Distribuţie Wide Sargasso Sea


Wide Sargasso Sea



Naomi Watts Naomi Watts Fanny Grey
Rachel Ward Rachel Ward Annette Cosway
Michael York Michael York Paul Mason
Karina Lombard Karina Lombard Antoinette Cosway
Nathaniel Parker Nathaniel Parker Edward Rochester
Martine Beswick Martine Beswick Aunt Cora
Rowena King Rowena King Amelie
Claudia Robinson Christophene
Paul Campbell Young Bull
Ben Thomas Daniel Cosway
Kevin Thomas Benbow
Dominic Needham Pierre
Ancile Gloudon Nelson
Audbrey Pilatus Drummer
Casey Berna Young Antoinette
Huw Christie Williams Richard Mason


Michael Howells art department
Kathryn Milliss camera and electrical departme
Gabriel Beristain camera and electrical departme
Tony Rowland camera and electrical departme
James Aspinall camera and electrical departme
George Mooradian camera and electrical departme
Gary Capo camera and electrical departme
Geoff Burton imagine
Stewart Copeland departament sunet
Anne Goursaud montaj
Annette Miles make-up department
Gerald Sullivan miscellaneous crew
Beth DePatie miscellaneous crew
Jan Sharp producător
Sara Risher producător
Karen Koch producător
Franckie Diago design de producţie
Deborah Moore production manager
Eric McLeod production manager
Joyce Herlihy production manager
Jan Sharp second unit director or assist
Ron von Blomberg set decorator
Bill Liu sound department
Howard A. Anderson (I) visual effects
Jan Sharp scriitor