The Girls Next Door: Patriot Dames


Sezonul 4, episodul 1

Poster Patriot Dames

Sinopsis Patriot Dames

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Nota IMDB: 6.8
Holly Madison Holly Madison Herself Bridget Marquardt Bridget Marquardt Herself Kendra Wilkinson Kendra Wilkinson Herself
Sara Jean Underwood Sara Jean Underwood Herself - Playmate of the Year, 2007 Hugh M. Hefner Hugh M. Hefner Himself Lauren Hill Lauren Hill Herself - February Playmate, 2001
Mary O'Connor Mary O'Connor Herself - Hef's Personal Secretary Keith Hefner Keith Hefner Himself - Hef's Brother Jonathan Baker Jonathan Baker Himself - Victoria's Husband
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Produs de

Alta Loma Entertainment

Distribuitorul international

E! Entertainment Television



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Vezi şi:  filme noi reality-tv