The Orphanage


The Orphanage

Poster The Orphanage

Sinopsis The Orphanage

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sub 5 voturi
Nota IMDB: 5.9
Paul Dewdney Paul Dewdney Major-General L. C. Dunsterville Farrokh Nemati Farrokh Nemati Doctor Tommie Grabiec Tommie Grabiec Colonel Goldsmith
John O'Toole John O'Toole Sir Jacob Rothschild Mohammad Javad Ezzati Mohammad Javad Ezzati Aliraam Nooraee Mohammad Javad Bonakdar Mohammad Javad Bonakdar Aliraam Nooraee
Toby Hughes Toby Hughes Sir Percy Cox Seyyed Kazem Seyyed Kazem Iman Safa Cameron Chapman Cameron Chapman Major Smith
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