The Debt



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Sinopsis The Debt

Printre spargatorii de seifuri, Geoff Dresner nu are egal. Insa, dupa atatia ani petrecuti in spatele gratiilor, s-a saturat si vrea sa se indrepte. Totusi, cand ginerele sau ii spune ca are o datorie importanta la un om de afaceri dubios, Geoff descopera ca ruptura cu trecutul e mai dificil de realizat decat si-ar fi inchipuit.
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Nota IMDB: 6.6
Martin Freeman Martin Freeman Terry Ross Hugo Speer Hugo Speer DS Edward 'Ed' Foster Orla Brady Orla Brady Angela Jahnsen
Warren Clarke Warren Clarke Geoff Dresner Lee Williams Lee Williams James Hilden Barbara Marten Barbara Marten Gwen Dresner
Malcolm Storry Malcolm Storry Tony Stokes Shaughan Seymour Shaughan Seymour Headmaster Kate Burdette Kate Burdette Law Firm Secretary
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