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Old 12 Nov 2012, 13:44   #1
Film Dissection
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Vaslui / Bucuresti
Posts: 3,106
Turneu regizori (Editia 3) - Selectie

Date limita:
Propuneri regizori: joi, 16 noiembrie [INCHIS]
Votare regizori: sambata, 17 noiembrie [INCHIS]
Propuneri filme: sambata, 17 noiembrie [INCHIS]
Votare filme: duminica 18 noiembrie [INCHIS]


Toata lumea poate participa, indiferent de numarul de mesaje de pe forum. Se nominalizeaza numele unei regizor impreuna cu sau fara o lista de filme ale sale. Nu pot participa decat regizorii care au minim 5 filme, dar, ca sa ne putem extinde putin in cazul unor regizori de valoare, se accepta si nominalizarea de scurt-metraje. Pot fi nominalizati si regizorii care au participat in turneele trecute, in special cei care au fost eliminati in primele runde. Important e sa nu se suprapuna filmele cu cele vazute atunci, dar pot fi propuse filme care au ajuns in lista finala, iar regizorul a fost eliminat inainte de vizionarea lor. Momentan nu exista o data limita pentru propuneri, cel mai probabil acestea se vor opri atunci cand numarul regizorilor e prea mare (probabil intre 64-96, de 2-3 ori mai mult decat numarul final de participanti). Voi anunta cand va fi cazul.

Fiecare regizor/film inscris va fi punctat din start cu +1. Fiecare user va vota apoi cu +1 sau -1 in functie de ceea ce ar dori sa vada. Cei care au nominalizat un regizor/film isi pot retrage votul, caz in care in loc de +1 se vor acorda 0 pcte sau pot chiar sa voteze cu -1 in caz ca nu mai sunt de acord cu nominalizarea lor. Oricine poate nominaliza alte filme ale unui anumit regizor, chiar daca nu a fost persoana care a facut initial propunerea.

Ar fi bine ca persoanele care cunosc mai bine regizorii nominalizati sa emita o parere despre filme lor, macar o lista de recomandari, nu eseuri. Ar putea fi de ajutor pentru o selectie mai buna.

Modificare fata de turneul trecut: filmele vor participa in turneu in ordinea punctajului, deci e important sa se voteze cat mai mult si filmele. Cel cu punctajul cel mai mare va fi vazut primul.

Foarte important: Nu editati mesajele atunci cand vreti sa faceti modificari in ceea ce priveste propunerile. Voi numara pe parcurs toate voturile, zilnic, ca sa existe o imagine de ansamblu a situatiei, ceea ce inseamna ca nu voi putea vedea modificarile facute dupa ultima actualizare sau, mai rau, ma va obliga sa reverific toate voturile.

Lista de participare (32) :

Hiroshi Teshigahara (+11)
The Man Without a Map (+7)
Woman in the Dunes (+5)
Rikyu (+4)
Pitfall (+2)
The Face of Another (+2)

Michelangelo Antonioni (+11)
The Passenger (1975) (+4)
La notte (1961) (+4)
L'avventura (+3)
Red Desert (1963) (+3)
Il grido (1957) (+2)

L'eclisse (1962 (+2)
Zabriskie Point (0)

Rainer Werner Fassbinder (+10)
The Marriage of Maria Braun (1979) (+5)
Fox and His Friends (1975) (+3)
Rio das Mortes (+3)
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972) (+3)
World on a Wire (1973) (+2)

Effi Briest (1974) (+1)
I Only Want You to Love Me (-1)
Berlin Alexanderplatz (-3)

Chris Marker (+8)
Level Five (+2)
Le Joli Mai (+1)
Sans Soleil (1983) (+1)
Grin Without a Cat (1977) (+1)
The Last Bolshevik (1993) (+1)

Claire Denis (+8)
35 Shots of Rum (+6)
No Fear, No Die (+4)
The Intruder (+3)
Chocolat (-1)
Friday Night (-1)

Mircea Daneliuc (+8)
Cursa (1975) (+4)
Croaziera (1981) (+3)
Iacob (1988) (+3)
Proba de microfon (1980) (+2)
Vinatoarea de vulpi (+1)

Jerzy Skolimowski (+8)
Deep End (+3)
Four nights with Anna (+2)
The Shout (+1)
Moonlighting (+1)
Essential Killing (0)

Walkover (-1)
Le depart (-1)

Luchino Visconti (+8)
Rocco and His Brothers (+4)
Death in Venice (1974) (+4)
Conversation Piece (1974) (+2)
La terra trema (+2)
L'innocente (1976) (+2)

Ossessione (+1)
The Damned (1969) (0)
The Stranger (1967) (0)
La notti bianche (+1)

Akira Kurosawa (+7)
Red Beard (+3)
Drunken Angel (+3)
The Bad Sleep Well (+3)
Dersu Uzala (+3)
Throne for Blood (+2)

The Hidden Fortress (+2)
The Idiot (+2)
Dodes'ka-den (+1)
The Lower Depths (+1)
Stray Dog (+1)
Rhapsody in August (0)
Madadayo (0)

Maurice Pialat (+7)
Loulou (+4)
Sous le soleil de Satan (+2)
A nos amours (+1)
Van Gogh (+1)
L’enfance nue (0)

Kenji Mizoguchi (+7)
The Life of Oharu (+5)
The Crucified Lovers (+4)
Sisters of the Gion (+3)
Princess Yang Kwei-fei (+3)
The Story of the Last Chrysanthemum (+2)

Nikita Mikhalkov (+7)
Unfinished Piece for the Player Piano (+7)
Burnt by the Sun (+4)
At Home Among Strangers, Stranger at Home (+2)
Close to Eden (+2)
Anna: From Six Till Eighteen (0)

The Barber of Siberia (-2)

Louis Malle (+7)
Lacombe, Lucien (+5)
The Fire Within (+5)
Murmur of the Heart (+4)
Black Moon (+3)
Elevator to the Gallows (+2)

The Lovers (1958) (0)
Atlantic City (eliminat - editia 1)

Bela Tarr (+6)
Werckmeister Harmonies (2000) (+3)
Damnation(1988) (+2)
Almanac of Fall (1984) (+2)
The Prefab People (1982) (+1)
The Man from London (+1)

The Outsider (1981) (+1)
The Turin Horse (2011) (0)
Satantango (-1)

Kira Muratova (+6)
Astenicheskiy Sindrom (The Asthenic Syndrome) (+3)
Nastroyshchik (The Tuner) (+1)
Dolgie Provody (A Long Goodbye) (-1)
Dva v odnom (Two in One) (-1)
Melodiya Dlya Sharmanki (Melody for a Street Organ) (-1)

Raoul Ruiz (+6)
La ville des pirates (+3)
Mysteries of Lisbon (2010) (+1)
Le temps retrouvé (0)
Three Lives and Only One Death (0)
L'éveillé du pont de l'Alma (0)

L'hypothèse du tableau volé (0)
Point de fuite (0)

Manoel de Oliveira (+6)
Belle toujours (+3)
A divina comedia (+2)
Je rentre a la maison (+2)
Voyage to the Beginning of the World (+2)
Vale Abraão (+2)

Aniki Bobo (0)
Inquietude (0)
The Strange Case of Angelica (0)

Claude Chabrol (+6)
L'enfer (+5)
Alice ou la dernière fugue (+3)
Merci pour le chocolat (+2)
Que la bête meure (+2)
Les Noces rouges (+1)

Le boucher (0)
Une affaire de femmes (-1)
La femme infidèle (-1)

Mikio Naruse (+6)
Floating Clouds (+4)
When a woman ascends the stairs (+3)
Flowing (+1)
Sound of the Mountain (+1)
Street Without End (+1)

The Travelling Actors (+1)
Yearning (+1)

Dan Pita (+6)
Faleze de nisip (1983) (+3)
Pas in doi (1986) (+2)
Dreptate in lanturi (1984) (+1)
Duhul aurului (+1)
Pepe si Fifi (1994) (0)

Tanase Scatiu (1978) (0)
Nunta de piatra (-1)

Glauber Rocha (+6)
Black God, White Devil (+4)
Entranced Earth (+2)
Antonio das Mortes (+2)
The Age of the Earth (-1)
Barravento (-1)

Shohei Imamura (+6)
Intentions of Murder (+2)
Vengeance is Mine (+2)
The Eel (+1)
Black Rain (+1)
The Insect Woman (0)

Pigs and Battleships (0)
The Ballad of Narayama (0)
The Pornographers (0)

Sergei Parajanov (+6)
The Legend of Suram Fortress (1986) (+4)
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (1965) (+2)
The Color of Pomegranates (1968) (+1)
A Little Flower on a Stone (1962) (+1)
Ashik Kerib (1988) (0)

Vittorio De Sica (+6)
The Children Are Watching Us (1944) (+3)
Shoeshine (+3)
Miracle in Milan (1951) (+2)
Sunflower (+1)
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (1963) (+1)

Two Women (1960) (+1)
The Garden of the Finzi-Continis (1970) (+1)
A Brief Vacation (+1)

Andrzej Zulawski (+5)
L'important c'est d'aimer (1975) (+2)
Mes nuits sont plus belles que vos jours (1989) (+2)
Possession (1981) (+1)
La femme publique (1984) (+1)
Diabel (1972) (+1)

Alain Resnais (+5)
Mon Oncle d'Amerique (1980) (+5)
Muriel, or The Time of Return (1963) (+4)
Wild Grass (2009) (+2)
La guerre est finie(1966) (+1)
Je t'aime Je t'aime (1968) (0)

Private Fears in Public Places (2006) (0)

Masaki Kobayashi (+5)
Seppuku (1962) (+2)
Kwaidan (1964) (+1)
The Human Condition I: No Greater Love (1959) (0)
The Human Condition II: Road to Eternity (1959) (0)
The Human Condition III: A Soldier's Prayer (1961) (0)

Aki Kaurismäki (+5)
Drifting Clouds (1996) (+6)
Ariel (1988) (+2)
Hamlet Goes Business (1987) (+1)
Rikos ja rangaistus (1983) (+1)
Take Care of Your Scarf, Tatiana (1994) (+1)

Lights in the Dusk (0)
I Hired a Contract Killer (0)

Francesco Rosi (+5)
Three Brothers (+3)
Salvatore Giuliano (+2)
Hands Over the City (+1)
Christ Stopped at Eboli (+1)
Il caso Mattei (0)

Pier Paolo Pasolini (+5)
Accattone (1961) (+5)
Odipo Re (1967) (+3)
Teorema (1968) (+3)
Mamma Roma (1962) (+1)
The Gospel According to St. Matthew (0)

Comizi D'Amore (1965) (0)
The Decameron (-1)
Medea (-1)

Jean Renoir (+5)
This Land Is Mine (1943) (+3)
La Grande illusion (+3)
Boudu sauvé des eaux (+2)
The Rules of the Game (1939) (+1)
The Golden Coach (1952) (+1)

La Marseillaise (1938) (+1)
The Lower Depths (+1)
La Bête Humaine (1938) (0)
Le crime de Monsieur Lange (0)
The River (0)
Le testament du Docteur Cordelier (-1)

Robert Altman (+5)
McCabe & Mrs. Miller (+5)
3 Women (1977) (+4)
The Long Goodbye (+2)
Nashville (+2)
Images (1972) (+2)

That Cold Day in the Park (1969) (0)
Secret Honor (1984) (0)
Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean (1982) (0)
Gosford Park (2001) (0)
California Split (-1)

Lista de eliminati (50) :

Yasujiro Ozu (+5)
I Was Born, But... (+4)
Good Morning (+3)
Tokyo Twilight (+3)
The End of Summer (+2)
Early Summer (+2)
Late Spring (+1)

Jacques Rivette (+5)
La belle noiseuse (1991) (+4)
Va savoir (2001) (+2)
Histoire de Marie et Julien (2003) (+2)
Celine et Julie vont en bateau (+2)
Paris nous appartient (+2)

Leos Carax (+5)
Pola X (1999) (+3)
Les Amants Du Pont Neuf (1991) (+3)
Boy Meets Girl (1984) (+3)
Mauvais Sang (1986) (+2)
Holy Motors (2012) (+1)

Agnes Varda (+5)
Vagabond (+2)
The Gleaners & I (+2)
Cleo from 5 to 7 (+2)
The Beaches of Agnes (+1)
Jacquot de Nantes (+1)

David Cronenberg (+5)
M. Butterfly (+3)
The Dead Zone (+3)
Fast Company (+3)
Crimes of the Future (+2)
Rabid (+2)
Videodrome (1983) (+1)

Robert Bresson (+5)
Lancelot du Lac (+5)
Mouchette (+4)
Les anges du péché (+1)
L'argent (+1)
Les quatre nuits d’un reveur (0)
Un condamné a mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut (eliminat - editia 1)
Pickpocket (eliminat - editia 1)

Luis Buñuel (+4)
The Diary of a Chambermaid (+3)
Simon of the Desert (1965) (+1)
Belle De Jour (+2)
Los olvidados (1950) (+1)
The Exterminating Angel (1962) (0)
That Obscure Object of Desire (+3)
Viridiana (1961) (-1)
La Voie Lactée (+1)
Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie (+1)
Le fantôme de la liberté (+1)

Michael Haneke (+4)
The 7th Continent (+4)
Cache (+1)
Time of the Wolf (+1)
Benny's Video (+2)
Code Inconnu (+1)
Das Schloß (+3)
71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance (+2)
The White Ribbon (0)
Funny Games (+1)

Jules Dassin (+4)
Thieves' Highway (1949) (+3)
The Naked City (1948) (+3)
Rififi (1955) (+3)
Night and the City (1950) (+1)
10:30 P.M. Summer (1966) (+1)
Never on Sunday (+1)
Topkapi (eliminat - editia 1)

Derek Jarman (+4)
The Garden (+2)
Wittgenstein (+2)
Blue (+2)
The Last of England (+2)
The Angelic Conversation (+2)

Marcel Carné (+4)
Le jour se lève (1939) (+2)
Le quai des brumes (1938) (+1)
Thérèse Raquin (+1)
Hôtel du Nord (1938) (0)
Les enfants du paradis (1945) (+1)
Trois chambres a Manhattan(1965) (0)

Semih Kaplanoglu (+4)
Bal (+3)
Süt (+3)
Yumurta (+3)
Melegin düsüsü (+3)
Herkes kendi evinde (+3)

Ken Russell (+4)
Women in Love (1969) (+2)
Altered States (1980) (+2)
The Devils (1971) (+1)
The Music Lovers (1971) (+1)
Gothic (1986) (+1)
Mahler (1974) (+1)
Lisztomania (1975) (+1)

Paul Verhoeven (+4)
Flesh+Blood (+2)
Soldier of Orange (+1)
The Fourth Man (+1)
Turkish Delight (+1)
Black Book (+1)

Nanni Moretti (+3)
The Caiman (2006) (+3)
Bianca (1984) (+3)
Caro diario (1993) (+2)
The Son's Room (2001) (+2)
We Have a Pope (2011) (+2)

Max Ophuls (+3)
La ronde (+2)
Le Plaisir (+1)
The Earrings of Madame de... (1953) (+1)
Lola Montes (1955) (0)
Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948) (0)

Peter Brook (+3)
Lord of the Flies (1963) (+4)
Marat/Sade (1967) (+4)
The Beggar's Opera (1953) (+3)
Moderato cantabile (1960) (+3)
King Lear (1971) (+3)

Marcel Pagnol (+3)
La femme du boulanger (+1)
Manon des sources (+1)
Ugolin (+1)
Cesar (+1)
Le Schpountz (+1)

Philippe Garrel (+3)
Les amants reguliers (+2)
L'enfant secret (+1)
Le revelateur (+1)
The Inner Scar (+1)
Les hautes solitudes (+1)

Jean-Luc Godard (+3)
Every Man for Himself (+1)
Numero deux (+1)
A Woman Is a Woman (0)
La chinoise (+2)
Tout va bien (+1)
2 or 3 Things I Know About Her (0)

Andrzej Wajda (+3)
Czlowiek z zelaza (1981) (+2)
Kanal (1957) (+2)
Danton (1983) (+1)
Czlowiek z marmuru (+1)
Brzezina (1970) (0)
Popiol i diament (1958) (0)

John Sayles (+3)
Matewan (+2)
The Brother from Another Planet (+1)
Men with Guns (+1)
Lianna (+1)
Passion Fish (+1)

Marco Bellocchio (+3)
Vincere (+2)
The Conviction (+1)
Fists in the Pocket (+1)
Devil in the Flesh (+1)
Good Morning, Night (+1)

Federico Fellini (+2)
And the ship sails on (1983) (0)
Il Bidone (1955) (0)
Orchestra Rehearsal (1978) (+2)
Ginger and Fred (1986) (0)
Juliet of the Spirits (1965) (+2)
Satyricon (+1)
Nights of Cabiria (+1)
I vitelloni (+1)

Claude Sautet (+2)
Coeur en hiver (1992) (+3)
Nelly & Monsieur Arnaud (1995) (+3)
Classe tous risques (1960) (+2)
César et Rosalie (1972) (+2)
Vincent, François, Paul... et les autres (1974) (+2)
Les choses de la vie (+1)

Hou Hsiao-Hsien (+2)
Nan guo zai jan, nan guo (Goodbye, South, Goodbye) (+1)
Kôhî jikô (Café Lumiere) (+1)
Lian lian feng chen (Dust in the Wind) (+1)
Bei qing cheng shi (A city of Sadness) (eliminat - editia 1)
Tong nien wang shi (A Time to Live and a Time to Die) (eliminat - editia 1)

Todd Solondz (+2)
Happiness (1998) (+3)
Storytelling (2001) (+1)
Life During Wartime (2009) (+1)
Welcome To The Dollhouse (1995) (0)
Palindromes (2004) (-1)

Jonas Mekas (+2)
Lost, Lost, Lost (+2)
Walden (+2)
As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty (+2)
Correspondencia Jonas Mekas - J.L. Guerin (+2)
The Brig (+2)

Jafar Panahi (+2)
In Film Nist (This is Not a Film) (+2)
Ayneh (Ayna) (+2)
Crimson Gold (+2)
Badkonake Sefid (The White Balloon) (+1)
The Accordion (+1)
Dayereh (The Circle) (eliminat - editia 2)
Ofsayt (Offside) (eliminat - editia 2)

Viktor Kossakovsky (+2)
Ya vas lyubil- Tri Romansa (I Loved You- Three Romances) (+2)
Tishe! (Hush!) (+2)
Belovy (The Belovs) (+2)
Sreda (Wednesday) (+2)
Svyato (+2)

Paul Schrader (+2)
Blue Collar (1978) (+2)
Affliction (1997) (+2)
Light Sleeper (1992) (+2)
Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985) (+2)
Hardcore (1979) (+2)

Dario Argento (+2)
Profondo rosso (+2)
Opera (+2)
Inferno (+1)
The Cat O' Nine Tails (+1)
4 Flies on Grey Velvet (+1)
Tenebre (+2)
The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (+1)

Elia Kazan (+2)
Gentleman's Agreement (1947) (+2)
Boomerang (1947) (+1)
Baby Doll (1956) (+1)
On the Waterfront (1954) (0)
Wild River (1960) (+1)
East of Eden (1955) (+1)

Krzysztof Kieslowski (+2)
Camera Buff (1979) (+1)
No End (1985) (0)
A Short Film About Love(1988) (+3)
A Short Film About Killing(1988) (+3)
Dekalog(1989) (+3)
Three Colors: Red (1994) (+1)
Three Colors: Blue (1993) (+1)
Three Colors: White (1994) (+1)
The Double Life of Veronique (1991) (-1)
Blind Chance (1981) (+1)

Kaneto Shindo (+2)
Kuroneko (+2)
The Naked Island (+2)
Onibaba (+1)
Human (+1)
Postcard (+1)

Paul Thomas Anderson (+2)
Hard Eight(1996) (+2)
Boogie Nights (1997) (+1)
Magnolia (1999) (+1)
Punch Drunk Love (2002) (+1)
There Will Be Blood (2007) (+1)

Eric Rohmer (+2)
La collectionneuse (1967) (+2)
Pauline a la plage (1983) (+2)
Conte de printemps (1990) (+2)
Conte d'hiver (1992) (+3)
L'amour l'apres-midi (1972) (+1)

Sharunas Bartas (+2)
Trys Dienos (Three Days) (+3)
Koridorius (The Corridor) (+3)
A Casa (The House) (+4)
Seven Invisible Men (+2)
Laisve (Freedom) (+2)

Julio Medem (+1)
Vacas (+1)
Earth (+1)
The Red Squirell (+1)
Lovers of the Arctic Circle (+1)
Sex and Lucia (+1)

Chantal Akerman (+1)
A Whole Night (+1)
Night and Day (+1)
The Meetings of Anna (+1)
Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (0)
The Captive (0)

Satyajit Ray (+1)
The Goddess (1960) (+2)
The Big City: Mahanagar (+2)
The Visitor (1991) (+2)
Pather Panchali (1955) (+2)
Aparajito (1956) (+2)
World of Apu (eliminat - editia 1

Dino Risi (+1)
The Easy Life (1962) (+1)
I mostri (+1)
Il giovedi (+1)
A Difficult Life (1961) (+1)
Scent of a Woman (1974) (0)

Shane Meadows (+1)
Dead Man's Shoes (2004) (+2)
Twenty Four Seven (1997) (+1)
A Room For Romeo Brass (1999) (+1)
This Is England (2007) (+1)
Somers Town (2009) (+1)

Apichatpong Weerasethakul (0)
Sang Sattawat (Syndromes and a Century) (+4)
Sud Sanaeha (Blissfully yours) (+3)
Loong Boonmee raleuk chat (Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives) (+2)
Dokfa nai meuman (Mysterious Object at Noon) (+3)
Sud Pralad (Tropical Malady) (0)

Bertrand Blier (0)
Buffet Froid (1979) (+3)
Les Valseuses (1974) (+3)
Tenue de soirée (1985) (+3)
Préparez vos mouchoirs (1978) (+3)
Notre histoire (1984) (+3)

Volker Schlöndorff (0)
Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum (+1)
Der junge Törless (+1)
Die Fälschung (+1)
Die Stille nach dem Schuß (+1)
Der neunte Tag (+1)
Der Fangschuß (1976) (+1)

Reha Erdem (0)
My Only Sunshine (+1)
Times and Winds (+1)
Kosmos (+1)
Oh, Moon! (+1)
What's a Human Anyway? (+1)

Kon Ichikawa (0)
Fires on the Plain (+2)
The Wanderers (+2)
Younger Brother (+2)
An Actor's Revenge (+1)
Tokyo Olympiad (+1)

John Ford (-1)
How green was my valley (1941) (+3)
Fort Apache (1948) (0)
The Quiet Man (1952) (+3)
My Darling Clementine (1946) (-1)
Stagecoach (1939) (+1)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) (+1)
The Searchers (0)

Bill Forsyth (-2)
Housekeeping (+1)
Local Hero (+1)
Gregory's Girl (+1)
That Sinking Feeling (+1)
Comfort and Joy (+1)

Link-uri utile:

Pentru cei noi, pentru a vedea modalitatea de desfasurare a turneului propriu-zis:
Turneu regizori (Editia 1) - Reguli / Rezultate
Turneu regizori (Editia 2) - Reguli / Rezultate

Pentru a vedea modul in care s-a desfasurat selectia in trecut:
Turneu regizori (Editia 1) - Selectie

Last edited by Liviu- : 18 Nov 2012 at 23:26.
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Old 12 Nov 2012, 14:30   #2
The Ultimate Badass
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 4,175
Peter Brook +1

The Beggar's Opera (1953) +1
Moderato cantabile (1960) +1
Lord of the Flies (1963) +1
Marat/Sade (1967) +1
King Lear (1971) +1

Robert Altman +1

That Cold Day in the Park (1969) +1
McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971) +1
Images (1972) +1
Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean (1982) +1
Gosford Park (2001) +1
God ain’t my fucking daddy...

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Old 12 Nov 2012, 14:34   #3
Film Dissection
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Vaslui / Bucuresti
Posts: 3,106
Hiroshi Teshigahara
Woman in the Dunes
The Face of Another
The Man Without a Map

Mikio Naruse
Floating Clouds

Inca n-am vazut niciun film, las un cunoscator sa faca restul selectiei.

Shohei Imamura
Black Rain
Intentions of Murder
The Insect Woman
Pigs and Battleships
The Pornographers

Kon Ichikawa
An Actor's Revenge
Fires on the Plain
Tokyo Olympiad
The Wanderers
Younger Brother

Kenji Mizoguchi
The Life of Oharu
The Story of the Last Chrysanthemum
The Crucified Lovers
Princess Yang Kwei-fei
Sisters of the Gion

Yasujiro Ozu
I Was Born, But...
Good Morning
Tokyo Twilight
The End of Summer
Early Summer

N-am vazut niciun film de mai sus, mai putin Woman in the dunes (de asta le-am si ales, ca vreau sa le vad), asa ca niste feedback n-ar strica unde exista cunoscatori. Poate din toti astia trec macar 1-2.
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Old 12 Nov 2012, 14:40   #4
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Satyajit Ray +1

The Goddess (1960) +1
Pather Panchali (1955) +1
Aparajito (1956) +1
Pather Panchali (1955) +1
The Visitor (1991) +1

Luis Buñuel +1

Viridiana (1961) +1
Los olvidados (1950) +1
The Exterminating Angel (1962) +1
The Diary of a Chambermaid (1964) +1
Simon of the Desert (1965) +1
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Old 12 Nov 2012, 14:43   #5
The Ultimate Badass
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Hiroshi Teshigahara +1

Shohei Imamura +1

Satyajit Ray -1 (încă mai am din dulceața de data trecută, cred că mă ține iarna asta)
God ain’t my fucking daddy...


Last edited by Windom : 12 Nov 2012 at 14:45.
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Old 12 Nov 2012, 15:17   #6
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Viridiana a fost propus(a) de catre un user cu mari remuscari de constiinta (8-|) pt. turneul Iconoclast.
So...Viridiana -1
Belle De Jour +1
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Old 12 Nov 2012, 15:19   #7
Film Dissection
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Originally Posted by White1:
Viridiana a fost propus(a) de catre un user cu mari remuscari de constiinta (8-|) pt. turneul Iconoclast.
So...Viridiana -1

Uhm... esti sigur? Eu nu tin minte.
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Old 12 Nov 2012, 15:21   #8
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Ma refeream la turneul care se desfasoara acum. Sigur, ca eu l-am propus
Le: si Pather Panchali e trecut de doua ori in lista lui Ray, cred ca o data in locul lui The World Of Apu.

Last edited by White1 : 12 Nov 2012 at 15:26.
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Old 12 Nov 2012, 15:23   #9
The Ultimate Badass
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La Altman as vrea sa inlocuiesc McCabe & Mrs. Miller cu Secret Honor (1984), daca e posibil. Ca tot aveam de gind sa-l vad de ceva vreme...
God ain’t my fucking daddy...

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Old 12 Nov 2012, 15:34   #10
Film Dissection
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Originally Posted by White1:
Ma refeream la turneul care se desfasoara acum. Sigur, ca eu l-am propus

Ah, now i see Eu chiar as vrea foarte mult sa-l revad, deci e bine ca l-ai propus dincolo.

Originally Posted by White1:
Le: si Pather Panchali e trecut de doua ori in lista lui Ray, cred ca o data in locul lui The World Of Apu.

Indeed, am uitat sa scriu ceva in sensul asta. Si inca o chestie pt SAMCRO, Ray a participat cu vreo 3 filme in prima editie a turneului. Selectia de filme e ok momentan, ca nu s-au suprapus, doar ca al 5lea sa nu fie unul din chess players, lonely wife sau world of apu.

Originally Posted by Windom:
La Altman as vrea sa inlocuiesc McCabe & Mrs. Miller cu Secret Honor (1984), daca e posibil. Ca tot aveam de gind sa-l vad de ceva vreme...

Ok. Poti pune si mai mult de 5 oricum, in caz ca ai mai multe pe care le-ai vrea si nu te poti decide poti lasa pe altii sa faca diferenta. Momentan scot McCabe, dar daca vrei il poti pune inapoi. E singurul film de Altman pe care as vrea foarte mult sa-l revad.

Last edited by Liviu- : 12 Nov 2012 at 15:39.
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Old 12 Nov 2012, 15:41   #11
The Ultimate Badass
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Baga-l inapoi atunci.
God ain’t my fucking daddy...

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Old 12 Nov 2012, 16:31   #12
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Basically, eu trec aici filme pe care vreau sa le vad:

Raoul Ruiz
L'éveillé du pont de l'Alma
Le temps retrouvé
L'hypothèse du tableau volé
La ville des pirates
Point de fuite

Maurice Pialat
Sous le soleil de Satan
Van Gogh
A nos amours
L’enfance nue

David Cronenberg
Crimes of the Future
The Dead Zone
Fast Company
M. Butterfly

Marcel Pagnol
La femme du boulanger
Manon des sources
Le Schpountz

+1 Shohei Imamura
"And in case I don't see ya: good afternoon, good evening and good night!"
(Jim Carrey - "Truman Show")

Last edited by MinRep : 12 Nov 2012 at 16:33.
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Old 12 Nov 2012, 16:36   #13
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Le: si Pather Panchali e trecut de doua ori in lista lui Ray, cred ca o data in locul lui The World Of Apu.

Din greseala. Imi statea capu' la The World of Apu.

Indeed, am uitat sa scriu ceva in sensul asta. Si inca o chestie pt SAMCRO, Ray a participat cu vreo 3 filme in prima editie a turneului. Selectia de filme e ok momentan, ca nu s-au suprapus, doar ca al 5lea sa nu fie unul din chess players, lonely wife sau world of apu.

The Big City: Mahanagar (1964)

Hiroshi Teshigahara +1
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Old 12 Nov 2012, 17:14   #14
The Ultimate Badass
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Posts: 4,175
Raoul Ruiz +1

mai adaug:

Aki Kaurismäki

Rikos ja rangaistus (1983)
Hamlet Goes Business (1987)
Ariel (1988)
Take Care of Your Scarf, Tatiana (1994)
Drifting Clouds (1996)

Nanni Moretti
The Son's Room (2001)
The Caiman (2006)
Caro diario (1993)
Bianca (1984)
We Have a Pope (2011)
God ain’t my fucking daddy...

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Old 12 Nov 2012, 17:58   #15
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 192
Michelangelo Antonioni

Red Desert (1963)
The Passenger (1975)
Il grido (1957)
L'eclisse (1962
La notte (1961)

Ce-as vrea sa vad:

Alain Resnais

Wild Grass (2009)
Mon Oncle d'Amerique (1980)
Je t'aime Je t'aime (1968)
Muriel, or The Time of Return (1963)
Private Fears in Public Places (2006)

Rainer Werner Fassbinder

The Marriage of Maria Braun (1979)
Effi Briest (1974)
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972)
World on a Wire (1973)
Fox and His Friends (1975)

Jacques Rivette

Va savoir (2001)
Histoire de Marie et Julien (2003)
La belle noiseuse (1991)
? ....

Kenji Mizoguchi +1
Satyajit Ray +1

Viridiana -1
The Diary of a Chambermaid +1
Floating Clouds +1

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Old 12 Nov 2012, 20:57   #16
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Posts: 32

Hou Hsiao-Hsien
Bei qing cheng shi (A city of Sadness)
Nan guo zai jan, nan guo (Goodbye, South, Goodbye)
Kôhî jikô (Café Lumiere)
Tong nien wang shi (A Time to Live and a Time to Die)
Lian lian feng chen (Dust in the Wind)

Derek Jarman
The Garden
The Last of England
The Angelic Conversation

Kira Muratova
Melodiya Dlya Sharmanki (Melody for a Street Organ)
Astenicheskiy Sindrom (The Asthenic Syndrome)
Dolgie Provody (A Long Goodbye)
Dva v odnom (Two in One)
Nastroyshchik (The Tuner)

Viktor Kossakovsky
Ya vas lyubil- Tri Romansa (I Loved You- Three Romances)
Tishe! (Hush!)
Belovy (The Belovs)
Sreda (Wednesday)

Jafar Panahi
In Film Nist (This is Not a Film)
Ayneh (Ayna)
Ofsayt (Offside)
Dayereh (The Circle)
Badkonake Sefid (The White Balloon)

Robert Bresson
Un condamné a mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut
Les anges du péché
Lancelot du Lac


Raoul Ruiz +1
Reiner Werner Fassbinder +1
Peter Brook +1
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Old 12 Nov 2012, 20:59   #17
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Hiroshi Teshigahara +1
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Old 12 Nov 2012, 21:04   #18
Join Date: Sep 2012
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Tong nien wang shi (A Time to Live and a Time to Die)
Un condamné a mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut

Astea parca au fost si la editia trecuta.

Reiner Werner Fassbinder +1
Michelangelo Antonioni +1

Lancelot du Lac +1
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Old 12 Nov 2012, 21:08   #19
The Ultimate Badass
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Derek Jarman +1
Kira Muratova +1
Viktor Kossakovsky +1
Jafar Panahi +1
God ain’t my fucking daddy...

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Old 12 Nov 2012, 21:09   #20
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 192
Robert Bresson +1
Un condamné a mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut -1
Mouchette +1
Lancelot du Lac +1
Pickpocket +1

nominalizez: L'argent (1983)
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