Distribuţie The Nutty Professor 2: Facing the Fear


The Nutty Professor 2: Facing the Fear




Drake Bell Drake Bell Harold / Jack
Jerry Lewis Jerry Lewis Julius Kelp / Buddy Love
Britt Irvin Britt Irvin Polly (voce)
Andrew Francis Andrew Francis Brad / Tad
Tabitha St. Germain Tabitha St. Germain Robin
Logan McPherson (I) Zeke/Waiter/Fear/Ned


Jerry Lewis producător
Gregory R. Little producător
Rick Mischel producător
George Paige producător
Bob Weinstein producător
Gill Rimmer scenografie
James Boshier montaj
Logan McPherson (I) montaj
Gill Rimmer design de producţie
Film - The Nutty Professor 2: Facing the Fear

The Nutty Professor 2: Facing the Fear

The Nutty Professor 2: Facing the Fear
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