Distribuţie The Beans of Egypt, Maine


The Beans of Egypt, Maine



Rutger Hauer Rutger Hauer Reuben Bean
Kelly Lynch Kelly Lynch Roberta Bean
Martha Plimpton Martha Plimpton Earlene Pomerleau
Marjorie Nelson Gram Pomerleau
Jennifer Warren Jennifer Warren Cop #1
Michael MacRae Cole Deveraux
Richard Sanders Richard Sanders Lee Pomerleau
Patrick McGaw Beal Bean
Therese Tinling Florence
Jim Chiros Loren
Sue Ann Gilfillan Aunt Hoover
Lance Robinson Young Beal Bean
Ariana Lamon-Anderson Bonnie Loo
Susanna Burney Merry Merry
James Gervasi Pa Bean
Todd Moore Pete
Rae Adams Young Earlene Pomerleau


Donald Paul Pemrick casting director
Stevan Larner imagine
Peter Manning Robinson departament sunet
Paul Dixon montaj
Jimmy Williams editorial department
Brion Rockwell miscellaneous crew
Tom Todoroff miscellaneous crew
Paul Colichman producător
Lindsay Law producător
Amanda DiGiulio producător
Rosilyn Heller producător
Mark Weingarten sound department
Bill Phillips scriitor
William Phillips scriitor