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Old 23 May 2005, 11:54   #661
El Chewbaccabra
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Pana la urma Anakin ii spune lui Padme ca pot conduce galaxia impreuna, aratandu-ne adevaratele lui intentii. The Dark side exista deja in el. Era destinul lui. De aceea el este cel care a adus balance to the force. Pentru ca reprezenta atat the dark side cat si the light. Dorinta de a o salva pe Padme era doar o scuza sa se manifeste astfel fara ca propria constiinta sa-i faca probleme. Insa dragostea asta a fost adevarata, si datorita ei s-au nascut Luke si Leia care pana la urma il vor aduce pe calea cea dreapta. Pana la urma dragostea l-a salvat.
:love: Cel putin asta alege sa creada the hopeless romantic in me. :love:
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Old 23 May 2005, 11:54   #662
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Originally Posted by Lady_Skar:
Atat timp cat va exista mentalitatea asta "one or the other" nu va exista echilibru in forta.
Totusi stim ca in "Return of the Jedi" se va termina cu bine :w00t: . The balance is restored to the force! Darth Vader se intoarce la calea cea dreapta in final. Si iar trebuie sa se sacrifice . Personajul meu favorit EVER!!!!
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Old 23 May 2005, 12:36   #663
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Un articol din "NY Times", ceva mai dificil pentru spectatorul obisnuit, despre muzica lui John Williams din acest "Revenge of the Sith":


Merita citit. S-ar putea sa fie nevoie sa va inscrieti pe site...

Box-Office results...
Estimare S.U.A.: $158,5 milioane (record!)
Estimare worldwide: $303,2 milioana (aproape de trei ori bugetul filmului)
S-au scos...
"And in case I don't see ya: good afternoon, good evening and good night!"
(Jim Carrey - "Truman Show")
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Old 23 May 2005, 15:11   #664
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nu ma mai inscriu? ce zice acolo in mare? e de bine?

50 de milioane in prima zi e 'revoltator', cu 10 milioane mai mult decat shrek 2.
124 in 3 zile, mai mult decat 114 ale lui spider-man.
si 158 in 4 zile este un record, nu uita, pg-13.
lord of the rings a avut audienta generala.

dar totusi, hayden christensen n-are voce, e cabral pe fatza.
I'll festoon my bed-chamber with your guts!!!
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Old 23 May 2005, 16:05   #665
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Originally Posted by GhitzaCartitza:
Darth Vader se intoarce la calea cea dreapta in final. Si iar trebuie sa se sacrifice

hm. mie imi place sa cred ca vader pur si simplu intre imparat si luke, l-a ales pe luke, nu ca s-a intors pe calea cea dreapta. hai sa zicem ca asta ii place sa creada villain-ului din me.
Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?
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Old 23 May 2005, 16:21   #666
El Chewbaccabra
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^ nu vrea sa supar villain-ul din tine , dar Anakin ii spune lui Luke: "You were right about me. Tell your sister you were right. "

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Old 23 May 2005, 16:27   #667
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pai zice asta legat de replica lui luke : "my father is truly dead"
serios acuma, stiu ca in final, teoretic, vader se intoarce la light side. doar ca e putin cam aiurea. cand light, cand dark, cand light. stick with your choices damn it.
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Old 23 May 2005, 16:33   #668
El Chewbaccabra
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Originally Posted by Longshot:
pai zice asta legat de replica lui luke : "my father is truly dead"
serios acuma, stiu ca in final, teoretic, vader se intoarce la light side. doar ca e putin cam aiurea. cand light, cand dark, cand light. stick with your choices damn it.

Teoria mea este ca amandoua fac parte din natura lui si de aceea el este the ONE la care se referea profetia aia dementa.
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Old 23 May 2005, 17:19   #669
The White Rider
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@ lady skar
TEMA filmului este dragostea. Totul se intampla datorita faptului k Anakin o iubeste atat de mult pe Padme incat e in stare sa preia controlul asupra galaxiei numai ca sa stie ca o va putea iubi. Nu sunt de acord cand zici k iubirea ptr Padme a fost doar o scuza. Nu e deloc adevarat.

@ longshot
in varianta "remastered" knd Vader il ia pe sus pe imparat si se electrocuteaza aparea adevarata fata a lui vader ... un schelet kre zici ca e luat din jocurile cu zombie. Acolo toata rautatea lui dispare. Dupa cum am zis gresheala imparatului din ESB este ca ii spune lui Vader k Luke e fiul lui si sa "search ur FEELINGS lord vader and you will know it to be true" ... Un sith nu tre sa apeleze la sentimente... si de aici the "fall" to the light side incepe ... mai intai prin faptul k il vrea pe Luke alaturi de el sa conduca GALAXIA.

despre ROTS mai am de spus ceva despre scena de pe balcon.
"so love has blinded you ? ...
you're so beautiful because i'm so in love with you" ... asta e lingvistica curata si nu reiese decat ca ea e frumoasa doar k o iubeshte el ... altfel era nashpeta.

@ minrep
sa ne dai si noua paste la articolu' ala la kre toata lumea a zis k nu merge citit ...

@ chantal
aberezi de nu mai shtii cum te cheama ... "i can't watch this ..." ptr k il durea ... si apoi il implora pe Yoda sa se duca sa-l omoare el pe Palpatine pentru ca nu il poate infrunta pe Anakin ptr ca ii este ca un frate. De asta incearca sa-l si salveze dar e prea tarziu cand vede ce ii face lu' Padme si el zice k "he stands for the Republic , for democracy" ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 23 May 2005, 17:29   #670
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by bill_the_butcher:
dar totusi, hayden christensen n-are voce, e cabral pe fatza.
Ai dreptul la o gresheala ca poate nu ai vut de unde citi acest lucru.
Fiecare replica din punct de vedere al intonatiei si al tonalitatii a fost in parte analizat sa iasa asha cum master Lucas a dorit. fapt pentru care a angajat un "dialogue trainer" care a lucrat cot la cot cu el si a scos din actori ce a vrut el.

Acest lucru poarta meritul pentru "jocul" lui Ewan care a impresionat prin lejeritatea cu care a readus personajul lui old Ben Kenobi in ROTS.
In momentul in care Anakin vb de "we will rule the galaxy together" ... si are vocea calma si subtire - la fel. Pare penibil dar nu e deloc. Tot ceea ce este in film nu este intamplator. Asha a vrut Lucas sa iasa filmul si asha a ieshit. il doare pe el in cur de noi. Uitatzi-va vcatzi bani a scos.
Shi ca sa mai dau un exemplu - scena in care Anakin intra in "birou" la viceroy Gunray (scena avea initial o mashinutza neagra care intra in birou inaintea lui) ... intr-un interviu difuzat ... a aratat cum lui nu i-a convenit acest lucru si dintr-o mashinutza - a scos 5-6 care merg in directii diferite. Un exemplu simplu, foarte nesemnificativ dar care l-a multumit foarte mult pe Lucas. YOU JUST CAN'T ARGUE WITH THAT.
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 23 May 2005, 18:19   #671
El Chewbaccabra
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Dragostea pentru Padme este adevarata dar nu este in nici un caz cauza decaderii lui. Asta este tot ce voiam sa demonstrez.
Anakin ar fi trecut la dark side indiferent daca era indragostit de Padme sau nu. Dar relatia asta a dus la ultimatum-ul lui Yoda si restul e istorie.
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 23 May 2005, 19:48   #672
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Originally Posted by Lady_Skar:
Dragostea pentru Padme este adevarata dar nu este in nici un caz cauza decaderii lui. Asta este tot ce voiam sa demonstrez.
Anakin ar fi trecut la dark side indiferent daca era indragostit de Padme sau nu. Dar relatia asta a dus la ultimatum-ul lui Yoda si restul e istorie.

Yoda:" Fear of loose is a way to the dark side. Death is a natural part of life. Attachement leads to jealousy. The shodow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."
Nu mi se pare ca suna a ultimatum. Eu sunt sigur ca Anakin a trecut to the dark side numai pt a o salva pe Padme!
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Old 23 May 2005, 19:55   #673
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"It's all a matter of your point of view"

Este marfa ca Star Wars lasa atata loc pentru discutii.
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Old 23 May 2005, 20:33   #674
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Articolul la care m-am referit mai sus... E un pic cam tehnic (si cam lung --- de aceea nu i-am dat diredt copy-paste), dar iti lasa o idee generala despre muzica din "Sith", sursele de inspiratie etc.

Emotions of 'Sith,' Carried by Score

Published: May 23, 2005

hough there are vocal dissenters, most film critics and "Star Wars" buffs seem pleased with the last installment of the epic, "Episode III - Revenge of the Sith." George Lucas has received his highest praise since the first "Star Wars" film in 1977. Some critics have even conceded significant improvement in the acting of the handsome Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker.

But the member of the creative team whose contributions are largely being taken for granted is the composer John Williams. Music plays almost throughout the entire movie, and much of the emotional resonance critics are finding is stoked by Mr. Williams's surprisingly subdued and murky score, especially during the scenes of intimate human drama, such as they are. If you get involved in the fretful exchanges between Anakin and his love-struck young wife, Padmé (Natalie Portman), or if you are hooked by the dilemma of the Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor), who yearns to believe in his disciple Anakin but senses the young warrior's rebellion, Mr. Williams deserves much of the credit.

Although Mr. Williams became a household name for "Star Wars" in the late 1970's, many critics poked fun at him for the comic-book excess of his scores. True, he was no Bernard Herrmann or Elmer Bernstein. But even in Mr. Williams's pre-"Jaws" days, when he was churning out disaster-flick music ("The Towering Inferno"), his work was thoroughly professional. At a time when synthesized film music was ascendant, he re-embraced the symphonic film score. Still, with all their bombastic blather, the early "Star Wars" scores invited kidding.

Mr. Williams has grown since then. The score to "E. T." shifted mood effortlessly, from tenderness to wonderment to opulently lyrical and unabashed emotion.

In "A. I." Mr. Williams made savvy use of metrically fractured rhythmic writing and percussion instruments to evoke the android world. The music during the film's "Hide and Seek" sequence, when the robot boy David plays games with his adoptive mother, who at this early stage of the story is still smitten with him, is especially ingenious. Built from gentle melodic riffs, including children's piano-practice tunes, quizzical harmonies and asymmetrical phrases, the music is at once beguiling and unsettling.

The score to "Catch Me if You Can," in keeping with its story about an ingenious young charlatan, is like jazzy, elusive chamber music. Here Mr. Williams proves adept at the less-is-more approach to film scoring.

Mr. Williams, with his suction-cup ear, has always been better at evoking existing styles than at conveying an original voice - a voice like that of Thomas Newman, the classiest current film composer, whose richly harmonic and often quirky music ("The Shawshank Redemption," "Finding Nemo") is unmistakable. Still, evocation is one way to practice the film music craft, and in "Revenge of the Sith" Mr. Williams demonstrates his acute evocative skills.

The film begins, as it must, with his swashbuckling "Star Wars" theme playing as the credits roll by. But soon into the story (the second track on the Sony Classical recording of the score) you hear the haunting music for "Anakin's Dream." Seized with nightmarish premonitions that his pregnant wife will die in childbirth, Anakin sleeps fitfully while the quietly ominous music stirs primordially in the background.

There are hints of Ligeti-like atmospherics (surely Mr. Williams's homage to "2001") and echoes of Samuel Barber in the pungently chromatic harmony. A lacy theme is passed back and forth between solo string instruments. You may not remember this elusive melody when you leave the theater, but it conveys Anakin's inner doubts and longing for repose.

In an episode called "Battle of the Heroes," Mr. Williams has his "Carmina Burana" moment, complete with pummeling rhythms and a distant chorus intoning mournful ah's and ritualistic oh's - a hokey device. In "Palpatine's Teachings" he evokes, or so it seems, Tibetan Buddhist chanting, with sustained moans in low male voices, tinkling percussion (like finger cymbals) and ruminative string writing.

The whole "Star Wars" epic has been likened to Wagner's "Ring" cycle. In the earlier films Mr. Williams certainly adopted the Wagnerian technique of using identifying themes (leitmotifs) to mark the appearances of specific characters, symbols and plot lines, though in the most thumping and heavy-handed way.

In the new film, when Anakin is on the brink of becoming Darth Vader, you know what's coming, and it comes: the treading "Darth Vader" theme, as much a trademark of the "Star Wars" enterprise as Han Solo action figures. But in general, Mr. Williams uses the leitmotif technique with greater subtlety here. Hints of themes thread through the score - in inner voices, in wayward bass lines.

There is even an episode called "The Immolation Scene," an overt reference to Wagner's "Götterdämmerung." Having lost the ultimate light saber duel to Obi-Wan, Anakin starts slipping into a molten pool of volcanic muck. The Jedi master watches in despair as he allows the student he once loved, the chosen one who has turned to the dark side, to meet his fate (or so he assumes). Mr. Williams sensitively underplays this scene, writing wistful, aching music, a sort of sci-fi Sibelius.

The score is marred by formulaic bits. I wish Mr. Williams didn't signal every scene change with an orchestral crescendo. But since the story is told in innumerable scenes that come and go abruptly, Mr. Williams may be hoping that a sudden rush of intense orchestral music will make the constant scene shifts seem inevitable.

Some film composers command your attention - with sweeping grandeur (Maurice Jarre's score for "Lawrence of Arabia"), with wistful lyricism (Elmer Bernstein's melancholic music for "To Kill a Mockingbird"). Mr. Williams is at his best when he thinks no one is paying much attention.

His concert pieces, like "Soundings," composed for the opening of the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, tend to be bustling, extroverted and eager to please. But film music can offer a composer an artful way to stay in the background. Mr. Williams practices that art admirably in "Revenge of the Sith."
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Old 23 May 2005, 20:53   #675
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Am gasit o lista cu scenele sterse la montaj. Las lista in engleza pt. ca multi dintre voi am vazut ca nu au nevoie de traducere

6, 7, 8-14, 25, 30, 32, 37-41: FedCruiser scenes cut (Grievous killing Shaak Ti, the Jedi using their lightsabers to escape GG, underwater swim, climb through shaft, many of R2's hangar gags, many Palpatine cliffhangers)

48: Mace greets Palpatine and the Jedi right after the crash-landing

56: Yoda, Obi-Wan and Mace discuss the Dark Side in Yoda's quarters

60: Bail and fellow Senators speak about the Senate

68-69: Obi-Wan tells Padme of his worries about Anakin and that he nows they're in love

71: Meeting with Organa, Mon Mothma and Padme

73: Anakin informs Palpatine that Obi-Wan soon will have Grievous' head

74: Jar Jar greets Anakin at Senate

75: Anakin confronts Padme

76-77: Republic cruiser arrives at Utapau

83: Obi-Wan chooses his lizard, Boga

86: Mace talks to Yoda on Kashyyyk, telling him of his plans to arrest Palpatine

88-89: Padme presents to Palpatine the Senators' petition

93: Utapau windmill

121: "crazy" Yoda and Chewbacca ambush an AT-ST

176: Yoda lands on Dagobah

Poate aceste scene le vom vedea in varianta de DVD.
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Old 23 May 2005, 21:51   #676
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Lady_Skar:
Anakin ar fi trecut la dark side indiferent daca era indragostit de Padme sau nu. Dar relatia asta a dus la ultimatum-ul lui Yoda si restul e istorie.
ee un anumit fragment in care Palpatine ii vb lu Anakin de tragedia lui Darth Pagueis ... si ii zici cu o asemenea expresivitate "he could even keep the ones he cared about FROM DYING" ... aici totul se raporteaza la Padme. Anakin trecea la dark side numai dk Palpatine il influentza cu consiliu si il mintea si mai mult ca JEDI don't trust him. Dar cu tot procesul de fall to the dark side ... el tot o iubea pe PADME - ceea ce l-ar fi putut salva - eventually.
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 23 May 2005, 21:55   #677
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by GhitzaCartitza:
Pana la urma Padme a murit din cauza lui Anakin. Viziunile lui erau adevarate dar le-a interpretat gresit. Dorinta de a o salva a dus la pierderea ei. Daca ar fi urmat sfatul lui Yoda, ea ar fi trait. Asta e partea tragica.
Viziunea a fost de fapt viitorul. el credea ca tot ce face va duce la salvarea ei dar dimpotriva a dus exact la ceea ce a vazut el in visele sale. Moartea ei.

mentionai k pe Utapu system ... Grevious se reparase. El tusheshte pana in momentul in kre il provoaca pe Obi Wan la duel.
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 23 May 2005, 22:02   #678
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by GhitzaCartitza:
Am gasit o lista cu scenele sterse la montaj. Las lista in engleza pt. ca multi dintre voi am vazut ca nu au nevoie de traducere

6, 7, 8-14, 25, 30, 32, 37-41: FedCruiser scenes cut (Grievous killing Shaak Ti, the Jedi using their lightsabers to escape GG, underwater swim, climb through shaft, many of R2's hangar gags, many Palpatine cliffhangers)

48: Mace greets Palpatine and the Jedi right after the crash-landing

56: Yoda, Obi-Wan and Mace discuss the Dark Side in Yoda's quarters

60: Bail and fellow Senators speak about the Senate

68-69: Obi-Wan tells Padme of his worries about Anakin and that he nows they're in love

71: Meeting with Organa, Mon Mothma and Padme

73: Anakin informs Palpatine that Obi-Wan soon will have Grievous' head

74: Jar Jar greets Anakin at Senate

75: Anakin confronts Padme

76-77: Republic cruiser arrives at Utapau

83: Obi-Wan chooses his lizard, Boga

86: Mace talks to Yoda on Kashyyyk, telling him of his plans to arrest Palpatine

88-89: Padme presents to Palpatine the Senators' petition

93: Utapau windmill

121: "crazy" Yoda and Chewbacca ambush an AT-ST

176: Yoda lands on Dagobah

Poate aceste scene le vom vedea in varianta de DVD.
Unde le-ai gasit si de ce nu apare Qui Gon Jin in nici una din ele ? dupa ce Yoda ii zice lu' Obi wan de Qui Gon automat te ashtepti la Deleted Scenes.
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 23 May 2005, 22:32   #679
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Originally Posted by Lady_Skar:
Anakin ar fi trecut la dark side indiferent daca era indragostit de Padme sau nu. Dar relatia asta a dus la ultimatum-ul lui Yoda si restul e istorie.

Dupa cum cunoastem din episoadele urmatoarele,trebuia sa se intample lucrul asta.Padme a murit din cauza lui Anakin ca a strans-o de gat fara maini,ci cu puterea lui de jedi.Oricum,cel mai tare dintre toate a fost filmul si multe scene de actiune.
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Old 24 May 2005, 07:16   #680
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
mentionai k pe Utapu system ... Grevious se reparase. El tusheshte pana in momentul in kre il provoaca pe Obi Wan la duel.

nu am mentionat. am spus ca asa mi s-a parut. daca tu l-ai revazut si inca tuseste atunci e totul clar. my bad.
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