The Broken Tower


The Broken Tower

Poster The Broken Tower Poster The Broken Tower

Sinopsis The Broken Tower

Filmul The Broken Tower reprezinta debutul regizoral al lui James Franco si este o biografie a vietii poetului Hart Crane. Acesta s-a sinucis la varsta de 32 de ani sarind de la bordul vaporului SS Orizaba.

A contribuit la sinopsis-ul filmului: andreea7214
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Nota IMDB: 4.8
James Franco James Franco Hart Crane Michael Shannon Michael Shannon Emile Stacey Miller Stacey Miller Peggy Cowley
Dave Franco Dave Franco Vince Jolivette Vince Jolivette Christopher J. Domig Christopher J. Domig Dancer in tuxedo
Ira Berkowitz Ira Berkowitz Poetry Enthusiast Gary Abrams Gary Abrams Angry Boxing Fan David Gerson David Gerson Drunken cafe attendant
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Rippa pe 14 Martie 2014 21:29
Filmul The Broken Tower reprezinta debutul regizoral al lui James Franco
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