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Old 20 Sep 2008, 07:00   #1241
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phaa, uite aici barbat... pe cand o sa vrei sa faci saltul calitativ.

Era ninja. Era Kuji-kiri, si dincolo de Kuji-Kiri, era Kobudera, de care se temea pana si al sau sensei Kan-aku na ninjutsu. Era magie.

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Old 20 Sep 2008, 21:27   #1242
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absolut oribile, atât modul tãu de adresare cât ºi videoclipurile tale.

am cãutat un Juan Gabriel care sã se audã acceptabil: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn46r...eature=related

el ºi Andrea Bocelli sunt douã dintre iubirile mele: "Vivo por ella" (trãiesc pentru ea): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfZPijul8Q8 - nu am ascultat niciodatã un cântec mai emoþionat dedicat... Muzicii. :love:
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Old 20 Sep 2008, 21:35   #1243
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ºi un bonus: Andrea Bocelli & Zucchero - "Miserere": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_KVsJLFxz0

Miserere, miserere
Miserere, misero me
Pero' brindo alla vita!

Ma che mistero,e'la mia vita
Che mistero
Sono un peccatore dell'anno ottantamila
Un menzognero!
Ma dove sono e cosa faccio
Come vivo?
Vivo nell'anima del mondo
Perso nel vivere profondo!

Miserere,misero me
Pero'brindo alla vita!

Io sono il santo che ti ha tradito
quando eri solo
E vivo altrove e osservo il mondo
Dal cielo
E vedo il mare e le foreste
vedo me che....

Vivo nell'anima del mondo
Perso nel vivere profondo!

Miserere,misero me
Pero'brindo alla vita!

Se c'e' una notte buia abbastanza
Da nascondermi,nascondermi
Se c'e' una luce,una speranza
Sole magnifico che splendi dentro di me
Dammi la gioia di vivere che ancora non c'e'

Quella gioia di vivere(che forse)
Ancora non c'e
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Old 21 Sep 2008, 12:39   #1244
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vExcuse-moi milady. Trebuie sa ma resemnez ca gusturile noastre muzicale nu se vor intersecta niciodata, cel mult scuipa de peste gard.

"absolut oribile, atât modul tãu de adresare"

absolut oribil ca ma gasesti oribil.

"cât ºi videoclipurile tale"


Juan Gabriel, Andrea Bocelli... observ o paleta foarte larga: balade planse si plansete-n balade. nici o melodie cu ritm. nu-ti place sa te misti? de ce nu-ti place? mie poti sa-mi spui totul... ce se afla-n spatele acestei fetze?

" nu am ascultat niciodatã un cântec mai emoþionat dedicat... Muzicii."

sper ca n-ul ala e doar o scapare. alfel...

oricum probabil mai ai foarte multa muzica de ascultat.

"Vivo por ella" (trãiesc pentru ea) daa? credeam ca inseamna: o vad pe Ella...
Era ninja. Era Kuji-kiri, si dincolo de Kuji-Kiri, era Kobudera, de care se temea pana si al sau sensei Kan-aku na ninjutsu. Era magie.

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Old 21 Sep 2008, 15:38   #1245
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hei lasã cã nu e atât de tragic, ar fi plictisitor sã gândim cu toþii la fel, sã aveam aceleaºi pasiuni.

pãrerea mea este cã-n viaþã trebuie sã experimentezi cât mai mult, ºi-n cât mai multe domenii, e o lume de iubit ºi cunoscut nu de condamnat.

uite aici un link despre Tibet : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RUBqgltwq0
acum ceva luni am vãzut un film despre Tibet, Dreaming Lhasa (2005), film care mi-a schimbat (în sens negativ) opiniile. drept urmare, pentru a-i înþelege mai bine pe oamenii ãia mi-am descãrcat un audiobook, "The Universe in a Single Atom - Dalai Lama".

sunt curioasã despre ce sunt toate cântecele alea.
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Old 21 Sep 2008, 18:48   #1246
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eu tin cu chinezii. bine le-a facut la sectantii aia. The Universe in a Single Bottom - Dalai Lama".

the former heavyweight champion of the world...
the Dancing Destroyer...
the King of Sting...
the Count of Monte Fisto--
- You think you have enough names? - Be patient. We're almost done.
The Master of Disaster, the one and only, Apollo Creed!
Era ninja. Era Kuji-kiri, si dincolo de Kuji-Kiri, era Kobudera, de care se temea pana si al sau sensei Kan-aku na ninjutsu. Era magie.

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Old 24 Sep 2008, 18:13   #1247
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Testament-Formation Of Damnation
Fear Factory
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Old 24 Sep 2008, 22:09   #1248
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toti oameni sunt cu 2 fetze si eu sunt om,asa ca nu te astepta la mai mult de la mine
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Old 25 Sep 2008, 12:06   #1249
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ce superpula mea nu pune-ti linkuri? e asa greu? ce credeti ca o sa caute cineva dupa manelele voastre, doar ca le-ati afisat voi???
asa scriu si eu youtube... vedeti voi pe acolo, va descurcati...

adica asa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbvHY3pgKp4

pastele masii ca tre sa le explici ca la handicapatii analfabeti...

itz izi 'en iu nou hau...
Era ninja. Era Kuji-kiri, si dincolo de Kuji-Kiri, era Kobudera, de care se temea pana si al sau sensei Kan-aku na ninjutsu. Era magie.

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Old 25 Sep 2008, 13:49   #1250
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ca sa ne gasesti mai usor manelele:


:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Old 25 Sep 2008, 17:59   #1251
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eh, gusturile proaste nu se discuta, se dispretuiesc si se urineaza pe proprietar, cum zice un vechi proverb...

jedan, dva, tri...

Era ninja. Era Kuji-kiri, si dincolo de Kuji-Kiri, era Kobudera, de care se temea pana si al sau sensei Kan-aku na ninjutsu. Era magie.

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Old 25 Sep 2008, 19:13   #1252
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nu ma mai joc daca nu traduci. :-(

ce-ar fi sa organizam un concurs din acela de golit... pahare, dupa ce-o sta vinu'din fiert :lol:


"Right to the left"

There is a big table In a big room
Crowded with people
The host leaning over it
Hits the glass with a spoon
Silence! I’d like to make a toast
Let’s drink to the country we are living in
Yo man you’re right
Let’s drink to that
And who will not join us
Let’s bit him up
Right to the left
Drink my man!
We know that all well that ends well
There was a herring on the table
Mr. Zdzxichu spotted it
And he got it right
That the fish likes to swim
He stood up to make a new toast
To the family’s holy thing
And parents-in-law as well
Family is our strength
Yo man you are right
Let’s drink to that
Today the teens are not the same
Stachu was complaining
But he waved his hand
And spilt the borsch all over the Lady
It’s not a problem ‘cause
One can take off the clothes
And one can make a toast
To good manners
Yo man You’re right… Mr. Kazio’s turn is now
So he took off his tie ‘cause it makes him look older and though he was tipsy he stood up with nobody’s help
Stammering, he gave a sign
To drink to Miss Mania’s tits
Yo man You’re right…
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Old 25 Sep 2008, 20:36   #1253
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Pravdiloda daye bre
jek kalo sabata. x2
Alo mange liloro,
me ki vojska te dzav. x2

Uke kotar daye bre
jekh kalo pampuri. x2
Amaneti daye,
te mishta menaya.

Ederlezi avela,
me khere na sijom. x2
ala loko nashti ljam
me dayatar me dade. x2

Ma rov daye gudlije,
pale ka avav mange. x2
Ederlezi ka avel,
meda kere ka avav. x2

My own mother (daye)
Black (kalo) day has come.
Now it's time for me (mange)
to go to the army (vojska).

Mother, black (kalo) man came
And took away your son.
I leave my son to you
Take care for him strongly.

And on St. George's Day (Ederlezi)
I will not be at home
Era ninja. Era Kuji-kiri, si dincolo de Kuji-Kiri, era Kobudera, de care se temea pana si al sau sensei Kan-aku na ninjutsu. Era magie.

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Old 25 Sep 2008, 20:43   #1254
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ce e ghiveciul asta?! nu pricep nimic...
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Old 25 Sep 2008, 20:45   #1255
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jesus... uita-te mai bine...
Era ninja. Era Kuji-kiri, si dincolo de Kuji-Kiri, era Kobudera, de care se temea pana si al sau sensei Kan-aku na ninjutsu. Era magie.

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Old 25 Sep 2008, 20:53   #1256
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m-am uitat.

uite-aici traducere: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wHDp...eature=related.

hai cã bag la un Kusturica, mi s-a deschis apetitu' cu linkurile astea . :love:
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Old 26 Sep 2008, 03:39   #1257
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3 words: Neutral Milk Hotel


PS: De fapt, intreg albumul "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea" este o opera de geniu.
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Old 26 Sep 2008, 07:23   #1258
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ce de c**** a ajuns topicu' asta.
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Old 26 Sep 2008, 11:51   #1259
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Diamanda Galas: Gloomy sunday...si atat !!!

Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder
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Old 26 Sep 2008, 13:06   #1260
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da, ma, vine cate unu si se-mpute fara nici o explicatie...

Era ninja. Era Kuji-kiri, si dincolo de Kuji-Kiri, era Kobudera, de care se temea pana si al sau sensei Kan-aku na ninjutsu. Era magie.

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