Distribuţie The Christmas Dragon


The Christmas Dragon


Eve Mauro Eve Mauro Aesa
Melanie Stone Melanie Stone Saerwen
Adam Johnson Adam Johnson Father Christmas
Paris Warner Paris Warner Rosalynne
Renny Grames Renny Grames Gazared
Jake Stormoen Jake Stormoen Airk
Bailee Michelle Johnson Bailee Michelle Johnson Ayden
Michael Flynn Michael Flynn Father Mendel
Paul D. Hunt Leif
Dave Bresnahan Dave Bresnahan Tavern patron
Danny James Borntall
Jacob Buster Jacob Buster Rand
James C. Morris Old Elf
Heather Beers Sister Lenora
D.L. Walker Bar Keep
Ruby Jones Hoyt
Cooper Daniel Johnson Marcus
Talon G. Ackerman Garret
Andrew Dee Jones Soldier and Drunk
David DeVilliers Fin
Aimee Lynne Johnson Young Ayden