The Young Lawyers

(1969) - Serial TV

The Young Lawyers

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Nota IMDB: 7.0
Martin Sheen Martin Sheen Reverend Jimmy Haines (1 episode, 1970) Richard Dreyfuss Richard Dreyfuss Mike Chester (1 episode, 1971) Eli Wallach Eli Wallach James Johnson Scott (1 episode, 1971)
Scott Glenn Scott Glenn Nick (1 episode, 1971) Martha Hyer Martha Hyer Mrs. Donner (1 episode, 1971) Geoffrey Lewis Geoffrey Lewis Scott Russell (1 episode, 1970)
Lee J. Cobb Lee J. Cobb Attorney David Barrett (24 episodes, 1970-1971) Julie Adams Julie Adams Alice Graham (1 episode, 1971) Carmen Argenziano Carmen Argenziano Hank Smith (1 episode, 1970)
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