judecator

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Sinopsis Tell It to the Judge

Avocatul Pete Webb si Marsha Meredith Webb, propusa pentru functia de judecator federal trec printr-un divort scandalos. Nominalizarea ei, insa, are de suferit tocmai din cauza acestei despartiri provocate de o neintelegere a avocatului Pete Webb, care a fost implicat fara sa vrea intr-un bucluc.

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Nota IMDB: 6.4
Rosalind Russell Rosalind Russell Marsha Meredith Robert Cummings Robert Cummings Pete Webb Harry Bromley Davenport Harry Bromley Davenport MacKenzie Meredith
Bess Flowers Bess Flowers Invitat Gig Young Gig Young Alexander Darvac Louise Beavers Louise Beavers Cleo, Marsha's Maid
Dorothy Vaughan Dorothy Vaughan Dumpy Woman in Elevator Harry Davenport Harry Davenport Judge MacKenzie Meredith Clem Bevans Clem Bevans Alonzo K. Roogle
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Vezi şi:  filme noi comedie
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