What Kind of Mother Are You?


Ce fel de mama esti?

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Sinopsis What Kind of Mother Are You?

In dorinta de a-i da o lectie, o mama o lasa pe fiica ei adolescenta sa petreaca o noapte la inchisoare, insa in urma mai multor neintelegeri si erori, fata ramane in inchisoare timp de peste 100 zile.
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Nota IMDB: 5.2
Mel Harris Mel Harris Laura Hyler Amanda Tapping Amanda Tapping Ingrid Elstad Nicholle Tom Nicholle Tom Kelly Jameson
Alex Carter Alex Carter Rob Hyler Mary Mara Mary Mara Marcy Hackman Michael J. Reynolds Michael J. Reynolds Brian Coulter
David Ferry David Ferry Judge Keiter Daniel Enright Daniel Enright Adam Martin Roach Martin Roach Tony Barrow
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