The White Sister


The White Sister

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sub 5 voturi
Nota IMDB: 6.9
Lillian Gish Lillian Gish Angela Chiaromonte Ronald Colman Ronald Colman Capt. Govanni Severini Charles Lane Charles Lane Prince Chiaromonte
Gustavo Serena Gustavo Serena Prof. Ugo Severi Alfredo Martinelli Alfredo Martinelli Alfredo del Ferice J. Barney Sherry J. Barney Sherry Monsignor Saracinesca
Gail Kane Gail Kane Marchesa de Mola Alfredo Bertone Alfredo Bertone Filmore Durand Roman Ibanez Roman Ibanez Count del Ferice
Vezi toata distributia

Caseta tehnică

Produs de

Inspiration Pictures

Tip Ecran


Distribuitorul international

Metro Pictures Corporation



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